1 out for something
adj infmlThe new dictionary of modern spoken language > out for something
2 out
out [aʊt]1 adverbA.∎ to go out sortir;∎ she ran/limped/strolled out elle est sortie en courant/en boitant/sans se presser;∎ I met her on my way out je l'ai rencontrée en sortant;∎ out you go! sortez!, hors d'ici!, allez, hop!;∎ the cork popped out le bouchon sauta;∎ she took out a gun elle a sorti un révolver;∎ I had my camera out ready j'avais sorti mon appareil;∎ familiar I'm out of here je me casse;∎ familiar let's get out of here allez, on se casse(b) (away from home, office etc)∎ Mr Powell's out, do you want to leave a message? M. Powell est sorti, voulez-vous laisser un message?;∎ she's out a lot in the daytime elle est souvent absente pendant la journée;∎ she's out picking mushrooms elle est sortie (pour aller) cueillir des champignons;∎ a search party is out looking for them une équipe de secours est partie à leur recherche;∎ to eat out aller au restaurant;∎ it's a long time since we had an evening out ça fait longtemps que nous ne sommes pas sortis;∎ he stayed out all night il n'est pas rentré de la nuit;∎ the children are playing out in the street les enfants jouent dans la rue;∎ familiar to be out to lunch (out of touch with reality) être à côté de la plaque(c) (no longer attending hospital, school etc) sorti;∎ she's out of hospital now elle est sortie de l'hôpital maintenant;∎ what time do you get out of school? à quelle heure sors-tu de l'école?;∎ he's out in September (of prisoner) il sort en septembre∎ he was looking out at the people in the street il regardait les gens qui passaient dans la rue;∎ I stared out of the window je regardais par la fenêtre;∎ the bedroom looks out onto open fields la chambre donne sur les champs(e) (in the open air) dehors;∎ to sleep out dormir dehors;∎ it's cold out il fait froid dehors;∎ it's colder inside than out il fait plus froid à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur(f) (indicating distance from land, centre, town etc)∎ we were two days out from Portsmouth nous étions à deux jours de Portsmouth;∎ on the trip out à l'aller;∎ they live a long way out ils habitent loin du centre;∎ out in the country dans la campagne;∎ she's out in Africa elle est en Afrique;∎ out there là-bas∎ she stuck her tongue out at me elle m'a tiré la langue;∎ he lay stretched out on the bed il était allongé (de tout son long) sur le lit;∎ hold your arms/your hand out tendez les bras/la mainB.∎ she handed out some photocopies elle a distribué des photocopies;∎ the letter was sent out yesterday la lettre a été postée hier;∎ the book is out (borrowed from library) le livre est en prêt(b) (indicating source of light, smell, sound etc)∎ it gives out a lot of heat ça dégage beaucoup de chaleur;∎ music blared out from the radio la radio hurlait(c) (loudly, audibly)∎ read out the first paragraph lisez le premier paragraphe à haute voix;∎ I was thinking out loud je pensais tout hautC.∎ traitors out! les traîtres, dehors!;∎ throw him out! jetez-le dehors!∎ get out before it's too late abandonne avant qu'il ne soit trop tard;∎ you can count me out ne comptez plus sur moi;∎ familiar I want out! je laisse tomber!∎ put or turn the lights out éteignez les lumières;∎ to stub out a cigarette écraser une cigarette∎ to knock sb out assommer qn, mettre qn K-O;∎ several people passed out plusieurs personnes se sont évanouies∎ the stain will wash out la tache partira au lavageD.(a) (revealed, made public)∎ the secret is out le secret a été éventé;∎ word is out that he's going to resign le bruit court qu'il va démissionner;∎ the truth will out la vérité se saura;∎ we must stop the news getting out nous devons empêcher la nouvelle de s'ébruiter;∎ familiar out with it! alors, t'accouches?(b) (published, on sale)∎ is her new book/film/record out? est-ce que son nouveau livre/film/disque est sorti?;∎ the new model will be or come out next month le nouveau modèle sort le mois prochain(c) (with superlative) familiar (in existence) it's the best computer out c'est le meilleur ordinateur qui existe□ ;∎ she's the biggest liar out c'est la pire menteuse qui soit□E.∎ the tide's on its way out la mer se retire, la marée descend(a) (flowering) en fleurs;∎ the daffodils/cherry trees are out les jonquilles/cerisiers sont en fleurs∎ the sun is out il y a du soleil;∎ the moon is out la lune s'est levée;∎ the stars are out on voit les étoiles∎ before the year is out avant la fin de l'année(d) (on strike) en grève;∎ the dockers have been out for a month les dockers sont en grève depuis un mois;∎ everybody out! tout le monde en grève!∎ if you score less than 3 points you're out si on marque moins de 3 points on est éliminé;∎ the ball was out la balle était dehors ou sortie, la balle était faute;∎ she went out in the first round elle a été éliminée au premier tour;∎ not out (in cricket) = encore au guichet (à la fin de l'innings, de la journée)∎ the tide's out la marée est basse∎ your calculations are (way) out, you're (way) out in your calculations vous vous êtes (complètement) trompé dans vos calculs;∎ I've checked the figures but I'm still £50 out j'ai vérifié les chiffres mais il manque toujours 50 livres;∎ it's a few inches out (too long) c'est trop long de quelques centimètres; (too short) c'est trop court de quelques centimètres;∎ it's only a few inches out c'est bon à quelques centimètres près;∎ the shot was only a centimetre out le coup n'a manqué le but que d'un centimètre∎ that plan's out because of the weather ce projet est à l'eau à cause du temps∎ long hair's (right) out les cheveux longs c'est (carrément) dépassé(j) (indicating aim, intent)∎ to be out to do sth avoir l'intention de faire qch;∎ we're out to win nous sommes partis pour gagner;∎ to be out to get sb en avoir après qn;∎ to be out for sth vouloir qch;∎ she was out for a good time elle cherchait à s'amuser;∎ she's out for the presidency elle vise le poste de président;∎ he's just out for himself il ne s'intéresse qu'à lui-même;∎ he's only out for what he can get il ne cherche qu'à servir ses propres intérêts∎ to be out être K-O(l) (extinguished) éteint;∎ the fire was out le feu était éteint3 noun(a) (way of escape) échappatoire f(b) Typography bourdon m∎ to be on the outs être brouillé avec qn∎ (over and) out! terminé!familiar hors de;∎ she went out that door elle est sortie par cette porte;∎ look out the window regarde par la fenêtre(expose) dénoncer;∎ to out sb (reveal to be homosexual) révéler que qn est homosexuel;∎ to out sb as a spy dénoncer qn en tant qu'espion∎ where have you been? - oh, out and about où étais-tu? - oh, je suis allé faire un tour;∎ out and about in Amsterdam dans les rues d'Amsterdam∎ she came out of the office elle est sortie du bureau;∎ he ran/limped/strolled out of the office il est sorti du bureau en courant/en boitant/sans se presser;∎ to look/to fall out of a window regarder/tomber par une fenêtre;∎ take your hands out of your pockets! sors ou ôte tes mains de tes poches!;∎ hardly were the words out of my mouth à peine avais-je prononcé ces mots∎ we drank out of china cups nous avons bu dans des tasses de porcelaine;∎ to drink out of the bottle boire à (même) la bouteille;∎ she works out of York elle opère à partir de York;∎ the company is out of Oxford l'entreprise est basée à Oxford;∎ he's out of town il n'est pas en ville;∎ she's out of the country elle est à l'étranger;∎ it's a long way out of town c'est loin de la ville;∎ there was a wind out of the Southwest il y avait du vent de sud-ouest(c) (indicating source → of feeling, profit, money etc)∎ she did well out of the deal elle a trouvé son compte dans l'affaire;∎ what pleasure do they get out of it? quel plaisir en tirent-ils?;∎ you won't get anything out of him vous ne tirerez rien de lui;∎ she paid for it out of company funds/out of her own pocket elle l'a payé avec l'argent de la société/payé de sa poche;∎ to copy sth out of a book copier qch dans un livre∎ it's made out of mahogany c'est en acajou;∎ plastic is made out of petroleum on obtient le plastique à partir du pétrole;∎ hut made out of a few old planks cabane faite de quelques vieilles planches(e) (indicating motive) par;∎ he refused out of sheer spite il a refusé par pur dépit;∎ to act out of fear (habitually) agir sous l'emprise de la peur; (on precise occasion) agir sous le coup de la peur(f) (indicating previous tendency, habit)∎ I've got out of the habit j'en ai perdu l'habitude;∎ try and stay out of trouble essaie d'éviter les ennuis∎ I'm out of cigarettes je n'ai plus de cigarettes;∎ Commerce I am out of this item je n'ai plus cet article pour le moment;∎ out of work au chômage(h) (in proportions, marks etc) sur;∎ he got nine out of ten in maths il a eu neuf sur dix en maths;∎ ninety-nine times out of a hundred quatre-vingt-dix-neuf fois sur cent;∎ choose one out of these ten choisissez-en un parmi les dix;∎ three days out of four trois jours sur quatre;∎ one out of every three un sur trois;∎ out of all the people there, only one spoke German parmi toutes les personnes présentes, une seule parlait allemand(i) (indicating similarity to book, film etc)∎ it was like something out of a Fellini film on se serait cru dans un film de Fellini∎ he's out of the race il n'est plus dans la course;∎ you keep out of this! mêlez-vous de ce qui vous regarde!∎ come in out of the rain ne reste pas dehors sous la pluie;∎ stay out of the sun ne restez pas au soleil;∎ is there a way out of it? y a-t-il (un) moyen d'en sortir?∎ a young girl just out of university une jeune fille tout juste sortie de l'université∎ Gladiator by Monarch out of Gladia Gladiateur par ou issu de Monarch et Gladia∎ I felt a bit out of it (excluded) je me sentais un peu de trop►► Accountancy out book livre m du dehors;Computing out box (for e-mail) corbeille f de départ;out tray corbeille f sortie -
3 time
1. noun1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) hora2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) tiempo3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) momento; hora4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') tiempo5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) momento6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) vez7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) época, período; momentos8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) tempo
2. verb1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) cronometrar2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) escoger el momento de/para•- timeless- timelessly
- timelessness
- timely
- timeliness
- timer
- times
- timing
- time bomb
- time-consuming
- time limit
- time off
- time out
- timetable
- all in good time
- all the time
- at times
- be behind time
- for the time being
- from time to time
- in good time
- in time
- no time at all
- no time
- one
- two at a time
- on time
- save
- waste time
- take one's time
- time and time again
- time and again
time1 n1. tiempowhat do you do in your free time? ¿qué haces en tu tiempo libre?2. vezhow many times have you been to Italy? ¿cuántas veces has estado en Italia?3. horawhat time is it? ¿qué hora es?all the time todo el tiempo / constantementefor the time being por el momento / de momentoit's time... es hora de que...time2 vb calcular el tiempo / cronometrartr[taɪm]1 (period) tiempo2 (short period) rato3 (of day) hora■ what time is it? qué hora es?■ this time next week, we'll be on the beach la semana que viene a esta hora, estaremos en la playa■ by the time he gets here, it'll be time to go home cuando llegue él, será la hora de volver a casa4 (age, period, season) época5 (occasion) vez nombre femenino■ how many times have you been to London? ¿cuántas veces has estado en Londres?■ the last time I saw her,... la última vez que la vi,...6 (suitable moment) momento7 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL compás nombre masculino8 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL la hora de cerrar■ time now please! ¡hora de cerrar!9 familiar (imprisonment) condena1 (measure time) medir la duración de, calcular; (races, etc) cronometrar2 (schedule) estar previsto,-a■ the bomb was timed to explode during the parade la bomba estaba preparada para explotar durante el desfile1 veces nombre femenino plural■ 4 times 5 is 20 4 por 5 son 20, 4 veces 5 son 20\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL(and) about time ya era horaall the time todo el rato, todo el tiempoat all times siempreat any time en cualquier momentoat no time nuncaat one time en un tiempoat the same time al mismo tiempoat the time / at that time entoncesat times a vecesbehind the times anticuado,-abehind time tardefor the time being de momentofrom time to time de vez en cuandoin no time (at all) en seguidain time to the music al compás de la músicamany a time a menudonot to give somebody the time of day no darle a alguien ni la horaon time puntualone/two/three at a time de uno en uno/de dos en dos/de tres en trestime after time una y otra veztime's up se acabó el tiempo, ya es la horato beat time marcar el compásto be ahead of one's time adelantarse a su épocato be badly/well timed (remark) ser inoportuno,-a/oportuno,-ato give somebody a hard time ponérselo difícil a alguien, hacérselo pasar mal a alguiento have a bad time pasarlas negrasto have a good time pasarlo biento have a lot of time for somebody caerle bien alguien a unoto have no time for somebody/something no soportar a alguien/algo, no tener tiempo para alguien/algoto keep up with the times estar al díato move with the times estar al díatime and motion study estudio de productividadtime bomb bomba de relojeríatime limit límite nombre masculino de tiempo, plazo límitetime off tiempo libretime out descansotime warp salto en el tiempotime zone huso horario1) schedule: fijar la hora de, calcular el momento oportuno para2) clock: cronometrar, medir el tiempo de (una competencia, etc.)time n1) : tiempo mthe passing of time: el paso del tiemposhe doesn't have time: no tiene tiempo2) moment: tiempo m, momento mthis is not the time to bring it up: no es el momento de sacar el tema3) : vez fshe called you three times: te llamó tres vecesthree times greater: tres veces mayor4) age: tiempo m, era fin your grandparents' time: en el tiempo de tus abuelos5) tempo: tiempo m, ritmo m (en música)6) : hora fwhat time is it?: ¿qué hora es?at the usual time: a la hora acostumbradato keep time: ir a la horato lose time: atrasar7) experience: rato m, experiencia fwe had a nice time together: pasamos juntos un rato agradableto have a rough time: pasarlo malhave a good time!: ¡que se diviertan!8)at times sometimes: a veces9)for the time being : por el momento, de momentofrom time to time occasionally: de vez en cuandoin time punctually: a tiempoin time eventually: con el tiempotime after time : una y otra vezadj.• a plazos adj.• de tiempo adj.• del tiempo adj.• horario, -a adj.n.• duración s.f.• edad s.f.• espera s.f.• hora s.f.• plazo s.m.• tempo s.m.• tiempo s.m.• vez s.f.• época s.f.v.• cronometrar v.• regular v.• tomar los tiempos (Deporte) v.
I taɪm1) noun2) u (past, present, future) tiempo mas time goes by o passes — a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso or el correr del tiempo
at this point o moment in time — en este momento, en el momento presente
time and tide wait for no man — el tiempo pasa inexorablemente; (before n) < travel> en el tiempo
time machine — máquina f del tiempo
3) u (time available, necessary for something) tiempo mcould I have five minutes of your time? — ¿podría concederme cinco minutos?
to make time for something — hacer(se)* or encontrar* tiempo para algo
to make time — ( hurry) (AmE colloq) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)
I spend all my time reading/thinking — me paso todo el tiempo leyendo/pensando
it takes time to get used to the climate — lleva or toma tiempo acostumbrarse al clima
it's worth taking a little extra time over the job — vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al trabajo
to take one's time: just take your time tómate todo el tiempo que necesites or quieras; you took your time! cómo has tardado!; to buy time ganar tiempo; to have a lot of/no time for somebody/something: I have no time for people like her no soporto a la gente como ella; I've got a lot of time for him me cae muy bien; to have time on one's hands: I had time on my hands me sobraba el tiempo; to play for time — tratar de ganar tiempo
they lived in Paris for a time/for a long time — vivieron un tiempo/mucho tiempo or muchos años en París
long time no see! — (colloq) tanto tiempo (sin verte)!
some time later they moved to Brussels — (un) tiempo después se mudaron a Bruselas, tras cierto tiempo se mudaron a Bruselas
for some considerable time o for quite some time now there have been rumors that... — hace ya bastante tiempo que se rumorea que...
in an hour's/three months'/ten years' time — dentro de una horaes meses/diez años
cooking time — tiempo m de cocción
your time's up — se te (or les etc) ha acabado el tiempo
for the time being — por el momento, de momento
to serve o (colloq) do time — cumplir una condena, estar* a la sombra (fam)
5) (in phrases)all the time — ( constantly) constantemente; ( the whole period) todo el tiempo
in time — ( early enough) a tiempo; ( eventually) con el tiempo
all in good time — cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su debido tiempo
in no time (at all) — rapidísimo, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un santiamén
6) u ( airtime) (Rad, TV) espacio m7) u c (for journey, race, task) tiempo mwhat's your fastest time over 400m? — ¿cuál es tu mejor tiempo or marca en los 400 metros?
8) u ( with respect to work)to take o (BrE also) have time off — tomarse tiempo libre
9)a) c (epoch, age) (often pl) época f, tiempo mat one time — en una época or un tiempo, en otros tiempos
in times of crisis — en épocas or tiempos de crisis
in Tudor times — en la época de los Tudor, en tiempos de los Tudor
there was a time when o time was when... — hubo un tiempo cuando...
in times to come — en el futuro, en tiempos venideros
to be ahead of one's time: he's ahead/he was ahead of his time se ha adelantado/se adelantó a su época; to be behind the times \<\<ideas\>\> ser* anticuado, estar* desfasado; \<\<person\>\> estar* atrasado de noticias (fam); to keep up with o abreast of the times — mantenerse* al día
b) u ( with respect to a person's life)that was before your time — eso fue antes de que tú nacieras (or empezaras a trabajar aquí etc)
I've seen some funny things in my time but... — he visto cosas raras en mi vida pero...
10)a) u ( by clock) hora fwhat's the time?, what time is it? — ¿qué hora es?
do you have the time? — ¿tienes hora?
the time is ten minutes to ten — son las diez menos diez minutos, son diez para las diez (AmL exc RPl)
to be able to tell the time o (AmE also) tell time — saber* (decir) la hora
British Summer Time — horario m de verano
Eastern Standard Time — ( in US) hora f de la costa atlántica
not to give somebody the time of day — no darle* a algn ni la hora
to pass the time of day (with somebody): now she never even passes the time of day with me ahora ni siquiera me saluda; we passed the time of day charlamos un ratito; (before n) time switch temporizador m; time zone — huso m horario
b) c u ( of event) hora fdo you know the times of the trains? — ¿sabes el horario de los trenes?
time FOR something/to + INF: we have to arrange a time for the next meeting tenemos que fijar una fecha y hora para la próxima reunión; is it time to go yet? ¿ya es hora de irse?; it's time you left o you were leaving es hora de que te vayas; at breakfast time — a la hora del desayuno
11) c ( point in time)at the present/this particular time — en este momento/este preciso momento
by that o this time we were really worried — para entonces ya estábamos preocupadísimos
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces
it's high time somebody did something — ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien haga algo
she's resigned, and not before time — ha renunciado, y ya era hora
my/her time has come — me/le ha llegado el momento
to die before one's time — morir* tempranamente or prematuramente
12) c (instance, occasion) vez fI've been there many a time o many times — he estado allí en numerosas ocasiones or muchas veces
nine times out of ten — en el noventa por ciento de los casos, la gran mayoría de las veces
let's leave it for another o some other time — dejémoslo para otro momento
you paid (the) last time — la última vez or la otra vez pagaste tú
for the last time: no! — por última vez no!
let's try one more time — probemos otra vez or una vez más
13) (in phrases)about time: it's about time someone told him ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien se lo diga; I've finished - and about time too! he terminado - ya era hora!; ahead of time: the first stage was completed ahead of time la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo; any time: come any time ven cuando quieras or en cualquier momento; call me any time between nine and eleven llámame a cualquier hora entre las nueve y las once; I'd rather work for Mary any time yo prefiero trabajar para Mary, toda la vida (y cien años más); they should be here any time (now) en cualquier momento llegan, deben de estar por llegar de un momento al otro; at a time: four at a time de cuatro en cuatro or (AmL tb) de a cuatro; one at a time! de a uno!, uno por uno! or uno por vez!; I can only do one thing at a time sólo puedo hacer una cosa a la or por vez; for months at a time durante meses enteros; at the same time ( simultaneously) al mismo tiempo; ( however) (as linker) al mismo tiempo, de todas formas; at times a veces; at this time (AmE) ahora, en este momento; every time: I make the same mistake every time! siempre cometo el mismo error!; gin or whisky? - give me whisky every time! ¿ginebra or whisky? - para mí whisky, toda la vida; every o each time (as conj) ( whenever) cada vez; from time to time de vez en cuando; on time ( on schedule): the buses hardly ever run on time los autobuses casi nunca pasan a su hora or puntualmente; she's never on time nunca llega temprano, siempre llega tarde; time after time o time and (time) again — una y otra vez
14) c ( experience)to have a good/bad/hard time — pasarlo bien/mal/muy mal
have a good time! — que te diviertas (or que se diviertan etc)!, que lo pases (or pasen etc) bien!
don't give me a hard time — (esp AmE) no me mortifiques
thank you for a lovely time — gracias por todo, lo hemos pasado estupendamente
15) u ( Mus) compás mout of time — descompasado, fuera de compás
to beat/keep time — marcar*/seguir* el compás
to mark time — ( march on the spot) marcar* el paso; ( make no progress) hacer* tiempo; (before n)
time signature — llave f de tiempo
it's four times bigger — es cuatro veces más grande; (before n)
times table — tabla f de multiplicar
a) ( Sport) cronometrarb) ( choose time of)the demonstration was timeed to coincide with his arrival — la hora de la manifestación estaba calculada para coincidir con su llegada
[taɪm]his shot was badly timed — no calculó bien el momento en que debía chutar/disparar
1. N1) (gen) tiempo mas time goes on or by — con el (paso del) tiempo, a medida que pasa/pasaba el tiempo
for all time — para siempre•
Father Time — el Tiempo•
to find (the) time for sth — encontrar tiempo para algohow time flies! — ¡cómo pasa el tiempo!
to gain time — ganar tiempo•
half the time he's drunk — la mayor parte del tiempo está borracho•
to have (the) time (to do sth) — tener tiempo (para hacer algo)•
to make up for lost time — recuperar el tiempo perdido•
it's only a matter or question of time before it falls — solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que caiga•
to take time, it takes time — requiere tiempo, lleva su tiempoit'll take time to get over the loss of her family — le llevará tiempo superar la pérdida de su familia
take your time! — tómate el tiempo que necesites, ¡no hay prisa!
you certainly took your time! — iro ¡no es precisamente que te mataras corriendo!
to have time on one's hands —
once you retire you'll have time on your hands — cuando te hayas jubilado, tendrás todo el tiempo del mundo
- kill time- pass the time of day with sb- play for time- be pressed for timespare, waste•
have you been here all this time? — ¿has estado aquí todo este tiempo?•
for the time being — por ahora, de momento•
a long time — mucho tiempoa long time ago — hace mucho (tiempo), hace tiempo
she'll be in a wheelchair for a long time to come — le queda mucho tiempo de estar en silla de ruedas por delante
in no time at all — en un abrir y cerrar de ojos•
it will last our time — durará lo que nosotros•
a short time — poco tiempo, un ratoa short time after — poco (tiempo) después, al poco tiempo
for some time past — de algún tiempo a esta parteafter some time she looked up at me/wrote to me — después de cierto tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió, pasado algún tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió
in a week's time — dentro de una semanain two weeks' time — en dos semanas, al cabo de dos semanas
- do timeserve3) (at work)full-time, part-time, short-time•
he did it in his own time — lo hizo en su tiempo libre or fuera de (las) horas de trabajo4) (=moment, point of time) momento m•
about time too! — ¡ya era hora!•
come (at) any time (you like) — ven cuando quierasit might happen (at) any time — podría ocurrir de un momento a otro or en cualquier momento
at times — a veces, a ratosat all times — siempre, en todo momento
to die before one's time — morir tempranonot before time! — ¡ya era hora!
between times — en los intervalos•
by the time he arrived — para cuando él llegóby this time — ya, antes de esto
to choose one's time carefully — elegir con cuidado el momento más propicio•
the time has come to leave — ha llegado el momento de irse•
at a convenient time — en un momento oportuno•
at any given time — en cualquier momento dado•
her time was drawing near — (to give birth) se acercaba el momento de dar a luz; (to die) estaba llegando al final de su vida•
it's high time you got a job — ya va siendo hora de que consigas un trabajo•
at my time of life — a mi edad, con los años que yo tengo•
at no time did I mention it — no lo mencioné en ningún momento•
now is the time to go — ahora es el momento de irse•
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces•
at one time — en cierto momento, en cierta época•
this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it — este no es ni el momento ni el lugar oportuno para hablar de eso•
at the present time — actualmente, en la actualidad•
at the proper time — en el momento oportuno•
at the same time — (=simultaneously) al mismo tiempo, a la vez; (=even so) al mismo tiempo, por otro lado•
until such time as he agrees — hasta que consienta•
at that time — por entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquella épocabide•
at this particular time — en este preciso momento5) (by clock) hora fwhat's the time? — ¿qué hora es?
the time is 2.30 — son las dos y media
"time gentlemen please!" — "¡se cierra!"
to arrive ahead of time — llegar temprano•
at any time of the day or night — en cualquier momento or a cualquier hora del día o de la noche•
to be 30 minutes behind time — llevar 30 minutos de retraso•
it's coffee time — es la hora del café•
it's time for the news — es (la) hora de las noticias•
let me know in good time — avíseme con anticipaciónto start in good time — partir a tiempo, partir pronto
have you got the (right) time? — ¿tiene la hora (exacta)?•
we were just in time to see it — llegamos justo a tiempo para verlo•
a watch that keeps good time — un reloj muy exacto•
just look at the time! — ¡fíjate qué hora es ya!, ¡mira qué tarde es!see closing, opening•
to be on time — [person] ser puntual, llegar puntualmente; [train, plane] llegar puntual6) (=era, period) tiempo m, época fin Elizabethan times — en tiempos isabelinos, en la época isabelina
what times they were!, what times we had! — ¡qué tiempos aquellos!
to be ahead of one's time — adelantarse a su época•
that was all before my time — todo eso fue antes de mis tiempos•
to be behind the times — [person] estar atrasado de noticias; [thing, idea] estar fuera de moda, haber quedado anticuado•
how times change! — ¡cómo cambian las cosas!•
to keep abreast of or up with the times — ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al día•
the times we live in — los tiempos en que vivimos•
in modern times — en tiempos modernos•
to move with the times — ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al díasign•
time was when... — hubo un tiempo en que...7) (=experience)to have a bad or rough or thin time (of it) — pasarlo mal, pasarlas negras
to have a good time — pasarlo bien, divertirse•
we have a lovely time — lo pasamos la mar de bien *big-timeto make the big time — alcanzar el éxito, triunfar
8) (=occasion) vez fI remember the time he came here — recuerdo la ocasión en que vino por aquí, me acuerdo de cuando vino por aquí
to carry three boxes at a time — llevar tres cajas a la vezfor weeks at a time — durante semanas enteras or seguidas
it's the best, every time! — ¡es el mejor, no hay duda!
give me beer every time! — ¡para mí, siempre cerveza!
the first time I did it — la primera vez que lo hice•
last time — la última vez•
many times — muchas vecesmany's the time... — no una vez, sino muchas...
next time — la próxima vez, a la próxima (esp LAm)•
several times — varias veces•
this time — esta vez•
at various times in the past — en determinados momentos del pasado9) (Mus) compás min 3/4 time — al compás de 3 por 4
to beat time — marcar el compás•
in time to the music — al compás de la música•
to keep time — llevar el compásbeat 2., 4), mark II, 2., 7)•
to get out of time — perder el compás10) (Math)it's five times faster than or as fast as yours — es cinco veces más rápido que el tuyo
11) (Mech)2. VT1) (=schedule) planear, calcular; (=choose time of) [+ remark, request] elegir el momento parathe race is timed for 8.30 — el comienzo de la carrera está previsto para las 8.30
the bomb was timed to explode five minutes later — la bomba estaba sincronizada para explotar cinco minutos más tarde
ill-timed, well-timedthe strike was carefully timed to cause maximum disruption — se había escogido el momento de la huelga para ocasionar el mayor trastorno posible
to time o.s. — cronometrarse
3.CPDtime and motion study N — estudio m de tiempos y movimientos
time capsule N — cápsula f del tiempo
time check N — (Sport) control m de tiempos
can I have a time check, please? — ¿qué hora es ahora, por favor?
time clock N — reloj m registrador, reloj m de control de asistencia
time deposit N — (US) depósito m a plazo
time difference N — diferencia f horaria
time exposure N — (Phot) exposición f
time frame N — margen m de tiempo
time fuse N — temporizador m, espoleta f graduada, espoleta f de tiempo
time lag N — (=delay) retraso m; (=lack of synchronization) desfase m
time limit N — plazo m, límite m de tiempo; (=closing date) fecha f tope
time loan N — (US) préstamo m a plazo fijo
time machine N — máquina f de transporte a través del tiempo
time management N — gestión f del tiempo
time management consultant N — consultor(a) m / f de gestión del tiempo
time management course N — curso m de gestión del tiempo
time management skills NPL — técnicas fpl de gestión del tiempo
time management training N — formación f en gestión del tiempo
time off N — (=free time) tiempo m libre
you'll have to take some time off when your wife has her operation — tendrás que tomarte unos días de vacaciones cuando operen a tu mujer
time out N — (esp US) (Sport) (also fig) tiempo m muerto
to take time out (from sth/from doing sth) — descansar (de algo/de hacer algo)
time payment N — (US) pago m a plazos
time saver N —
time sheet N — = time card
time signal N — señal f horaria
time signature N — (Mus) compás m, signatura f de compás
time slice N — fracción f de tiempo
time switch N — interruptor m horario
time trial N — (Cycling) prueba f contra reloj, contrarreloj f
* * *
I [taɪm]1) noun2) u (past, present, future) tiempo mas time goes by o passes — a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso or el correr del tiempo
at this point o moment in time — en este momento, en el momento presente
time and tide wait for no man — el tiempo pasa inexorablemente; (before n) < travel> en el tiempo
time machine — máquina f del tiempo
3) u (time available, necessary for something) tiempo mcould I have five minutes of your time? — ¿podría concederme cinco minutos?
to make time for something — hacer(se)* or encontrar* tiempo para algo
to make time — ( hurry) (AmE colloq) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)
I spend all my time reading/thinking — me paso todo el tiempo leyendo/pensando
it takes time to get used to the climate — lleva or toma tiempo acostumbrarse al clima
it's worth taking a little extra time over the job — vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al trabajo
to take one's time: just take your time tómate todo el tiempo que necesites or quieras; you took your time! cómo has tardado!; to buy time ganar tiempo; to have a lot of/no time for somebody/something: I have no time for people like her no soporto a la gente como ella; I've got a lot of time for him me cae muy bien; to have time on one's hands: I had time on my hands me sobraba el tiempo; to play for time — tratar de ganar tiempo
they lived in Paris for a time/for a long time — vivieron un tiempo/mucho tiempo or muchos años en París
long time no see! — (colloq) tanto tiempo (sin verte)!
some time later they moved to Brussels — (un) tiempo después se mudaron a Bruselas, tras cierto tiempo se mudaron a Bruselas
for some considerable time o for quite some time now there have been rumors that... — hace ya bastante tiempo que se rumorea que...
in an hour's/three months'/ten years' time — dentro de una hora/tres meses/diez años
cooking time — tiempo m de cocción
your time's up — se te (or les etc) ha acabado el tiempo
for the time being — por el momento, de momento
to serve o (colloq) do time — cumplir una condena, estar* a la sombra (fam)
5) (in phrases)all the time — ( constantly) constantemente; ( the whole period) todo el tiempo
in time — ( early enough) a tiempo; ( eventually) con el tiempo
all in good time — cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su debido tiempo
in no time (at all) — rapidísimo, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un santiamén
6) u ( airtime) (Rad, TV) espacio m7) u c (for journey, race, task) tiempo mwhat's your fastest time over 400m? — ¿cuál es tu mejor tiempo or marca en los 400 metros?
8) u ( with respect to work)to take o (BrE also) have time off — tomarse tiempo libre
9)a) c (epoch, age) (often pl) época f, tiempo mat one time — en una época or un tiempo, en otros tiempos
in times of crisis — en épocas or tiempos de crisis
in Tudor times — en la época de los Tudor, en tiempos de los Tudor
there was a time when o time was when... — hubo un tiempo cuando...
in times to come — en el futuro, en tiempos venideros
to be ahead of one's time: he's ahead/he was ahead of his time se ha adelantado/se adelantó a su época; to be behind the times \<\<ideas\>\> ser* anticuado, estar* desfasado; \<\<person\>\> estar* atrasado de noticias (fam); to keep up with o abreast of the times — mantenerse* al día
b) u ( with respect to a person's life)that was before your time — eso fue antes de que tú nacieras (or empezaras a trabajar aquí etc)
I've seen some funny things in my time but... — he visto cosas raras en mi vida pero...
10)a) u ( by clock) hora fwhat's the time?, what time is it? — ¿qué hora es?
do you have the time? — ¿tienes hora?
the time is ten minutes to ten — son las diez menos diez minutos, son diez para las diez (AmL exc RPl)
to be able to tell the time o (AmE also) tell time — saber* (decir) la hora
British Summer Time — horario m de verano
Eastern Standard Time — ( in US) hora f de la costa atlántica
not to give somebody the time of day — no darle* a algn ni la hora
to pass the time of day (with somebody): now she never even passes the time of day with me ahora ni siquiera me saluda; we passed the time of day charlamos un ratito; (before n) time switch temporizador m; time zone — huso m horario
b) c u ( of event) hora fdo you know the times of the trains? — ¿sabes el horario de los trenes?
time FOR something/to + INF: we have to arrange a time for the next meeting tenemos que fijar una fecha y hora para la próxima reunión; is it time to go yet? ¿ya es hora de irse?; it's time you left o you were leaving es hora de que te vayas; at breakfast time — a la hora del desayuno
11) c ( point in time)at the present/this particular time — en este momento/este preciso momento
by that o this time we were really worried — para entonces ya estábamos preocupadísimos
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces
it's high time somebody did something — ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien haga algo
she's resigned, and not before time — ha renunciado, y ya era hora
my/her time has come — me/le ha llegado el momento
to die before one's time — morir* tempranamente or prematuramente
12) c (instance, occasion) vez fI've been there many a time o many times — he estado allí en numerosas ocasiones or muchas veces
nine times out of ten — en el noventa por ciento de los casos, la gran mayoría de las veces
let's leave it for another o some other time — dejémoslo para otro momento
you paid (the) last time — la última vez or la otra vez pagaste tú
for the last time: no! — por última vez no!
let's try one more time — probemos otra vez or una vez más
13) (in phrases)about time: it's about time someone told him ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien se lo diga; I've finished - and about time too! he terminado - ya era hora!; ahead of time: the first stage was completed ahead of time la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo; any time: come any time ven cuando quieras or en cualquier momento; call me any time between nine and eleven llámame a cualquier hora entre las nueve y las once; I'd rather work for Mary any time yo prefiero trabajar para Mary, toda la vida (y cien años más); they should be here any time (now) en cualquier momento llegan, deben de estar por llegar de un momento al otro; at a time: four at a time de cuatro en cuatro or (AmL tb) de a cuatro; one at a time! de a uno!, uno por uno! or uno por vez!; I can only do one thing at a time sólo puedo hacer una cosa a la or por vez; for months at a time durante meses enteros; at the same time ( simultaneously) al mismo tiempo; ( however) (as linker) al mismo tiempo, de todas formas; at times a veces; at this time (AmE) ahora, en este momento; every time: I make the same mistake every time! siempre cometo el mismo error!; gin or whisky? - give me whisky every time! ¿ginebra or whisky? - para mí whisky, toda la vida; every o each time (as conj) ( whenever) cada vez; from time to time de vez en cuando; on time ( on schedule): the buses hardly ever run on time los autobuses casi nunca pasan a su hora or puntualmente; she's never on time nunca llega temprano, siempre llega tarde; time after time o time and (time) again — una y otra vez
14) c ( experience)to have a good/bad/hard time — pasarlo bien/mal/muy mal
have a good time! — que te diviertas (or que se diviertan etc)!, que lo pases (or pasen etc) bien!
don't give me a hard time — (esp AmE) no me mortifiques
thank you for a lovely time — gracias por todo, lo hemos pasado estupendamente
15) u ( Mus) compás mout of time — descompasado, fuera de compás
to beat/keep time — marcar*/seguir* el compás
to mark time — ( march on the spot) marcar* el paso; ( make no progress) hacer* tiempo; (before n)
time signature — llave f de tiempo
it's four times bigger — es cuatro veces más grande; (before n)
times table — tabla f de multiplicar
a) ( Sport) cronometrarb) ( choose time of)the demonstration was timeed to coincide with his arrival — la hora de la manifestación estaba calculada para coincidir con su llegada
his shot was badly timed — no calculó bien el momento en que debía chutar/disparar
4 out
out [aʊt]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adverb2. adjective3. preposition4. noun6. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When out is an element in a phrasal verb, eg get out, go out, look up the verb. When out is part of a set combination, eg day out, look up the noun.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adverba. ( = not in) Paul is out Paul est sorti• (the ball is) out! (Tennis) (la balle est) out !━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When followed by a preposition, out is not usually translated.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━b. ( = outside) dehors• out you go! sortez !• come in! -- no, I like it out here entre ! -- non, je suis bien ici !► out there ( = in that place) là-bas► out with it! (inf) vas-y, parle !2. adjectivea. [light, fire, gas] éteintb. ( = available) [model, edition, video] sortic. ( = unavailable) (for lending, renting) that book is out ce livre est sortid. ( = revealed) the secret is out le secret n'en est plus une. ( = unconscious) sans connaissanceg. ( = unacceptable) [idea, suggestion] that's right out, I'm afraid il n'en est pas questioni. ( = finished) before the month was out avant la fin du moisj. ( = striking) out on strike en grèvek. ( = unfashionable) passé de model. (flowers, sun) the roses are out les rosiers sont en fleurs3. preposition► out of━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When out of is an element in a phrasal verb, eg run out of, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg out of danger, out of the way, look up the noun.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. ( = outside) en dehors de, hors deI was glad to be out of it ( = escaped from situation) j'étais bien content d'y avoir échappéc. ( = through) par• he looked like something out of "Star Trek" il semblait tout droit sorti de « Star Trek »━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► In the following dans describes the original position of the thing being moved.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━e. ( = because of) par• out of curiosity/necessity par curiosité/nécessitéf. ( = from among) surg. ( = without) we are out of bread nous n'avons plus de painh. ( = sheltered from) à l'abri dei. ( = eliminated from) éliminé de4. noun[+ homosexual] révéler l'homosexualité de6. compounds► out-of-date adjective [passport, ticket] périmé ; [clothes, theory, concept] démodé ; [word] vieilli► out-of-doors adverb = outdoors* * *Note: out is used after many verbs in English to alter or reinforce the meaning of the verb ( hold out, wipe out, filter out etc). Very often in French, a verb alone will be used to translate these combinations. For translations you should consult the appropriate verb entry (hold, wipe, filter etc)When out is used as an adverb meaning outside, it often adds little to the sense of the phrase: they're out in the garden = they're in the garden. In such cases out will not usually be translated: ils sont dans le jardinout is used as an adverb to mean absent or not at home. In this case she's out really means she's gone out and the French translation is elle est sortieFor the phrase out of see III in the entry belowFor examples of the above and other uses, see the entry below[aʊt] 1.transitive verb révéler l'homosexualité de [person]2.1) ( outside) dehors2) ( from within)to go ou walk out — sortir
to pull/take something out — retirer/sortir quelque chose
3) ( at a distance)4) ( in the world at large)there are a lot of people out there looking for work — il y a beaucoup de gens qui cherchent du travail en ce moment
5) ( absent)to be out — gen être sorti; [strikers] être en grève
6) ( for social activity)7) (published, now public)to be out — [book, exam results] être publié
8) ( in bloom)to be out — [tree, shrub] être en fleurs
to be fully out — [flower] être épanoui
9) ( shining)to be out — [sun, moon, stars] briller
10) ( extinguished)to be out — [fire, light] être éteint
11) Sport, Gamesto be out — [player] être éliminé
‘out!’ — ( of ball) ‘out!’
12) ( unconscious)to be out (cold) — (colloq) gen être dans les pommes (colloq); [boxer] être K.O.
13) (over, finished)14) GB ( incorrect)my watch is two minutes out — ( slow) ma montre retarde de deux minutes; ( fast) ma montre avance de deux minutes
15) (colloq) ( not possible) excluno, that option is out — non, cette solution est exclue
16) (colloq) ( actively in search of)he's just out for what he can get — péj c'est l'intérêt qui le guide
he's out to get you — il t'en veut à mort; ( killer) il veut ta peau (colloq)
17) (colloq) ( not in fashion) passé de mode3.out of prepositional phrase1) ( from)to go ou walk ou come out — sortir
2) ( expressing ratio) sur3) ( part of whole)4) Lawto be out — [jury] être en délibération
5) ( beyond defined limits) hors de [reach, sight]; en dehors de [city]6) ( free from confinement)7) ( sheltered) à l'abri de [sun]8) ( lacking)to be (right) out of — ne plus avoir de [item]
9) ( made from) en [wood, metal]10) ( due to) par [respect]••I want out! — (colloq) je ne marche plus avec vous/eux etc (colloq)
come on, out with it! — (colloq) allez, dis ce que tu as à dire!
to be out and about — ( after illness) être à nouveau sur pied
to be out of it — (colloq) être dans les vapes (colloq)
5 out
1.[aʊt]adverb1) (away from place)out here/there — hier/da draußen
‘Out’ — ‘Ausfahrt’/‘Ausgang’ od. ‘Aus’
be out in the garden — draußen im Garten sein
what's it like out? — wie ist es draußen?
go out shopping — etc. einkaufen usw. gehen
go out in the evenings — abends aus- od. weggehen
she was/stayed out all night — sie war/blieb eine/die ganze Nacht weg
have a day out in London/at the beach — einen Tag in London/am Strand verbringen
would you come out with me? — würdest du mit mir ausgehen?
the journey out — die Hinfahrt
he is out in Africa — er ist in Afrika
2)be out — (asleep) weg sein (ugs.); (drunk) hinüber sein (ugs.); (unconscious) bewusstlos sein; (Boxing) aus sein
3) (no longer burning) aus[gegangen]be 3% out in one's calculations — sich um 3% verrechnet haben
you're a long way out — du hast dich gewaltig geirrt
this is £5 out — das stimmt um 5 Pfund nicht
6) (so as to be seen or heard) heraus; raus (ugs.)out with it! — heraus od. (ugs.) raus damit od. mit der Sprache!
[the] truth will out — die Wahrheit wird herauskommen
the sun/moon is out — die Sonne/der Mond scheint
the roses are just out — die Rosen fangen gerade an zu blühen
7)be out for something/to do something — auf etwas (Akk.) aus sein/darauf aus sein, etwas zu tun
be out for all one can get — alles haben wollen, was man bekommen kann
they're just out to make money — sie sind nur aufs Geld aus
8) (to or at an end)he had it finished before the day/month was out — er war noch am selben Tag/vor Ende des Monats damit fertig
please hear me out — lass mich bitte ausreden
Eggs? I'm afraid we're out — Eier? Die sind leider ausgegangen od. (ugs.) alle
9)2. nounan out and out disgrace — eine ungeheure Schande. See also academic.ru/89686/out_of">out of
* * ** * *[aʊt]I. ADJECTIVE1. inv, pred▪ to be \out (absent) abwesend [o nicht da] [o fam weg] sein; (on strike) sich akk im Ausstand befinden BRD, ÖSTERR; (demonstrating) auf die Straße gehen; (for consultation) jury sich akk zurückgezogen haben; borrowed from the library entliehen sein▪ to be \out [somewhere] [irgendwo] draußen sein; sun, moon, stars am Himmel stehen; prisoner [wieder] draußen sein fameveryone was \out on deck alle waren [draußen] an Deckto be \out on one's rounds seine Runde machento be \out and about unterwegs sein; (after an illness) wieder auf den Beinen seinher novel has been \out for a over a year ihr Roman ist bereits vor über einem Jahr herausgekommen [o bereits seit über einem Jahr auf dem Markt]his new book will be \out in May sein neues Buch wird im Mai veröffentlicht [o kommt im Mai herausto be the best/worst... \out der/die/das beste/schlechteste... sein, den/die/das es zurzeit gibthe's the best footballer \out er ist der beste Fußballer, den es zurzeit gibt[the] truth will \out die Wahrheit wird ans Licht kommen8. inv, predto be \out cold bewusstlos seinto be \out for the count BOXING k.o. [o ausgezählt] sein; ( fig) total hinüber [o erledigt] [o SCHWEIZ durch] sein fam▪ to be \out aus [o zu Ende] [o vorbei] seinschool will be \out in June die Schule endet im Junibefore the month/year is \out vor Ende [o Ablauf] des Monats/Jahres▪ to be \out (not playing) nicht [mehr] im Spiel sein, draußen sein fam; (in cricket, baseball) aus sein; (outside a boundary) ball, player im Aus seinJohnson is \out on a foul Johnson wurde wegen eines Fouls vom Platz gestelltOwen is \out with an injury Owen ist mit einer Verletzung ausgeschieden▪ to be \out (not in a competition, team) draußen sein fam; (out of power) nicht mehr an der Macht sein; (expelled, dismissed) [raus]fliegen famI've had enough! you're \out! mir reicht's! sie fliegen [raus]!to be \out on the streets unemployed arbeitslos sein, auf der Straße stehen [o sitzen] fig fam; homeless obdachlos sein, auf der Straße leben▪ to be \out (unacceptable) unmöglich sein fam; (unfashionable) aus der Mode sein, passé [o out] sein fam▪ to be \out unmöglich seinthat plan is absolutely \out dieser Plan kommt überhaupt nicht infrage▪ to be \out light, TV aus sein; fire a. erloschen seinour estimates were \out by a few dollars wir lagen mit unseren Schätzungen um ein paar Dollar daneben famto be \out in one's calculations sich akk verrechnet haben, mit seinen Berechnungen danebenliegen famhe's just \out for a good time er will sich nur amüsierento be \out for trouble Streit suchen▪ to be \out to do sth es darauf abgesehen haben, etw zu tunthey're \out to get me die sind hinter mir her famthe tide is \out es ist Ebbewhen the tide is \out bei Ebbe▪ to be \out in die Gesellschaft eingeführt seinII. ADVERBa day \out in the country ein Tag m auf dem Land“\out” „Ausgang“; (for vehicles) „Ausfahrt““keep \out!” „betreten verboten!“to keep sb/sth \out jdn/etw nicht hereinlassenclose the window to keep the rain/wind \out mach das Fenster zu, damit es nicht hereinregnet/ziehtto keep the cold \out die Kälte abhalten\out here/there hier/da draußen2. inv (outwards) heraus, raus fam; (seen from inside) hinaus [o raus] fam; (facing the outside) nach außen, raus fam; of room, building a. nach draußenget \out! raus hier! famcan you find your way \out? finden Sie selbst hinaus?to bring/take sth \out [to the garden] etw [in den Garten] heraus-/hinausbringento take sth \out [of an envelope] etw [aus einem Umschlag] herausholento see sb \out jdn hinausbegleitento turn sth inside \out etw umstülpen; clothes etw auf links drehento ask sb \out [for a drink/meal] jdn [auf einen Drink/zum Essen] einladenhe's asked her \out er hat sie gefragt, ob sie mit ihm ausgehen willto eat \out im Restaurant [o auswärts] essento go \out ausgehen, weggehenI can't get the stain \out ich kriege den Fleck nicht wieder raus famto put a fire \out ein Feuer löschento cross sth \out etw ausstreichen [o durchstreichentired \out völlig [o ganz] erschöpft\out and away AM bei Weitem, mit Abstandshe is \out and away the best sie ist mit Abstand die Besteshe called \out to him to stop sie rief ihm zu, er solle anhaltento cry \out in pain vor Schmerzen aufschreiento laugh \out [loud] [laut] auflachen7. inv (to an end, finished)to fight sth \out etw [untereinander] austragen [o ausfechtento let sb \out jdn freilassento knock sb \out jdn bewusstlos [o k.o.] schlagento pass \out in Ohnmacht fallento put sb's arm/shoulder \out jdm den Arm verrenken/die Schulter ausrenkento put one's back/shoulder \out sich dat den Rücken verrenken/die Schulter ausrenkenthe accident put her back \out sie verrenkte sich bei dem Unfall den Rückento open sth \out (unfold) etw auseinanderfalten; (spread out) etw ausbreiten; (extend) furniture etw ausziehento go \out aus der Mode kommento take ten minutes \out eine Auszeit von zehn Minuten nehmenthe tide is going \out die Ebbe setzt einhe lived \out in Zambia for ten years er lebte zehn Jahre lang in Sambia\out at sea auf See\out here hier draußenthey went \out as missionaries in the 1920's sie zogen in den 20er Jahren als Missionare in die Ferne gehto go/travel \out to New Zealand nach [o ins ferne] Neuseeland gehen/reisenIII. TRANSITIVE VERB▪ to \out sb2. BOXING jdn k.o. schlagenIV. PREPOSITIONto run \out the door zur Tür hinausrennento throw sth \out the car etw aus dem Auto werfen* * *[aʊt]1. adv1) (= not in container, car etc) außen; (= not in building, room) draußen; (indicating motion) (seen from inside) hinaus, raus (inf); (seen from outside) heraus, raus (inf)they are out fishing/shopping — sie sind zum Fischen/Einkaufen (gegangen), sie sind fischen/einkaufen
it's cold out here/there — es ist kalt hier/da or dort draußen
out you go! — hinaus or raus (inf) mit dir!
out! — raus (hier)! (inf)
out with him! — hinaus or raus (inf) mit ihm!
out it goes! — hinaus damit, raus damit (inf)
we had a day out at the beach/in London — wir haben einen Tag am Meer/in London verbracht
the journey out — die Hinreise; (seen from destination) die Herfahrt
the book is out (from library) — das Buch ist ausgeliehen or unterwegs (inf)
the tide is out —
the chicks should be out tomorrow — die Küken sollten bis morgen heraus sein
2)when he was out in Persia — als er in Persien warto go out to China —
Wilton Street? isn't that out your way? — Wilton Street? ist das nicht da (hinten) bei euch in der Gegend?
the boat was ten miles out —
five miles out from shore — fünf Meilen von der Küste weg, fünf Meilen vor der Küste
3)to be out (sun) — (he)raus or draußen sein; (stars, moon) am Himmel stehen (geh), da sein; (flowers) blühen
4)(= in existence)
the worst newspaper/best car out — die schlechteste Zeitung, die/das beste Auto, das es zur Zeit gibt, die schlechteste Zeitung/das beste Auto überhaupt5)6)(= in the open, known)
their secret was out —out with it! — heraus damit!, heraus mit der Sprache!
7)(= to or at an end)
before the day/month is/was out — vor Ende des Tages/Monats, noch am selben Tag/im selben Monat9) (= not in fashion) aus der Mode, passé, out (inf)11) (= out of the question, not permissible) ausgeschlossen, nicht drin (inf)12)(= worn out)
the jacket is out at the elbows — die Jacke ist an den Ellbogen durch13)he was out in his calculations, his calculations were out — er lag mit seinen Berechnungen daneben (inf) or falsch, er hatte sich in seinen Berechnungen geirrtyou're far or way out! — weit gefehlt! (geh), da hast du dich völlig vertan (inf)
we were £5/20% out — wir hatten uns um £ 5/20% verrechnet or vertan (inf)
that's £5/20% out —
the post isn't quite vertical yet, it's still a bit out my clock is 20 minutes out — der Pfahl ist noch nicht ganz senkrecht, er ist noch etwas schief meine Uhr geht 20 Minuten falsch or verkehrt
14)speak out (loud) — sprechen Sie laut/lauter15)to be out for sth — auf etw (acc) aus seinshe was out to pass the exam — sie war ( fest) entschlossen, die Prüfung zu bestehen
he's out for all he can get — er will haben, was er nur bekommen kann
he's just out to make money —
16)(= unconscious)
to be out — bewusstlos or weg (inf) sein18)out and away — weitaus, mit Abstand
2. n1)See:→ in3. prepaus (+dat)to go out the door/window —
See:→ also out of4. vthomosexual outen* * *out [aʊt]A adva) hinaus(-gehen, -werfen etc)b) heraus(-kommen, -schauen etc)c) aus(-brechen, -pumpen, -sterben etc)d) aus(-probieren, -rüsten etc):voyage out Ausreise f;way out Ausgang m;on the way out beim Hinausgehen;have one’s tonsils out sich die Mandeln herausnehmen lassen;he had his tonsils out yesterday ihm wurden gestern die Mandeln herausgenommen;have a tooth out sich einen Zahn ziehen lassen;insure out and home WIRTSCH hin und zurück versichern;out with him! hinaus oder umg raus mit ihm!;that’s out das kommt nicht infrage!;out of → C 42. außen, draußen, fort:he is out er ist draußen;out and about (wieder) auf den Beinen;he is out for a walk er macht gerade einen Spaziergang3. nicht zu Hause:be out on business geschäftlich unterwegs oder verreist sein;we had an evening out wir sind am Abend ausgegangen4. von der Arbeit abwesend:be out on account of illness wegen Krankheit der Arbeit fernbleiben;a day out ein freier Tag5. im oder in den Streik:6. a) ins Freieb) draußen, im Freienc) SCHIFF draußen, auf Seed) MIL im Felde7. als Hausangestellte beschäftigt8. raus, (aus dem Gefängnis etc) entlassen:out on bail gegen Bürgschaft auf freiem Fuß9. heraus, veröffentlicht, an der oder an die Öffentlichkeit:(just) out (soeben) erschienen (Buch);it came out in June es kam im Juni heraus, es erschien im Juni;his first single will be out next week kommt nächste Woche auf den Markt;the girl is not yet out das Mädchen ist noch nicht in die Gesellschaft eingeführt (worden)10. heraus, ans Licht, zum Vorschein, entdeckt, -hüllt, -faltet:the chickens are out die Küken sind ausgeschlüpft;a) die Blumen sind heraus oder blühen,b) die Blüten sind entfaltet;the secret is out das Geheimnis ist enthüllt oder gelüftet (worden);out with it! heraus damit!, heraus mit der Sprache! ( → A 1)be out for prey auf Raub aus sein14. weit und breit, in der Welt (besonders zur Verstärkung des sup):out and away bei Weitem15. SPORT aus:a) nicht (mehr) im Spielb) im Aus16. Boxen: k. o.:out on one’s feeta) stehend k. o.,b) fig schwer angeschlagen, erledigt (beide umg)17. POL draußen, raus, nicht (mehr) im Amt, nicht (mehr) am Ruder:18. aus der Mode, out:19. aus, vorüber, vorbei, zu Ende:school is out US die Schule ist aus;before the week is out vor Ende der Woche20. aus, erloschen:21. aus(gegangen), verbraucht, alle:22. aus der Übung:23. zu Ende, bis zum Ende, ganz:tired out vollständig erschöpft;a) verrenkt (Arm etc)b) geistesgestört, verrücktc) über die Ufer getreten (Fluss)26. ärmer um:be $10 out27. a) verpachtet, vermietetb) verliehen, ausgeliehen (Geld, auch Buch):land out at rent verpachtetes Land;out at interest auf Zinsen ausgeliehen (Geld)28. unrichtig, im Irrtum (befangen):his calculations are out seine Berechnungen stimmen nicht;be (far) out sich (gewaltig) irren, (ganz) auf dem Holzweg sein fig29. entzweit, verkracht umg:be out with s.o30. verärgert, ärgerlich31. laut:laugh out laut (heraus)lachen;speak out!a) sprich lauter!,b) heraus damit!B adj1. Außen…:out islands entlegene oder abgelegene Inselnout party Oppositionspartei f3. abgehend (Zug etc)C präpfrom out the house aus dem Haus herausout the window zum Fenster hinaus, aus dem Fenster3. US umga) hinausb) draußen an (dat) oder in (dat):drive out Main Street die Hauptstraße (entlang) hinausfahren;live out Main Street (weiter) draußen an der Hauptstraße wohnen4. out ofa) aus (… heraus):b) zu … hinaus:c) aus, von:two out of three Americans zwei von drei Amerikanernd) außerhalb, außer Reichweite, Sicht etce) außer Atem, Übung etc:be out of sth etwas nicht (mehr) haben;we are out of oil uns ist das Öl ausgegangen, wir haben kein Öl mehrf) aus der Mode, Richtung etc:out of drawing verzeichnet;g) außerhalb (gen oder von):be out of it fig nicht dabei sein (dürfen);h) um etwas betrügeni) von, aus:get sth out of sb etwas von jemandem bekommen;he got more (pleasure) out of it er hatte mehr davonj) (hergestellt) aus:k) fig aus Bosheit, Furcht, Mitleid etcl) ZOOL abstammend von, aus einer Stute etcD int1. hinaus!, raus!:out with → A 1, A 10out upon you!E s2. besonders US Ausweg m (auch fig)3. Tennis etc: Ausball m5. pl US Streit m:6. US umga) schlechte etc Leistungb) Schönheitsfehler m7. TYPO Auslassung f, Leiche f8. pl WIRTSCH US ausgegangene Bestände pl oder Waren plF v/t1. hinauswerfen, verjagen2. umg outen, als schwul bloßstellen* * *1.[aʊt]adverbout here/there — hier/da draußen
‘Out’ — ‘Ausfahrt’/‘Ausgang’ od. ‘Aus’
go out shopping — etc. einkaufen usw. gehen
be out — (not at home, not in one's office, etc.) nicht da sein
go out in the evenings — abends aus- od. weggehen
she was/stayed out all night — sie war/blieb eine/die ganze Nacht weg
have a day out in London/at the beach — einen Tag in London/am Strand verbringen
2)be out — (asleep) weg sein (ugs.); (drunk) hinüber sein (ugs.); (unconscious) bewusstlos sein; (Boxing) aus sein
3) (no longer burning) aus[gegangen]4) (in error)be 3% out in one's calculations — sich um 3% verrechnet haben
this is £5 out — das stimmt um 5 Pfund nicht
6) (so as to be seen or heard) heraus; raus (ugs.)out with it! — heraus od. (ugs.) raus damit od. mit der Sprache!
[the] truth will out — die Wahrheit wird herauskommen
the sun/moon is out — die Sonne/der Mond scheint
7)be out for something/to do something — auf etwas (Akk.) aus sein/darauf aus sein, etwas zu tun
be out for all one can get — alles haben wollen, was man bekommen kann
he had it finished before the day/month was out — er war noch am selben Tag/vor Ende des Monats damit fertig
Eggs? I'm afraid we're out — Eier? Die sind leider ausgegangen od. (ugs.) alle
9)2. nounan out and out disgrace — eine ungeheure Schande. See also out of
* * *adj.außerhalb adj.heraus adj.hinaus adj. adv.aus adv.auswärts adv. -
6 out
[aʊt] adjinv, predthe library book was \out das Buch war [aus der Bücherei] entliehen;the jury is \out, considering their verdict die Geschworenen haben sich zur Beratung des Urteilsspruchs zurückgezogen;the workers were \out, demanding higher wages die Arbeiter waren auf der Straße, um für höhere Löhne zu demonstrieren2) ( outside)to be \out draußen sein; sun, moon, stars am Himmel stehen;they are \out in the garden sie sind draußen im Garten;everyone was \out on deck alle waren [draußen] an Deck;to be \out of hospital/ prison aus dem Krankenhaus/Gefängnis entlassen worden sein;3) ( on the move) unterwegs;the army was \out die Armee war ausgerückt;the postman was \out on his rounds der Postbote machte gerade seine Runde;to be \out and about unterwegs sein;( after an illness) wieder auf den Beinen sein4) ( in blossom)to be \out blühen5) ( far away) draußen;the fishing boats were \out at sea die Fischerboote waren draußen auf See;he lived \out in Zambia er lebte in [o im fernen] Zambia;\out here hier draußen;\out west (Am) an der Westküste;they moved \out west sie an die Westküste gezogen6) ( available) erhältlich, zu haben ( fam) ( on the market) auf dem Markt; book veröffentlicht, herausgekommen;this is the best automatic camera \out das ist die beste Automatikkamera auf dem MarktI think he's the greatest footballer \out ich halte ihn für den besten Fußballer, den es zur Zeit gibtthe secret is \out das Geheimnis ist gelüftet [worden];once the news is \out,... wenn die Neuigkeit erst einmal bekannt ist,...;[the] truth will \out die Wahrheit wird ans Licht kommen9) ( asleep)to be \out schlafen;to be \out for the count boxing k.o. [o ausgezählt] sein; ( fig) total hinüber [o erledigt] sein ( fam)to be \out cold bewusstlos seinschool will be \out in June die Schule endet im Juni;( outside a boundary) ball, player im Aus;Johnson is \out on a foul Johnson wurde wegen eines Fouls vom Platz gestellt;Owen is \out with an injury Owen ist mit einer Verletzung ausgeschiedento be \out on the streets ( be unemployed) arbeitslos sein, auf der Straße stehen ( fam) ( be homeless) obdachlos sein, auf der Straße leben14) ( not possible) unmöglich;that plan is absolutely \out dieser Plan kommt überhaupt nicht in Frage( not burning) fire aus, erloschento be \out danebenliegen ( fam)our estimates were \out by a few dollars wir lagen mit unseren Schätzungen um ein paar Dollar daneben;to be \out in one's calculations sich akk verrechnet haben, mit seinen Berechnungen danebenliegen ( fam)17) ( in search of)he's just \out for a good time er will sich nur amüsieren;to be \out to do sth es darauf abgesehen haben, etw zu tun;they're \out to get me die sind hinter mir her ( fam)to be \out for trouble Streit suchenshe's been \out for three years now sie hat sich vor drei Jahren geoutetthe tide is \out es ist Ebbe;we had a walk here when the tide was \out bei Ebbe sind wir hier spazieren gegangen20) ( introduced to society) in die Gesellschaft eingeführt;Jane isn't \out yet Jane ist noch nicht in die Gesellschaft eingeführt worden adv1) ( outdoors) draußen, im Freien;it's bitterly cold \out today es ist heute schrecklich kalt draußen;“Keep \out!” „Betreten verboten!“get \out! raus hier! ( fam)can you find your way \out? finden Sie selbst hinaus?;to ask sb \out jdn einladen;he's asked her \out er hat sie gefragt, ob sie mit ihm ausgehen will;to eat \out im Restaurant [o auswärts] essen;to go \out ausgehen, weggehen, rausgehen ( fam)are you going \out tonight? gehst du heute Abend weg?;to see sb \out jdn hinausbegleiten;to turn sth inside \out clothes etw auf links drehenI can't get the stain \out ich kriege den Fleck nicht wieder raus ( fam)to put a fire \out ein Feuer löschen;to cross \out sth etw ausstreichen [o durchstreichen];4) ( completely) ganz, völlig;tired \out völlig erschöpft;\out and away (Am) bei weitem;she is \out and away the best student I have ever taught sie ist mit Abstand die beste Studentin, die ich jemals hatte5) ( aloud)he cried \out in pain er schrie vor Schmerzen auf;she called \out to him to stop sie rief ihm zu, er solle anhalten;to laugh \out [loud] [laut] auflachen6) ( to an end)to fight sth \out etw [untereinander] austragen [o ausfechten];7) ( free from prison) entlassen;to let sb \out jdn freilassen8) ( unconscious)to knock sb \out jdn bewusstlos [o k.o.] schlagen;to pass \out in Ohnmacht fallen9) ( dislocated)to put sth \out etw ausrenken;when she was in the car accident, it put her back \out sie verrenkte sich bei dem Autounfall den Rückento open \out ausbreiten;can you open \out the sofa bed for me? kannst du die Schlafcouch für mich ausziehen?;to open \out a map eine Karte ausbreiten [o auseinanderfalten];11) ( unfashionable)to go \out aus der Mode kommen, altmodisch werden;to have gone \out with the ark völlig altmodisch [o von vorgestern]; [o ( hum) ( fam) von anno Tobak] seinhe took ten minutes \out er nahm eine Auszeit von zehn Minutenthe tide is coming \out die Ebbe setzt ein vtto \out sb2) boxing jdn k.o. schlagenshe ran \out the door sie rannte zur Tür hinaus -
7 out *****
[aʊt]1. adv1) (gen) fuorito be out and about again ( Brit); to be out and around again Am — essere di nuovo in piedi
the ball is out Sport — la palla è fuori
they're out in the garden — sono fuori in giardino
Mr Green is out — il signor Green non c'è or è uscito
out (loud)! — parla forte!2)she's out in Kuwait — è via in Kuwait
the boat was 10 miles out — la barca era a 10 miglia dalla costa
it carried us out to sea — ci portò al largo
3) figto be out — (person: unconscious) essere privo (-a) di sensi, (on strike) essere in sciopero, (out of game etc) essere eliminato (-a), (out of fashion) essere out inv or passato (-a) di moda, (have appeared: sun, moon) splendere, (flowers) sbocciare, (news, secret) essere rivelato (-a), (book) uscire, (extinguished: fire, light, gas) essere spento (-a)
she is out and away the best — è di gran lunga la migliore
he was out in his reckoning (by 5%) — si sbagliava nei suoi calcoli (del 5%)
before the week was out — prima della fine della settimana
4)he's out for all he can get — sta cercando di trarne il massimo profitto
5)they're out to get me — mi danno la caccia
2.out of prep
1) (outside, beyond) fuorito feel out of it fam — sentirsi escluso (-a)
to go out of the house — uscire di casa
we're well out of it fam — per fortuna ne siamo fuori
2) (cause, motive) per3) (origin, source) daBlue Ribbon, by Black Rum out of Grenada (esp) Horse-breeding — Blue Ribbon, figlio di Black Rum e Grenada
it was like something out of a nightmare — era come in un incubo
4) (from among) su1
out of every 3 smokers — 1 fumatore su 39
marks out of 10 — 9 punti su 105) (without) senzato be out of sth — essere rimasto (-a) senza qc
it's out of stock Comm — non è disponibile
3. nSee:in 3.4. vt -
8 time
1. nounfor all time — für immer [und ewig]
stand the test of time — die Zeit überdauern; sich bewähren
time will tell or show — die Zukunft wird es zeigen
at this point or moment in time — zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt
time flies — die Zeit vergeht [wie] im Fluge
in time, with time — (sooner or later) mit der Zeit
2) (interval, available or allotted period) Zeit, diein a week's/month's/year's time — in einer Woche/in einem Monat/Jahr
there is time for that — dafür ist od. haben wir noch Zeit
it takes me all my time to do it — es beansprucht meine ganze Zeit, es zu tun
give one's time to something — einer Sache (Dat.) seine Zeit opfern
waste of time — Zeitverschwendung, die
spend [most of one's/a lot of] time on something/[in] doing something — [die meiste/viel] Zeit mit etwas zubringen/damit verbringen, etwas zu tun
I have been waiting for some/a long time — ich warte schon seit einiger Zeit/schon lange
she will be there for [quite] some time — sie wird ziemlich lange dort sein
be pressed for time — keine Zeit haben; (have to finish quickly) in Zeitnot sein
pass the time — sich (Dat.) die Zeit vertreiben
length of time — Zeit[dauer], die
make time for somebody/something — sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen
in one's own time — in seiner Freizeit; (whenever one wishes) wann man will
take one's time [over something] — sich (Dat.) [für etwas] Zeit lassen; (be slow) sich (Dat.) Zeit [mit etwas] lassen
time is money — (prov.) Zeit ist Geld (Spr.)
in [good] time — (not late) rechtzeitig
in [less than or next to] no time — innerhalb kürzester Zeit; im Nu od. Handumdrehen
in half the time — in der Hälfte der Zeit
half the time — (coll.): (as often as not) fast immer
it will take [some] time — es wird einige Zeit dauern
have the/no time — Zeit/keine Zeit haben
have no time for somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas ist einem seine Zeit zu schade
there is no time to lose or be lost — es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren
lose no time in doing something — (not delay) etwas unverzüglich tun
do time — (coll.) eine Strafe absitzen (ugs.)
in my time — (heyday) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.); (in the course of my life) im Laufe meines Lebens
in my time — (period at a place) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.)
time off or out — freie Zeit
get/take time off — frei bekommen/sich (Dat.) frei nehmen (ugs.)
have a lot of time for somebody — (fig.) für jemandem viel übrig haben
harvest/Christmas time — Ernte-/Weihnachtszeit, die
now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, es zu tun
when the time comes/came — wenn es so weit ist/als es so weit war
on time — (punctually) pünktlich
ahead of time — zu früh [ankommen]; vorzeitig [fertig werden]
all in good time — alles zu seiner Zeit; see also academic.ru/5926/be">be 2. 1)
times are good/bad/have changed — die Zeiten sind gut/schlecht/haben sich verändert
have a good time — Spaß haben (ugs.); sich amüsieren
have a hard time [of it] — eine schwere Zeit durchmachen
5) (associated with events or person[s]) Zeit, diein time of peace/war — in Friedens-/Kriegszeiten
in Tudor/ancient times — zur Zeit der Tudors/der Antike
in former/modern times — früher/heutzutage
ahead of or before one's/its time — seiner Zeit voraus
at one time — (previously) früher
6) (occasion) Mal, dasnext time you come — wenn du das nächste Mal kommst
ten/a hundred/a thousand times — zehn- / hundert- / tausendmal
many's the time [that]..., many a time... — viele Male...
at a time like this/that — unter diesen/solchen Umständen
at one time, at [one and] the same time — (simultaneously) gleichzeitig
at the same time — (nevertheless) gleichwohl
time and [time] again, time after time — immer [und immer] wieder
pay somebody £6 a time — jemandem für jedes Mal 6 Pfund zahlen
for hours/weeks at a time — stundenlang/wochenlang [ohne Unterbrechung]
at the same time every morning — jeden Morgen um dieselbe Zeit
what time is it?, what is the time? — wie spät ist es?
have you [got] the time? — kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist?
tell the time — (read a clock) die Uhr lesen
time of day — Tageszeit, die
[at this] time of [the] year — [um diese] Jahreszeit
at this time of [the] night — zu dieser Nachtstunde
pass the time of day — (coll.) ein paar Worte wechseln
by this/that time — inzwischen
by the time [that] we arrived — bis wir hinkamen
[by] this time tomorrow — morgen um diese Zeit
keep good time — [Uhr:] genau od. richtig gehen
8) (amount) Zeit, diemake good time — gut vorwärts kommen
[your] time's up! — deine Zeit ist um (ugs.) od. abgelaufen
9) (multiplication) malthree times four — drei mal vier
keep in time with the music — den Takt halten
out of time/in time — aus dem/im Takt
2. transitive verbkeep time with something — bei etwas den Takt [ein]halten
be well/ill timed — zur richtigen/falschen Zeit kommen
3) (arrange time of arrival/departure of)the bus is timed to connect with the train — der Bus hat einen direkten Anschluss an den Zug
4) (measure time taken by) stoppen•• Cultural note:Eine britische überregionale Tageszeitung, deren Pendant am Sonntag The Sunday Times ist. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung und zählt zur seriösen Presse. Sie ist politisch unabhängig, wird jedoch gemeinhin als konservativ angesehen. Sie ist die älteste Zeitung in England und wurde erstmals 1785 veröffentlicht* * *1. noun1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) die Zeit2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) die Zeit3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.)4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') die Zeit5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) der Zeitpunkt6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) das Mal7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) die Zeiten (pl.)8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) das Tempo2. verb1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) Zeit messen von2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) den Zeitpunkt wählen•- timeless- timelessly
- timelessness
- timely
- timeliness
- timer
- times
- timing
- time bomb
- time-consuming
- time limit
- time off
- time out
- timetable
- all in good time
- all the time
- at times
- be behind time
- for the time being
- from time to time
- in good time
- in time
- no time at all
- no time
- one
- two at a time
- on time
- save
- waste time
- take one's time
- time and time again
- time and again* * *[taɪm]I. NOUN\time stood still die Zeit stand still\time marches [or moves] on die Zeit bleibt nicht stehenthe best player of all \time der bester Spieler aller Zeitenin the course of \time mit der Zeitover the course of \time im Lauf[e] der Zeitto be a matter [or question] of \time eine Frage der Zeit sein\time is on sb's side die Zeit arbeitet für jdnas \time goes by [or on] im Lauf[e] der Zeitto kill \time die Zeit totschlagen\time-tested [alt]bewährtfor all \time für immer [o alle Zeit]in \time mit der Zeit2. no pl (period, duration) Zeit f\time's up ( fam) die Zeit ist umwe spent part of the \time in Florence, and part of the \time in Rome wir verbrachten unsere Zeit teils in Florenz und teils in Romyou'll forget her, given \time mit der Zeit wirst du sie vergessenit will take some \time es wird eine Weile dauernsorry, folks, we're [all] out of \time now AM, AUS ( fam) tut mir leid Leute, aber wir sind schon über der ZeitI haven't seen one of those in a long \time so etwas habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehenhalf the \time, he misses class er fehlt die halbe Zeitthe \time is ripe die Zeit ist reifwe talked about old \times wir sprachen über alte Zeitenbreakfast/holiday \time Frühstücks-/Urlaubszeit fthey played extra \time sie mussten in die Verlängerungthree minutes into extra \time, Ricardo scored the decisive goal nach drei Minuten Verlängerung erzielte Ricardo das entscheidende Torfuture \time Zukunft fto have \time on one's hands viel Zeit zur Verfügung habenat this moment in \time zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunktperiod of \time Zeitraum mfor a prolonged period of \time über einen längeren Zeitraumpast \time Vergangenheit fpresent \time Gegenwart fin one week's \time in einer Wochein one's own \time in seiner Freizeita short \time later kurz daraufsome/a long \time ago vor einiger/langer Zeitmost of the \time meistensto do sth for a \time etw eine Zeit lang tunto find [the] \time to do sth Zeit finden, etw zu tunto gain/lose \time Zeit gewinnen/verlierenthere's no \time to lose [or to be lost] wir dürfen [jetzt] keine Zeit verlieren, es ist höchste Zeitto give sb a hard \time ( fam) jdm zusetzento have the \time of one's life sich akk großartig amüsierento have all the \time in the world alle Zeit der Welt habento have an easy/hard \time with sth keine Probleme/Probleme mit etw dat habento make \time for sb/sth sich dat Zeit für jdn/etw nehmento pass the \time sich dat die Zeit vertreibento be pressed for \time in Zeitnot seinto run out of \time nicht genügend Zeit habento save \time Zeit sparento spend [a lot of] \time [in] doing sth [viel] Zeit damit verbringen, etw zu tunto take [a long/short] \time [lange/nicht lange] dauernto take one's \time sich dat Zeit lassento waste \time Zeit vergeuden [o verschwenden]to waste sb's \time jds Zeit vergeudenafter a \time nach einer gewissen Zeitfor a \time eine Zeit langfor a long/short \time [für] lange/kurze Zeitfor the \time being vorläufigleave the ironing for the \time being - I'll do it later lass das Bügeln einst mal - ich mach's späterin no [or next to no] [or less than no] \time [at all] im Nu3. (pertaining to clocks)have you got the \time? können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?what's the \time? [or what \time is it?] wie spät ist es?excuse me, have you got the \time [on you]? Entschuldigung, haben Sie eine Uhr?can you already tell the \time? na, kannst du denn schon die Uhr lesen?oh dear, is that the right \time? oh je, ist es denn wirklich schon so spät/noch so früh?the \time is 8.30 es ist 8.30 Uhrto keep bad/good \time watch, clock falsch/richtig gehento gain/lose \time watch, clock vor-/nachgehenthe \time is drawing near when we'll have to make a decision der Zeitpunkt, zu dem wir uns entscheiden müssen, rückt immer näherhe recalled the \time when they had met er erinnerte sich daran, wie sie sich kennengelernt hattendo you remember the \time Alistair fell into the river? erinnerst du dich noch daran, wie Alistair in den Fluss fiel?we always have dinner at the same \time wir essen immer um dieselbe Zeit zu AbendI was exhausted by the \time I got home ich war erschöpft, als ich zu Hause ankamI'll call you ahead of \time esp AM ich rufe dich noch davor anat this \time of day/year zu dieser Tages-/Jahreszeitfor this \time of day/year für diese Tages-/Jahreszeitwhat are you doing here at this \time of the day [or night]? was machst du um diese Uhrzeit hier?this \time tomorrow/next month morgen/nächsten Monat um diese Zeitthe last \time we went to Paris,... das letzte Mal, als wir nach Paris fuhren,...I'll know better next \time das nächste Mal bin ich schlauerthere are \times when I... es gibt Augenblicke, in denen ich...sometimes I enjoy doing it, but at other \times I hate it manchmal mache ich es gerne, dann wiederum gibt es Momente, in denen ich es hassefor the first \time zum ersten Malsome other \time ein andermalone/two at a \time jeweils eine(r, s)/zwei; persons jeweils einzeln/zu zweitat \times manchmalat all \times immer, jederzeitat any [given] [or [any] one] \time immer, jederzeitat the \time damalsat the best of \times im besten [o günstigen] Fall[e]he can't read a map at the best of \times er kann nicht mal unter normalen Umständen eine Karte lesenfrom \time to \time gelegentlich, ab und zuthe \times I've told you... [or how many \times have I told you...] wie oft habe ich dir schon gesagt...these shares are selling at 10 \time earnings diese Aktien werden mit einem Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis von 10 verkauft\time and [\time] again immer [und immer] wiederthree/four \times a week/in a row drei/vier Mal in der Woche/hintereinanderthree \times champion BRIT, AUS [or AM three \time champion] dreimaliger Meister/dreimalige Meisterinthree \times as much dreimal so vielfor the hundredth/thousandth/umpteenth \time zum hundertsten/tausendsten/x-ten Malit's \time for bed es ist Zeit, ins Bett zu gehenthe \time has come to... es ist an der Zeit,...it's \time [that] I was leaving es wird Zeit, dass ich gehe[and] about \time [too] BRIT, AUS (yet to be accomplished) wird aber auch [langsam] Zeit!; (already accomplished) wurde aber auch [langsam] Zeit!it's high \time that she was leaving höchste Zeit, dass sie geht!; (already gone) das war aber auch höchste Zeit, dass sie endlich geht!we finished two weeks ahead of \time wir sind zwei Wochen früher fertig gewordenwe arrived in good \time for the start of the match wir sind rechtzeitig zum Spielbeginn angekommenthe bus arrived dead on \time der Bus kam auf die Minute genauin \time rechtzeitigon \time pünktlich; (as scheduled) termingerecht\times are difficult [or hard] die Zeiten sind hartat the \time of the Russian Revolution zur Zeit der Russischen Revolutionin Victorian \times im Viktorianischen Zeitaltershe is one of the best writers of modern \times sie ist eine der besten Schriftstellerinnen dieser Tage [o unserer Zeit]at one \time, George Eliot lived here George Eliot lebte einmal hierthis was before my \time das war vor meiner Zeitshe has grown old before her \time sie ist vorzeitig gealtertmy grandmother has seen a few things in her \time meine Großmutter hat in ihrem Leben einiges gesehen\time was when you could... es gab Zeiten, da konnte man...if one had one's \time over again wenn man noch einmal von vorne anfangen könnteat his \time of life in seinem Alterthe best.... of all \time der/die beste... aller Zeitento be behind the \times seiner Zeit hinterherhinkenin [or during] former/medieval \times früher/im Mittelalterin \times gone by früherin my \time zu meiner Zeitin our grandparents' \time zu Zeiten unserer Großelternin \times past in der Vergangenheit, früherarrival/departure \time Ankunfts-/Abfahrtszeit f10. (hour registration method)daylight saving \time Sommerzeit fGreenwich Mean T\time Greenwicher Zeit frecord \time Rekordzeit fhe won the 100 metres in record \time er gewann das 100-Meter-Rennen in einer neuen Rekordzeit12. (multiplied)two \times five is ten zwei mal fünf ist zehnten \times bigger than... zehnmal so groß wie...to be/play out of \time aus dem Takt seinto beat \time den Rhythmus schlagento get out of \time aus dem Takt kommento keep \time den Takt haltenin three-four \time im Dreivierteltakt14. (remunerated work)part \time Teilzeit fto have \time off frei habento take \time off sich dat freinehmen\time off arbeitsfreie Zeitto be paid double \time den doppelten Stundensatz [o 100% Zuschlag] bezahlt bekommen“\time [please]!” „Feierabend!“ (wenn ein Pub abends schließt)16. ([not] like)to not give sb the \time of day jdn ignorierento not have much \time for sb jdn nicht mögento have a lot of \time for sb großen Respekt vor jdm haben17.▶ \times are changing die Zeiten ändern sich▶ \time is of the essence die Zeit drängt▶ all good things in all good \time alles zu seiner Zeit▶ \time hangs heavy die Zeit steht still▶ \time moves on [or passes] die Zeit rast▶ there's no \time like the present ( saying) was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen provII. TRANSITIVE VERB▪ to \time sb over 100 metres jds Zeit beim 100-Meter-Lauf nehmenthe winning team was \timed at 5 minutes 26 seconds die Siegermannschaft wurde mit 5 Minuten und 26 Sekunden gestopptto \time an egg darauf achten, dass man fürs Eierkochen die richtige Zeit einhältto be ill/well \timed zum genau falschen/richtigen Zeitpunkt kommen3. (arrange when sth should happen)▪ to \time sth to... etw so planen, dass...we \timed our trip to coincide with her wedding wir legten unsere Reise so, dass sie mit ihrer Hochzeit zusammenfielto \time a bomb to explode at... eine Bombe so einstellen, dass sie um... explodiert* * *[taɪm]1. NOUN1) Zeit fonly time will tell whether... — es muss sich erst herausstellen, ob...
to take (one's) time (over sth) — sich (dat) (bei etw) Zeit lassen
to have a lot of/no time for sb/sth — viel/keine Zeit für jdn/etw haben; ( fig
to find time (for sb/sth) — Zeit (für jdn/etw) finden
to make time (for sb/sth) — sich (dat) Zeit (für jdn/etw) nehmen
he lost no time in telling her —
in one's own/the company's time — in or während der Freizeit/Arbeitszeit
don't rush, do it in your own time — nur keine Hast, tun Sie es, wie Sie es können
time is money (prov) — Zeit ist Geld (prov)
I don't know what she's saying half the time (inf) — meistens verstehe ich gar nicht, was sie sagt
to do time ( inf, in prison ) — sitzen (inf)
I get them mixed up all the time I knew that all the time — ich verwechsle sie immer das wusste ich die ganze Zeit
he'll let you know in his own good time — er wird Ihnen Bescheid sagen, wenn er so weit ist
it's a long time ( since...) — es ist schon lange her(, seit...)
what a (long) time you have been! — du hast( aber) lange gebraucht!
to have time on one's hands —
too many people who have time on their hands — zu viele Leute, die zu viel freie Zeit haben
having time on my hands I went into a café — da ich (noch) Zeit hatte, ging ich ins Café
2)what time is it?, what's the time? — wie spät ist es?, wie viel Uhr ist es?the time is 2.30 — es ist 2.30 Uhr, die Zeit: 2.30 Uhr
it's 2 o'clock local time — es ist 2.00 Uhr Ortszeit
the winning time was... — die Zeit des Siegers war...
it's time (for me/us etc) to go, it's time I was/we were etc going, it's time I/we etc went — es wird Zeit, dass ich gehe/wir gehen etc
time gentlemen please! — Feierabend! (inf), bitte, trinken Sie aus, wir schließen gleich
I wouldn't even give him the time of day — ich würde ihm nicht einmal guten or Guten Tag sagen __diams; to tell the time (person) die Uhr kennen; (instrument) die Uhrzeit anzeigen
can you tell the time? — kennst du die Uhr? __diams; to make good time gut or schnell vorankommen
if we get to Birmingham by 3 we'll be making good time — wenn wir um 3 Uhr in Birmingham sind, sind wir ziemlich schnell
it's about time he was here (he has arrived) — es wird (aber) auch Zeit, dass er kommt; (he has not arrived) es wird langsam Zeit, dass er kommt
(and) about time too! — das wird aber auch Zeit! __diams; ahead of time zu früh
we are ahead of time — wir sind früh dran __diams; behind time zu spät
at one time — früher, einmal
but at the same time, you must admit that... — aber andererseits müssen Sie zugeben, dass...
it was hard, but at the same time you could have tried — es war schwierig, aber Sie hätten es trotzdem versuchen können __diams; in/on time rechtzeitig
3) = moment, season Zeit fthis is hardly the time or the place to... — dies ist wohl kaum die rechte Zeit oder der rechte Ort, um...
this is no time for quarrelling or to quarrel — jetzt ist nicht die Zeit, sich zu streiten
well, this is a fine time to tell me that (iro) — Sie haben sich (dat) wahrhaftig eine gute Zeit ausgesucht, um mir das zu sagen
at the or that time — damals, zu der Zeit, seinerzeit
at this (particular) time, at the present time — zurzeit
sometimes..., (at) other times... —
from that time on since that time — von der Zeit an, von da an seit der Zeit
this time last year/week — letztes Jahr/letzte Woche um diese Zeit
to choose or pick one's time — sich (dat) einen günstigen Zeitpunkt aussuchen
the time has come (to do sth) — es ist an der Zeit(, etw zu tun)
when the time comes for you to be the leader — wenn Sie an der Reihe sind, die Führung zu übernehmen __diams; at + times manchmal
at all times — jederzeit, immer
at various times in the past — schon verschiedene Male or verschiedentlich __diams; between times (inf) zwischendurch
by the time we arrive, there's not going to be anything left — bis wir ankommen, ist nichts mehr übrig
by that time we'll know — dann or bis dahin wissen wir es __diams; by this time inzwischen
by this time next year/tomorrow — nächstes Jahr/morgen um diese Zeit __diams; from time to time, (US) time to time dann und wann, von Zeit zu Zeit
until such time as... — so lange bis...
until such time as you apologize — solange du dich nicht entschuldigst, bis du dich entschuldigst
this time of the day/year — diese Tages-/Jahreszeit
at this time of the week/month — zu diesem Zeitpunkt der Woche/des Monats
now's the time to do it —
now's my/your etc time to do it — jetzt habe ich/hast du etc Gelegenheit, es zu tun
4)= occasion
this time — diesmal, dieses Malevery or each time... — jedes Mal, wenn...
many a time, many times — viele Male
many's the time I have heard him say... — ich habe ihn schon oft sagen hören...
and he's not very bright at the best of times — und er ist ohnehin or sowieso nicht sehr intelligent
time and (time) again, time after time — immer wieder, wieder und wieder (geh)
I've told you a dozen times... — ich habe dir schon x-mal gesagt...
nine times out of ten... — neun von zehn Malen...
she comes three times a week — sie kommt dreimal pro Woche or in der Woche
they came in one/three etc at a time — sie kamen einzeln/immer zu dritt etc herein
for weeks at a time — wochenlang __diams; a time
he pays me £10 a time — er zahlt mir jedes Mal £ 10
rides on the roundabout cost £2 a time — eine Fahrt auf dem Karussell kostet £ 2 __diams; (the) next time
(the) last time he was here — letztes Mal or das letzte Mal, als er hier war
5) MATHit was ten times as big as or ten times the size of... —
our profits are rising four times faster than our competitors' — unsere Gewinne steigen viermal so schnell wie die unserer Konkurrenten
6)= rate
Sunday is (paid) double time/time and a half — sonntags gibt es 100%/50% Zuschlag7) = era Zeit ftime was when... — es gab Zeiten, da...
times are hard — die Zeiten sind hart or schwer
when times are hard —
times are changing for the better/worse — es kommen bessere/schlechtere Zeiten
times have changed for the better/worse — die Zeiten haben sich gebessert/verschlechtert
to be behind the times — rückständig sein, hinter dem Mond leben (inf)
8)= experience
to have the time of one's life — eine herrliche Zeit verbringen, sich glänzend amüsierenwhat a time we had or that was! —
what times we had!, what times they were! — das waren (noch) Zeiten!
to have an easy/a hard time — es leicht/schwer haben
we had an easy/a hard time getting to the finals — es war leicht für uns/wir hatten Schwierigkeiten, in die Endrunde zu kommen
was it difficult? – no, we had an easy time (of it) —
to have a bad/rough time — viel mitmachen
to give sb a bad/rough etc time (of it) — jdm das Leben schwer machen
we had such a bad time with the travel agency —
we had a good time — es war (sehr) schön, es hat uns (dat)
he doesn't look as though he's having a good time — es scheint ihm hier nicht besonders gut zu gefallen
she'll give you a good time for £30 — bei ihr kannst du dich für £ 30 amüsieren
9) = rhythm Takt myou're singing out of time (with the others) — du singst nicht im Takt (mit den anderen)
3/4 time — Dreivierteltakt m
2. TRANSITIVE VERB1)= choose time of
to time sth perfectly — genau den richtigen Zeitpunkt für etw wählenyou must learn to time your requests a little more tactfully — du musst lernen, deine Forderungen zu einem geeigneteren Zeitpunkt vorzubringen
he timed his arrival to coincide with... —
the bomb is timed to explode at... — die Bombe ist so eingestellt, dass sie um... explodiert
to time sb (over 1000 metres) — jdn (auf 1000 Meter) stoppen, jds Zeit (auf or über 1000 Meter) nehmen
time how long it takes you, time yourself — sieh auf die Uhr, wie lange du brauchst; (with stopwatch) stopp, wie lange du brauchst
to time an egg — auf die Uhr sehen, wenn man ein Ei kocht
a computer that times its operator — ein Computer, der die Zeit misst, die sein Operator braucht
* * *time [taım]A s1. Zeit f:time past, present, and to come Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft;for all time für alle Zeiten;as time went on im Laufe der Zeit;time will show die Zeit wird es lehren;Father Time die Zeit (personifiziert);(as) old as time uralt;time is money (Sprichwort) Zeit ist Geld3. ASTRON Zeit f:4. Zeit f, Uhr(zeit) f:what’s the time?, what time is it? wie viel Uhr ist es?, wie spät ist es?;what time? um wie viel Uhr?;the time is half past three es ist jetzt halb vier;a) zu dieser (späten) Tageszeit, zu so später Stunde,b) fig so spät, in diesem späten Stadium;can you tell me the time of day?, have you got the time? können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?;a) sich Gesellschaft leisten,b) (kurz) miteinander plaudern;a) jemandem Gesellschaft leisten,b) (kurz) mit jemandem plaudern;know the time of day umg wissen, was es geschlagen hat;so that’s the time of day! umg so stehts also!;some time about noon etwa um Mittag;this time tomorrow morgen um diese Zeit;this time twelve months heute übers Jahr;5. Zeit(dauer) f, Zeitabschnitt m, ( auch PHYS Fall- etc) Dauer f, WIRTSCH auch Arbeitszeit f (im Herstellungsprozess etc):a long time lange Zeit;that was a long time ago das ist schon lange her;some time longer noch einige Zeit;be a long time in doing sth lange (Zeit) dazu brauchen, etwas zu tun;long time no hear (see) umg wir haben ja schon seit einer Ewigkeit nichts mehr voneinander gehört (wir haben uns ja schon seit einer Ewigkeit nicht mehr gesehen);6. Zeit(punkt) f(m):time of arrival Ankunftszeit;an unfortunate time ein unglücklicher Zeitpunkt;a) zu dieser Zeit, damals,b) gerade;at the present time derzeit, gegenwärtig;a) gleichzeitig, zur selben Zeit,b) trotzdem;at that time zu der Zeit;at this time of the year zu dieser Jahreszeit;at one time einst, früher (einmal);at some time irgendwann (einmal);for the time für den Augenblick;a) vorläufig, fürs Erste,b) unter den gegenwärtigen Umständen;in our time in unserer Zeit;she was a legend in her own time sie war schon zu Lebzeiten eine Legende;8. pl Zeiten pl, Zeitverhältnisse pl10. Frist f, (zugemessene) Zeit:time of delivery WIRTSCH Lieferfrist, -zeit;time for payment Zahlungsfrist;you must give me time Sie müssen mir Zeit geben oder lassen11. (verfügbare) Zeit:buy a little time etwas Zeit schinden, eine kleine Galgenfrist gewinnen;I can never call my time my own ich kann nie frei über meine Zeit verfügen;have no time keine Zeit haben;have no time for sb fig nichts übrighaben für jemanden;have all the time in the world umg jede Menge Zeit haben;take (the) time sich die Zeit nehmen ( to do zu tun);take one’s time sich Zeit lassen;take your time auch es eilt nicht, überleg es dir in aller Ruhe;have the time of one’s lifea) sich großartig amüsieren,b) leben wie ein Fürst13. unangenehme Zeit, Unannehmlichkeit f14. (Zeit-)Lohn m, besonders Stundenlohn m15. umg (Zeit f im) Knast m:16. Lehrzeit f, -jahre pl17. (bestimmte oder passende) Zeit:the time has come for sth to happen es ist an der Zeit, dass etwas geschieht;there is a time for everything, all in good time alles zu seiner Zeit;it’s time for bed es ist Zeit, ins oder zu Bett zu gehen;18. a) (natürliche oder normale) Zeitb) (Lebens)Zeit f:time of life Alter n;his time is drawing near seine Zeit ist gekommen, sein Tod naht heran;the time was not yet die Zeit war noch nicht gekommen19. a) Schwangerschaft fb) Niederkunft f:she is far on in her time sie ist hochschwanger;she is near her time sie steht kurz vor der Entbindung20. (günstige) Zeit:now is the time jetzt ist die passende Gelegenheit, jetzt gilt es ( beide:to do zu tun);at such times bei solchen Gelegenheiten21. Mal n:the first time das erste Mal;for the first time zum ersten Mal;each time that … jedes Mal, wenn …;time and again, time after time immer wieder;at some other time, another time ein andermal;at a time auf einmal, zusammen, zugleich, jeweils;one at a time einzeln, immer eine(r, s);22. pl mal, …mal:three times four is twelve drei mal vier ist zwölf;twenty times zwanzigmal;three times the population of Coventry dreimal so viele Einwohner wie Coventry;four times the size of yours viermal so groß wie deines;six times the amount die sechsfache Menge;several times mehrmalsthe winner’s time is 2.50 minutes26. Tempo n, Zeitmaß n27. MUSb) Tempo n, Zeitmaß nc) Rhythmus m, Takt(bewegung) m(f)d) Takt (-art f) m:time variation Tempoveränderung f;in time to the music im Takt zur Musik;beat (keep) time den Takt schlagen (halten)B v/t1. (mit der Uhr) messen, (ab-)stoppen, die Zeit messen von (oder gen)2. timen ( auch SPORT), die Zeit oder den richtigen Zeitpunkt wählen oder bestimmen für, zur rechten Zeit tun3. zeitlich abstimmen4. die Zeit festsetzen für, (zeitlich) legen:the train is timed to leave at 7 der Zug soll um 7 abfahren;he timed the test at 30 minutes er setzte für den Test 30 Minuten an5. eine Uhr richten, stellen:the alarm clock is timed to ring at six der Wecker ist auf sechs gestellt6. zeitlich regeln (to nach), TECH den Zündpunkt etc einstellen, (elektronisch etc) steuern7. das Tempo oder den Takt angeben fürC v/i1. Takt halten2. zeitlich zusammen- oder übereinstimmen ( with mit)Besondere Redewendungen: against time gegen die Zeit oder Uhr, mit größter Eile;be ahead of time zu früh (daran) sein;be behind time zu spät daran sein, Verspätung haben;be 10 minutes behind time 10 Minuten Verspätung haben;be behind one’s time rückständig sein;between times in den Zwischenzeiten;five minutes from time SPORT fünf Minuten vor Schluss;from time to time von Zeit zu Zeit;a) rechtzeitig ( to do um zu tun),b) mit der Zeit,a) pünktlich,b) bes US für eine (bestimmte) Zeit,a) zur Unzeit, unzeitig,b) vorzeitig,c) zu spät,with time mit der Zeit;time was, when … die Zeit ist vorüber, als …;t. abk1. teaspoon (teaspoonful) TL2. temperature3. tempore, in the time of5. timeT. abk1. teaspoon (teaspoonful) TL2. territory3. Thursday Do.4. time5. Tuesday Di.* * *1. noun1) no pl., no art. Zeit, diefor all time — für immer [und ewig]
stand the test of time — die Zeit überdauern; sich bewähren
in [the course of] time, as time goes on/went on — mit der Zeit; im Laufe der Zeit
time will tell or show — die Zukunft wird es zeigen
at this point or moment in time — zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt
time flies — die Zeit vergeht [wie] im Fluge
in time, with time — (sooner or later) mit der Zeit
2) (interval, available or allotted period) Zeit, diein a week's/month's/year's time — in einer Woche/in einem Monat/Jahr
there is time for that — dafür ist od. haben wir noch Zeit
it takes me all my time to do it — es beansprucht meine ganze Zeit, es zu tun
give one's time to something — einer Sache (Dat.) seine Zeit opfern
waste of time — Zeitverschwendung, die
spend [most of one's/a lot of] time on something/[in] doing something — [die meiste/viel] Zeit mit etwas zubringen/damit verbringen, etwas zu tun
I have been waiting for some/a long time — ich warte schon seit einiger Zeit/schon lange
she will be there for [quite] some time — sie wird ziemlich lange dort sein
be pressed for time — keine Zeit haben; (have to finish quickly) in Zeitnot sein
pass the time — sich (Dat.) die Zeit vertreiben
length of time — Zeit[dauer], die
make time for somebody/something — sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen
in one's own time — in seiner Freizeit; (whenever one wishes) wann man will
take one's time [over something] — sich (Dat.) [für etwas] Zeit lassen; (be slow) sich (Dat.) Zeit [mit etwas] lassen
time is money — (prov.) Zeit ist Geld (Spr.)
in [good] time — (not late) rechtzeitig
all the or this time — die ganze Zeit; (without ceasing) ständig
in [less than or next to] no time — innerhalb kürzester Zeit; im Nu od. Handumdrehen
half the time — (coll.): (as often as not) fast immer
it will take [some] time — es wird einige Zeit dauern
have the/no time — Zeit/keine Zeit haben
have no time for somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas ist einem seine Zeit zu schade
there is no time to lose or be lost — es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren
lose no time in doing something — (not delay) etwas unverzüglich tun
do time — (coll.) eine Strafe absitzen (ugs.)
in my time — (heyday) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.); (in the course of my life) im Laufe meines Lebens
in my time — (period at a place) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.)
time off or out — freie Zeit
get/take time off — frei bekommen/sich (Dat.) frei nehmen (ugs.)
have a lot of time for somebody — (fig.) für jemandem viel übrig haben
harvest/Christmas time — Ernte-/Weihnachtszeit, die
now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, es zu tun
when the time comes/came — wenn es so weit ist/als es so weit war
on time — (punctually) pünktlich
ahead of time — zu früh [ankommen]; vorzeitig [fertig werden]
all in good time — alles zu seiner Zeit; see also be 2. 1)
times are good/bad/have changed — die Zeiten sind gut/schlecht/haben sich verändert
have a good time — Spaß haben (ugs.); sich amüsieren
have a hard time [of it] — eine schwere Zeit durchmachen
5) (associated with events or person[s]) Zeit, diein time of peace/war — in Friedens-/Kriegszeiten
in Tudor/ancient times — zur Zeit der Tudors/der Antike
in former/modern times — früher/heutzutage
ahead of or before one's/its time — seiner Zeit voraus
at one time — (previously) früher
6) (occasion) Mal, dasten/a hundred/a thousand times — zehn- / hundert- / tausendmal
many's the time [that]..., many a time... — viele Male...
at a time like this/that — unter diesen/solchen Umständen
at the or that time — (in the past) damals
at one time, at [one and] the same time — (simultaneously) gleichzeitig
at the same time — (nevertheless) gleichwohl
time and [time] again, time after time — immer [und immer] wieder
pay somebody £6 a time — jemandem für jedes Mal 6 Pfund zahlen
for hours/weeks at a time — stundenlang/wochenlang [ohne Unterbrechung]
7) (point in day etc.) [Uhr]zeit, diewhat time is it?, what is the time? — wie spät ist es?
have you [got] the time? — kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist?
tell the time — (read a clock) die Uhr lesen
time of day — Tageszeit, die
[at this] time of [the] year — [um diese] Jahreszeit
at this time of [the] night — zu dieser Nachtstunde
pass the time of day — (coll.) ein paar Worte wechseln
by this/that time — inzwischen
by the time [that] we arrived — bis wir hinkamen
[by] this time tomorrow — morgen um diese Zeit
keep good time — [Uhr:] genau od. richtig gehen
8) (amount) Zeit, die[your] time's up! — deine Zeit ist um (ugs.) od. abgelaufen
9) (multiplication) malfour times the size of/higher than something — viermal so groß wie/höher als etwas
out of time/in time — aus dem/im Takt
2. transitive verbkeep time with something — bei etwas den Takt [ein]halten
1) (do at correct time) zeitlich abstimmenbe well/ill timed — zur richtigen/falschen Zeit kommen
2) (set to operate at correct time) justieren (Technik); einstellen3) (arrange time of arrival/departure of)4) (measure time taken by) stoppen•• Cultural note:Eine britische überregionale Tageszeitung, deren Pendant am Sonntag The Sunday Times ist. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung und zählt zur seriösen Presse. Sie ist politisch unabhängig, wird jedoch gemeinhin als konservativ angesehen. Sie ist die älteste Zeitung in England und wurde erstmals 1785 veröffentlicht* * *adj.zeitlich adj. n.Tempo -s n.Zeit -en f. -
9 good
1. сущ.1) общ. добро, благо (что-л. хорошее, заслуживающее положительной оценки с какой-л. точки зрения, в отличие от плохого, заслуживающего порицания)to bring out the good in smb. — обнаруживать в ком-л. хорошие качества
See:2) эк., преим. мн. благо (то, что человек может потреблять, получая от этого положительную полезность; благом может быть продукт производства, состояние окружающей среды, информация и т. д.)Ant:See:3) эк. благо, процветание, благосостояние (общества, человека)It's for your own good. — Это для твоего же блага.
4) общ. выгода; польза (доход, здоровье или удовлетворение, полученные в результате каких-л. действий)to somebody's good — на пользу кому-л.
It's no good trying. — Бесполезно пытаться.
Syn:2. прил.1) общ. хороший, благоприятный2) общ. годный, неиспорченный, доброкачественный (напр., о еде)good food — доброкачественная, свежая пища
See:3) общ. здоровый, действующий4) эк. плодородный, обильный ( о земле)5) общ. достойный, добропорядочный, добродетельный6) общ. добрый, доброжелательный; милый, любезный, послушныйShe was renowned for her good deeds. — Она славилась своими добрыми делами.
7) общ. искусный, умелый; опытный, квалифицированныйgood worker — умелый (опытный, квалифицированный) работник
The office needs another good typist. — В офисе требуется еще одна квалифицированная машинистка.
Syn:8) общ. полезныйMilk is good for you. — Молоко тебе полезно.
Syn:beneficial, useful9) общ. приятный, доставляющий удовольствие; милый, веселый, компанейский, общительныйHave a good time on your vacation. — Приятно тебе провести отпуск.
An entertainer has to have a good personality. — Эстрадный артист должен быть общителен.
Syn:10) общ. хороший, лучший ( обладающий преимуществом среди других подобных)Why don't you wear your good suit to the party? — Почему ты не одеваешь на вечер свой выходной костюм?
Syn:11) эк. кредитоспособный, надежный; подлинный, действительныйI would cash his check if I could be sure it was good. — Я бы оплатил его чек, если бы был уверен, что он настоящий.
Syn:12) общ. полный, целый; значительный, большой, изрядный; достаточныйI waited a good hour. — Я прождал целый час.
13) общ. убедительный, обоснованныйSyn:well-founded, cogent14) эк. выгодный, прибыльный15) общ. действительный, действующийSee:
* * *
= goods.* * *товар, благопродукт или услуга, которые удовлетворяют потребности людей -
10 time
time [taɪm]temps ⇒ 1 (a)-(e), 1 (m), 1 (o) durée ⇒ 1 (e) heure ⇒ 1 (f), 1 (g), 1 (m) moment ⇒ 1 (i), 1 (j) fois ⇒ 1 (k) époque ⇒ 1 (o) fin ⇒ 1 (r) mesure ⇒ 1 (u) chronométrer ⇒ 2 (a) fixer l'heure de ⇒ 2 (b) choisir le moment de ⇒ 2 (c) régler ⇒ 2 (d)1 noun(a) (continuous stretch of time) temps m;∎ as time goes by avec le temps;∎ the price has gone up over time le prix a augmenté avec le temps;∎ it's only a matter or a question of time ce n'est qu'une question de temps;∎ these things take time cela ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain;∎ to have time on one's hands or time to spare avoir du temps;∎ time hangs heavy on his hands le temps lui pèse, il trouve le temps long;∎ since the dawn of time depuis la nuit des temps;∎ time flies le temps passe vite;∎ doesn't time fly! comme le temps passe vite!;∎ time heals all wounds le temps guérit tout;∎ only time will tell seul l'avenir nous le dira;∎ time will prove me right l'avenir me donnera raison;∎ it's a race against time c'est une course contre la montre;∎ they're working against time to save her ils ne disposent que de très peu de temps pour la sauver;∎ time is on our side le temps joue en notre faveur;∎ time out of mind de temps immémorial, de toute éternité;∎ time is money le temps, c'est de l'argent;∎ proverb time and tide wait for no man les événements n'attendent personne∎ there's no time to lose il n'y a pas de temps à perdre;∎ he lost no time in telling me il s'est empressé de me le dire;∎ to make up for lost time rattraper le temps perdu;∎ to make good/poor time doing sth mettre peu de temps/longtemps à faire qch;∎ I passed the time reading j'ai passé mon temps à lire;∎ take your time prenez votre temps;∎ take your time over it prenez le temps qu'il faudra;∎ it took me all my time just to get here! avec le temps que j'ai mis pour arriver ici!;∎ you took your time about it! tu en as mis du temps!;∎ she took the time to explain it to us elle a pris le temps de nous l'expliquer;∎ she made the time to read the report elle a pris le temps de lire le rapport;∎ I can always make time for you pour vous, je suis toujours là;∎ I spend half/all my time cleaning up je passe la moitié de/tout mon temps à faire le ménage;∎ half the time he doesn't know what he's doing la moitié du temps il ne sait pas ce qu'il fait;∎ most of the time la plupart du temps;∎ he was ill part or some of the time il a été malade une partie du temps;∎ it rained part or some of the time il a plu par moments;∎ we spend the better part of our time working nous passons le plus clair de notre temps à travailler;∎ I start in three weeks' time je commence dans trois semaines;∎ they'll have finished the project in three weeks' time ils auront terminé le projet dans trois semaines;∎ all in good time! chaque chose en son temps!;∎ I'll finish it in my own good time je le finirai quand bon me semblera;∎ in no time (at all), in next to no time en un rien de temps, en moins de rien(c) (available period of time) temps m;∎ I haven't (the) time to do the shopping je n'ai pas le temps de faire les courses;∎ I've no time for gossip je n'ai pas de temps à perdre en bavardages;∎ I've no time for that sort of attitude je ne supporte pas ce genre de mentalité;∎ he has no time for sycophants/for laziness il n'a pas de temps à perdre avec les flatteurs/les paresseux;∎ my time is my own mon temps m'appartient;∎ my time is not my own je ne suis pas libre de mon temps;∎ we've just got time to catch the train on a juste le temps d'attraper le train;∎ that doesn't leave them much time to get ready cela ne leur laisse guère de temps pour se préparer;∎ you'll have to find the time to see her il faut que tu trouves le temps de la voir;∎ you have plenty of time to finish it vous avez largement le temps de le finir;∎ we've got plenty of time or all the time in the world nous avons tout le temps∎ after a time après un (certain) temps;∎ a long time longtemps;∎ a long time ago il y a longtemps;∎ it's a long time since we've been out for a meal together ça fait longtemps que nous ne sommes pas sortis dîner ensemble;∎ she's been dreaming of this for a long time now voilà longtemps qu'elle en rêve;∎ he waited for a long time il a attendu longtemps;∎ I worked for a long time as a translator j'ai travaillé (pendant) longtemps comme traducteur;∎ for a long time he refused to eat meat il a (pendant) longtemps refusé de manger de la viande;∎ it'll be a long time before I do that again je ne suis pas près de recommencer, je ne recommencerai pas de si tôt ou de sitôt;∎ the car takes a long time to warm up la voiture met longtemps à chauffer;∎ you took a long time! tu en as mis du temps!, il t'en a fallu du temps!;∎ familiar long time no see! ça faisait longtemps!;∎ a short time peu de temps;∎ after a short time peu (de temps) après;∎ a short time before their wedding peu avant leur mariage;∎ she's going to stay with us for a short time elle va rester avec nous pendant quelque temps;∎ in the shortest possible time dans les plus brefs délais, le plus vite ou tôt possible;∎ after some time au bout de quelque temps, après un certain temps;∎ some time after their trip quelque temps après leur voyage;∎ some time ago il y a quelque temps;∎ for some time past depuis quelque temps;∎ for some time (to come) pendant quelque temps;∎ it's the best film I've seen for some time c'est le meilleur film que j'aie vu depuis un moment;∎ it will take (quite) some time to repair il va falloir pas mal de temps pour le réparer;∎ all this time pendant tout ce temps(e) (time taken or required to do something) temps m, durée f;∎ the flying time to Madrid is two hours la durée du vol pour Madrid est de deux heures;∎ the cooking time is two hours le temps de cuisson est de deux heures;∎ the winner's time was under four minutes le gagnant a fait un temps de moins de quatre minutes;∎ 1 minute 34 seconds is her best/a good time 1 minute 34 secondes, c'est son meilleur temps/un bon temps;∎ it takes time cela prend du temps;∎ how much time will it take? combien de temps cela prendra-t-il?;∎ she finished in half the time it took me to finish elle a mis deux fois moins de temps que moi pour finir(f) (by clock) heure f;∎ what time is it?, what's the time? quelle heure est-il?;∎ what time do you make it? quelle heure avez-vous?;∎ do you have the time? vous avez l'heure?;∎ have you got the right time on you? avez-vous l'heure juste?;∎ the time is twenty past three il est trois heures vingt;∎ what time are we leaving? à quelle heure partons-nous?;∎ do you know how to tell the time? est-ce que tu sais lire l'heure?;∎ could you tell me the time? pourriez-vous me dire l'heure (qu'il est)?;∎ have you seen the time? avez-vous vu l'heure?;∎ I looked at the time j'ai regardé l'heure;∎ this old watch still keeps good time cette vieille montre est toujours à l'heure ou exacte;∎ at this time of day à cette heure de la journée;∎ we'll have to keep an eye on the time il faudra surveiller l'heure;∎ it is almost time to leave/for my bus il est presque l'heure de partir/de mon bus;∎ it's time I was going il est temps que je parte;∎ it's dinner time, it's time for dinner c'est l'heure de dîner;∎ there you are, it's about time! te voilà, ce n'est pas trop tôt!;∎ I wouldn't give him the time of day je ne lui dirais même pas bonjour;∎ to pass the time of day with sb échanger quelques mots avec qn∎ local time heure f locale;∎ it's 5 o'clock Tokyo time il est 5 heures, heure de Tokyo∎ is the bus running to time? est-ce que le bus est à l'heure?;∎ within the required time dans les délais requis(i) (particular point in time) moment m;∎ at that time I was in Madrid à ce moment-là, j'étais à Madrid ou j'étais alors à Madrid;∎ I worked for her at one time à un moment donné j'ai travaillé pour elle;∎ at the present time en ce moment, à présent;∎ he is president at the present time il est actuellement président;∎ at the time of delivery au moment de la livraison;∎ at a later time plus tard;∎ at a given time à un moment donné;∎ at any one time à la fois;∎ there's room for 15 people at any one time il y a de la place pour 15 personnes à la fois;∎ an inconvenient time un moment inopportun;∎ you called at a most inconvenient time vous avez appelé à un très mauvais moment;∎ there are times when I could scream il y a des moments où j'ai envie de hurler;∎ at the best of times même quand tout va bien;∎ even at the best of times he is not that patient même dans ses bons moments il n'est pas particulièrement patient;∎ at no time did I agree to that je n'ai jamais donné mon accord pour cela;∎ by the time you get this… le temps que tu reçoives ceci…, quand tu auras reçu ceci…;∎ by that time it will be too late à ce moment-là il sera trop tard;∎ by that time we'll all be dead d'ici là nous serons tous morts;∎ by this time next week d'ici une semaine, dans une semaine;∎ this time next week la semaine prochaine à cette heure-ci;∎ this time last week il y a exactement une semaine;∎ from that time on we had nothing to do with them à partir de ce moment-là, nous avons refusé d'avoir affaire à eux;∎ in between times entre-temps;∎ some time or other un jour ou l'autre;∎ some time next month dans le courant du mois prochain;∎ until such time as I hear from them jusqu'à ce que ou en attendant que j'aie de leurs nouvelles(j) (suitable moment) moment m;∎ she chose her time badly elle a mal choisi son moment;∎ this is no time for you to leave ce n'est pas le moment de partir;∎ now's our time to tell her c'est maintenant que nous devrions ou voici venu le moment de le lui dire;∎ now is the time to invest c'est maintenant qu'il faut investir;∎ when the time comes le moment venu, quand le moment sera venu;∎ we'll talk about that when the time comes nous en parlerons en temps utile;∎ the time has come to make a stand c'est le moment d'avoir le courage de ses opinions;∎ the time for talking is past ce n'est plus le moment de parler;∎ it's about time we taught her a lesson il est grand temps que nous lui donnions une bonne leçon;∎ there's no time like the present (let's do it now) faisons-le maintenant;∎ there's a time and a place for everything il y a un temps et un lieu pour ou à tout(k) (occasion, instance) fois f;∎ I'll forgive you this time je vous pardonne cette fois-ci ou pour cette fois;∎ each or every time chaque fois;∎ she succeeds every time elle réussit à chaque fois;∎ the last time he came la dernière fois qu'il est venu;∎ the time before la fois précédente ou d'avant;∎ another or some other time une autre fois;∎ I called her three times je l'ai appelée trois fois;∎ many times bien des fois, très souvent;∎ many a time I've wondered… je me suis demandé plus d'une ou bien des fois…;∎ several times plusieurs fois;∎ several times in the past plusieurs fois déjà;∎ he asked me several times if… il m'a demandé plusieurs fois si…;∎ it costs 15 cents a time ça coûte 15 cents à chaque fois;∎ the one time I'm winning, he wants to stop playing pour une fois que je gagne, il veut arrêter de jouer;∎ nine times out of ten the machine doesn't work neuf fois sur dix la machine ne marche pas;∎ we'll have to decide some time or other tôt ou tard ou un jour ou l'autre il va falloir nous décider;∎ do you remember that time we went to Germany? tu te rappelles la fois où nous sommes allés en Allemagne?;∎ there's always a first time il y a un début à tout;∎ I've told you a hundred times! je te l'ai dit vingt ou cent fois!;∎ give me a good detective story every time! rien ne vaut un bon roman policier!∎ to have a good time bien s'amuser;∎ she's had a terrible time of it elle a beaucoup souffert;∎ I had the time of my life jamais je ne me suis si bien ou autant amusé;∎ we had an awful time at the picnic nous nous sommes ennuyés à mourir au pique-nique;∎ it was a difficult time for all of us c'était une période difficile pour nous tous;∎ she had a hard time bringing up five children alone ça a été difficile pour elle d'élever cinq enfants seule;∎ to give sb a hard or rough or tough time en faire voir de dures à qn, en faire voir de toutes les couleurs à qn;∎ what a time I had with him! (fun) qu'est-ce que j'ai pu m'amuser avec lui!; (trouble) qu'est-ce qu'il m'en a fait voir!∎ to put in time faire des heures (de travail);∎ to work part/full time travailler à temps partiel/à plein temps;∎ British in your own time, American on your own time pendant votre temps libre, en dehors des heures de travail∎ we pay time and a half on weekends nous payons les heures du week-end une fois et demie le tarif normal;∎ overtime is paid at double time les heures supplémentaires sont payées ou comptées double∎ in Victorian times à l'époque victorienne;∎ in the time of Henry IV à l'époque d'Henri IV, du temps d'Henri IV;∎ in times past, in former times autrefois, jadis;∎ in times to come à l'avenir;∎ at one time, things were different autrefois ou dans le temps les choses étaient différentes;∎ the house has seen better times la maison a connu des jours meilleurs;∎ in happier times en un ou des temps plus heureux;∎ in time or times of need/war en temps de pénurie/de guerre;∎ time was when doctors made house calls il fut un temps où les médecins faisaient des visites à domicile;∎ those were happy times! c'était le bon (vieux) temps!;∎ times are hard les temps sont durs;∎ in our time de nos jours;∎ the times we live in l'époque f où nous vivons;∎ in my time children didn't talk back de mon temps, les enfants ne répondaient pas;∎ she was probably a good singer in her time en son temps, c'était sûrement une bonne chanteuse;∎ it was a very popular car in its time c'était une voiture très populaire à l'époque (où elle est sortie);∎ very advanced for its time très en avance sur son temps ou sur l'époque;∎ to be ahead of or before one's time être en avance sur son époque ou sur son temps;∎ to be behind the times être en retard sur son époque ou sur son temps;∎ to keep up with the times vivre avec son temps;∎ to move with the times évoluer avec son temps;∎ times have changed autres temps, autres mœurs∎ I've heard some odd things in my time! j'en ai entendu, des choses, dans ma vie!;∎ it won't happen in our time nous ne serons pas là pour voir ça;∎ if I had my time over again si j'avais à recommencer (ma vie);∎ at my time of life à mon âge;∎ that was before your time (birth) vous n'étiez pas encore né; (arrival) vous n'étiez pas encore là;∎ her time has come (childbirth) elle arrive à son terme; (death) son heure est venue ou a sonné; (success) son heure est venue;∎ he died before his time il est mort avant l'âge∎ it's hot for the time of year il fait chaud pour la saison(r) (end of period) fin f;∎ Sport the referee called time l'arbitre a sifflé la fin du match∎ to buy sth on time acheter qch à tempérament ou à terme ou à crédit∎ to do time faire de la taule;∎ he's serving time for murder il est en taule pour meurtre∎ to keep time, to be in time être en mesure;∎ he beat time with his foot il battait ou marquait la mesure du pied;∎ in triple or three-part time à trois temps∎ to buy/to sell time on television acheter/vendre de l'espace publicitaire à la télévision∎ to make time with sb (pursue) draguer qn; (be with) être avec qn□ (en couple) ; (have sex with) s'envoyer en l'air avec qn(a) (on clock → runner, worker, race) chronométrer;∎ they timed her at four minutes a mile ils l'ont chronométrée ou ils ont chronométré son temps à quatre minutes au mille;∎ time how long she takes to finish regardez combien de temps elle met pour finir;∎ he timed his speech to last twenty minutes il a fait en sorte que son discours dure vingt minutes;∎ to time an egg minuter le temps de cuisson d'un œuf∎ they timed the attack for 6 o'clock l'attaque était prévue pour 6 heures(c) (choose right moment for) choisir ou calculer le moment de;∎ she timed her entrance well elle a bien choisi le moment pour faire son entrée;∎ he timed the blow perfectly il a frappé au bon moment;∎ your remark was perfectly/badly timed votre observation est venue au bon/au mauvais moment(d) (synchronize) régler, ajuster;∎ she tried to time her steps to the music elle essayait de régler ses pas sur la musique3 times(indicating degree) fois f;∎ she's ten times cleverer than or as clever as he is elle est dix fois plus intelligente que lui;∎ he ate four times as much cake as I did il a mangé quatre fois plus de gâteau que moi∎ Mathematics 3 times 2 is 6 3 fois 2 font ou égalent 6;∎ 1 times 6 is 6 une fois six fait ou égale sixen avance;∎ I'm ten minutes ahead of time j'ai dix minutes d'avance∎ he talked all the time we were at lunch il a parlé pendant tout le déjeuner;∎ he's been watching us all the time il n'a pas cessé de nous regarder;∎ I knew it all the time je le savais depuis le débutn'importe quand;∎ come over any time venez quand vous voulez;∎ you're welcome any time vous serez toujours le bienvenu;∎ thanks for all your help - any time merci de votre aide - de rien∎ for days at a time pendant des journées entières, des journées durant;∎ to do two things at a time faire deux choses à la fois;∎ take one book at a time prenez les livres un par un ou un (seul) livre à la fois;∎ she ran up the stairs two at a time elle a monté les marches quatre à quatreà tous momentsà toute heure;∎ hot meals at any time repas chauds à toute heure;∎ at any time of day or night à n'importe quelle heure du jour ou de la nuit;∎ at any time during office hours n'importe quand pendant les heures de bureau;∎ he could die at any time il peut mourir d'un moment à l'autre;∎ if at any time… si à l'occasion…(a) (simultaneously) en même temps;∎ they all spoke at the same time ils se sont mis à parler tous en même temps;∎ they arrived at the same time (as) he did ils sont arrivés en même temps que lui∎ she was pleased but at the same time a bit concerned elle était contente mais en même temps un peu inquiète(c) (nevertheless) pourtant, cependant;∎ at the same time, we must not forget… pourtant ou cependant, il ne faut pas oublier…∎ at the time of their wedding au moment de leur mariage;∎ I didn't pay much attention at the time sur le moment, je n'ai pas fait vraiment attentionparfois, par momentsen retard;∎ we're a bit behind time nous sommes légèrement en retard;∎ the project was running behind time le projet avait du retardpendant un (certain) temps;∎ for a time, he was unable to walk pendant un certain temps, il n'a pas pu marcherpour toujourspour le momentde temps en temps, de temps à autre∎ she'll come to her senses in time elle finira par revenir à la raison;∎ he'll forget about it in (the course of) time il finira par l'oublier (avec le temps)∎ let me know in (good) time prévenez-moi (bien) à l'avance;∎ she arrived in time for the play elle est arrivée à l'heure pour la pièce;∎ you're just in time to greet our guests tu arrives juste à temps pour accueillir nos invités;∎ I'll be back in time for the film je serai de retour à temps pour le film∎ to be or keep in time (with the music) être en mesure (avec la musique)en un rien de tempsde tous les temps∎ why now of all times? pourquoi faut-il que ce soit juste maintenant?à l'heure;∎ to run on time (trains etc) être à l'heure;∎ she arrived right on time elle est arrivée juste à l'heure;∎ is the bus on time? est-ce que le bus est à l'heure?∎ Music he got out of time il a perdu la mesuremaintes et maintes foistemps m libre;∎ what do you do in your time off? qu'est-ce que vous faites de votre temps libre?∎ Sport to take time out faire un temps mort∎ I took time out to travel (from work) je me suis mis en congé pour voyager; (from studies) j'ai interrompu mes études pour voyager;∎ she took time out to read the report elle a pris le temps de lire le rapport►► time of arrival heure f d'arrivée;Stock Exchange time bargain marché m à terme;∎ figurative a demographic time bomb une situation démographique qui menace d'exploser;∎ the situation is like a time bomb ticking away la situation est explosive;∎ figurative they're sitting on a time bomb ils sont assis sur un volcan;time capsule capsule f témoin (qui doit servir de témoignage historique aux générations futures);Industry time card carte f ou fiche f de pointage;time chart (showing time zones) carte f des fuseaux horaires; (showing events) table f d'événements historiques; (showing planning) calendrier m, planning m;time check (on radio) rappel m de l'heure; (in cycling, skiing, motor racing) contrôle m du temps intermédiaire;Grammar time clause proposition f temporelle;Industry time clock pointeuse f;time code code m temporel;time of departure heure f de départ;time difference décalage m horaire;Finance time draft traite f à terme;time frame délai m;∎ what's our time frame? de combien de temps disposons-nous?;time fuse détonateur m ou fusée f à retardement;time lapse intervalle m, laps m de temps;∎ there is a strict time limit for applications il y a un délai impératif ou de rigueur pour la remise des dossiers de candidature;∎ we'll have to set ourselves a time limit for the work il va falloir nous imposer un délai pour finir ce travail;∎ the work must be completed within the time limit le travail doit être terminé avant la date limite;Finance time loan emprunt m à terme;time machine machine f à voyager dans le temps;time management gestion f du temps de travail;Marketing time pricing fixation f des prix en fonction du moment;time sheet feuille f de présence;Radio time signal signal m ou top m horaire;Music time signature indication f de la mesure;Computing time slice tranche f de temps;Computing time slicing temps m partagé;time slot créneau m ou tranche f horaire;time travel voyage m dans le temps;time traveller personne f qui voyage dans le temps;Sport time trial course f contre la montre, contre-la-montre m inv;Telecommunications time unit unité f;time warp (in science fiction) faille f spatio-temporelle;∎ it's like living in a time warp c'est comme si on vivait hors du temps;∎ the country seems to have entered a time warp le temps semble s'être arrêté dans le pays;∎ the house/company seems to be caught in a 19th century time warp la maison/la société semble ne pas avoir changé depuis le XIXème siècle;time zone fuseau m horaireⓘ I may be some time Ce sont les mots ("je risque d'en avoir pour un certain temps") qu'aurait prononcés le capitaine Oates lorsqu'il sortit de la tente qu'il occupait avec le capitaine Scott au cours de leur expédition de 1912 au pôle sud. Oates souffrait de gelures multiples et afin de ne pas ralentir la progression de ses camarades, il décida de se sacrifier en disparaissant dans la tourmente. Cet épisode est censé symboliser les qualités d'héroïsme et d'abnégation associées au caractère britannique. Aujourd'hui, on emploie cette formule par allusion à Oates sur le mode humoristique lorsque l'on sort d'une pièce ou bien lorsqu'on va aux toilettes. -
11 time
time [taɪm]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. noun3. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. nouna. temps m• have you got time to wait for me? est-ce que tu as le temps de m'attendre ?• the letter was in my pocket all the time la lettre était dans ma poche depuis le début► in good time ( = with time to spare) en avance• let me know in good time prévenez-moi suffisamment à l'avance► to take + time• to take time out to do sth trouver le temps de faire qch ; (during studies) interrompre ses études pour faire qch► to have time for• I've no time for that sort of thing ( = too busy) je n'ai pas de temps pour ça ; ( = not interested) ce genre d'histoire ne m'intéresse pasb. ( = period) for a time pendant un certain temps• what a long time you've been! il vous en a fallu du temps !• for a short time we thought that... pendant un moment nous avons pensé que...► some timec. ( = period worked) to work full time travailler à plein temps• we get paid time and a half on Saturdays le samedi, nous sommes payés une fois et demie le tarif normald. ( = day) temps m• what great times we've had! c'était le bon temps !f. (by clock) heure f• what time is it? quelle heure est-il ?• what time is he arriving? à quelle heure est-ce qu'il arrive ?• the time is 4.30 il est 4 heures et demie► preposition + time• just in time (for sth/to do sth) juste à temps (pour qch/pour faire qch)g. ( = moment) moment m• by the time I had finished, it was dark le temps que je termine, il faisait nuit• some times... at other times des fois... des fois• the time has come to decide... il est temps de décider...h. ( = occasion) fois f• the times I've told him that! je le lui ai dit je ne sais combien de fois !i. (multiplying) fois f• ten times the size of... dix fois plus grand que...a. ( = choose time of) [+ visit] choisir le moment de• you timed that perfectly! vous ne pouviez pas mieux choisir votre moment !• well-timed [remark, entrance] tout à fait opportunb. ( = count time of) [+ race, runner, worker] chronométrer ; [+ programme, piece of work] minuter3. compounds• a time-honoured tradition une tradition ancienne or vénérable ► time-lag noun (between events) décalage m• to take time off from work prendre un congé ► time-share transitive verb (Computing) utiliser en temps partagé noun maison f (or appartement m ) en multipropriété• it's like living in a time warp c'est comme si on était transporté dans une autre époque ► time zone noun fuseau m horaire* * *[taɪm] 1.1) ( continuum) temps min ou with time —
as time goes/went by — avec le temps
2) ( specific duration) temps mflight/journey time — durée f du vol/voyage
you've got all the time in the world —
you took a long time! —
in no time at all —
in five days'/weeks' time — dans cinq jours/semaines
in your own time — ( at your own pace) à ton rythme; ( outside working hours) en dehors des heures de travail
3) (hour of the day, night) heure fwhat time is it? —
10 am French time — 10 heures, heure française
this time last week/year — il y a exactement huit jours/un an
the train times — les horaires mpl des trains
to lose time — [clock] retarder
not before time! — il était (or il est) grand temps!
4) (era, epoch) époque ftime was ou there was a time when one could... — à une certaine époque on pouvait...
to keep up ou move with the times — être à la page
in times past —
it was before my time — ( before my birth) je n'étais pas encore né; ( before I came here) je n'étais pas encore ici
5) ( moment) moment mby the time I finished the letter the post had gone — le temps de finir ma lettre et le courrier était parti
from that ou this time on — à partir de ce moment
6) ( occasion) fois ftime after time —
7) ( experience)to have a tough ou hard time doing — avoir du mal à faire
he's having a rough ou hard ou tough time — il traverse une période difficile
the good/bad times — les moments heureux/difficiles
8) Administration ( hourly rate)to work/be paid time — travailler/être payé à l'heure
9) Music mesure fto beat ou mark time — battre la mesure
10) Sport temps m11) Mathematics, fig2.ten times longer/stronger — dix fois plus long/plus fort
transitive verb1) ( schedule) gen prévoir; fixer [appointment, meeting]we time our trips to fit in with school holidays — nous faisons coïncider nos voyages avec les vacances scolaires
to be well-/badly-timed — être opportun/inopportun
2) ( judge) calculer [blow, shot]3) (measure speed, duration) chronométrer [athlete, cyclist]; mesurer la durée de [journey, speech]3.••to have time on one's hands — ( for brief period) avoir du temps devant soi; ( longer) avoir beaucoup de temps libre
to do time — (colloq) ( prison) faire de la taule (colloq)
long time no see! — (colloq) ça fait un bail (colloq) (qu'on ne s'est pas vu)!
12 time
A n1 ( continuum) temps m ; time and space le temps et l'espace ; in ou with time, in the course of time avec le temps ; as time goes/went by avec le temps ; at this point in time à l'heure qu'il est ; for all time à jamais ; the biggest drugs haul of all time la plus importante saisie de drogue de tous les temps ;2 ( specific duration) temps m ; most of the time la plupart du temps ; he was ill for some of the time il a été malade pendant une partie du temps ; she talked (for) some of the time, but most of the time she was silent elle a parlé par moments, mais pendant la plupart du temps elle a gardé le silence ; all the time tout le temps ; I was waiting for you here all the time je t'attendais ici pendant tout ce temps-là ; she was lying all the time elle mentait depuis le début ; you've got all the time in the world, you've got plenty of time tu as tout ton temps ; to find/have/take the time to do trouver/avoir/prendre le temps de faire ; to spend one's time doing passer son temps à faire ; to take one's time prendre son temps ; take your time over it! prends ton temps! ; writing a novel takes time, it takes time to write a novel il faut du temps pour écrire un roman ; do I have (enough) time to go to the shops? est-ce que j'ai le temps d'aller aux magasins? ; half the time he isn't even listening la moitié du temps il n'écoute même pas ; some time before/after quelque temps avant/après ; that's the best film I've seen for a long time c'est le meilleur film que j'aie vu depuis longtemps ; he has been gone for a long time cela fait longtemps or un bon moment qu'il est parti ; it'll be a long time before I go back there! je n'y retournerai pas de sitôt! ; you took a long time!, what a (long) time you've been! tu en a mis du temps! ; we had to wait for a long time nous avons dû attendre longtemps ; I've been living in this country for a long time j'habite dans ce pays depuis longtemps, cela fait longtemps que j'habite dans ce pays ; it takes a long time for the car to start la voiture met du temps à démarrer ; she would regret this for a long time to come elle allait le regretter pendant longtemps ; a long time ago il y a longtemps ; a short time ago il y a peu de temps ; some time ago il y a un moment, il y a quelque temps ; we haven't heard from her for some time ça fait un moment qu'on n'a pas eu de ses nouvelles ; it continued for some (considerable) time ça a continué pendant un bon moment or pendant pas mal de temps ; it won't happen for some time yet ça ne se produira pas de sitôt or avant longtemps ; she did it in half the time it had taken her colleagues elle l'a fait en deux fois moins de temps que ses collègues ; in no time at all, in next to no time en moins de deux ; in five days'/weeks' time dans cinq jours/semaines ; within the agreed time dans les délais convenus ; in your own time ( at your own pace) à ton rythme ; ( outside working hours) en dehors des heures de travail ; on company time pendant les heures de bureau ; my time isn't my own je n'ai plus une minute à moi ; my time is my own je suis maître de mon temps ;3 (hour of the day, night) heure f ; what time is it?, what's the time? quelle heure est-il? ; she looked at the time elle a regardé l'heure ; the time is 11 o'clock il est 11 heures ; 10 am French time 10 heures, heure française ; tomorrow, at the same time demain, à la même heure ; this time next week la semaine prochaine à la même heure ; this time next year l'année prochaine à la même date or époque ; this time last week/year il y a exactement huit jours/un an ; by this time next week/year d'ici huit jours/un an ; on time à l'heure ; the trains are running on ou to time les trains sont à l'heure ; the bus/train times les horaires mpl or les heures des bus/des trains ; the times of trains to Montreal les heures or les horaires des trains pour Montréal ; it's time to go! c'est l'heure de partir! ; it's time for school/bed c'est l'heure d'aller à l'école/au lit ; it's time for breakfast c'est l'heure du petit déjeuner ; it's time, your time is up c'est l'heure ; it's time we started/left il est temps de commencer/partir ; to lose time [clock] retarder ; that clock keeps good time cette horloge est toujours à l'heure ; about time too! ce n'est pas trop tôt! ; not before time! il était (or il est) grand temps! ; you're just in time for lunch/a drink tu arrives juste à temps pour déjeuner/boire quelque chose ; to arrive in good time arriver en avance ; to be in plenty of time ou in good time for the train être en avance pour prendre le train ; I want to have everything ready in time for Christmas je veux que tout soit prêt à temps pour Noël ; to be behind time avoir du retard ; twenty minutes ahead of time vingt minutes avant l'heure prévue ; six months ahead of time six mois avant la date prévue ;4 (era, epoch) époque f ; in Victorian/Roman times à l'époque victorienne/romaine ; in Dickens' times du temps de Dickens ; at the time à l'époque ; at that time à cette époque, en ce temps-là ; time was ou there was a time when one could… à une certaine époque on pouvait… ; to be ahead of ou in advance of the times [person, invention] être en avance sur son époque ; to be behind the times être en retard sur son époque ; to keep up ou move with the times être à la page ; times are hard les temps sont durs ; those were difficult times c'étaient des temps difficiles ; in times past, in former times autrefois ; in happier times en un temps plus heureux, à une époque plus heureuse ; it's just like old times c'est comme au bon vieux temps ; in times of war/peace en temps de guerre/paix ; peace in our time la paix de notre vivant ; at my time of life à mon âge ; I've seen a few tragedies in my time j'en ai vu des drames dans ma vie ; she was a beautiful woman in her time c'était une très belle femme dans son temps ; it was before my time ( before my birth) je n'étais pas encore né ; ( before I came here) je n'étais pas encore ici ; if I had my time over again si je pouvais recommencer ma vie ; to die before one's time mourir prématurément ; to be nearing one's time† ( pregnant woman) approcher de son terme ;5 ( moment) moment m ; at times par moments ; it's a good/bad time to do c'est le bon/mauvais moment pour faire ; the house was empty at the time la maison était vide à ce moment-là ; at the time I didn't notice à ce moment-là je ne l'avais pas remarqué ; at the right time au bon moment ; this is no time for jokes ce n'est pas le moment de plaisanter ; at all times à tout moment ; at any time à n'importe quel moment ; at any time of the day or night à n'importe quelle heure du jour ou de la nuit ; we're expecting him any time now il doit arriver d'un moment à l'autre ; at no time did I agree à aucun moment je n'ai accepté ; come any time you want viens quand tu veux ; the time has come for change/action l'heure est venue de changer/d'agir ; at times like these you need your friends dans ces moments-là on a besoin de ses amis ; by the time I finished the letter the post had gone le temps de finir ma lettre et le courrier était parti ; by the time she had got downstairs he had gone avant qu'elle n'arrive en bas il était déjà parti ; by this time most of them were dead la plupart d'entre eux étaient déjà morts ; some time this week dans la semaine ; some time next month dans le courant du mois prochain ; for the time being pour l'instant, pour le moment ; from that ou this time on à partir de ce moment ; from the time (that) I was 15 depuis l'âge de 15 ans ; there are times when il y a des moments où ; when the time comes le moment venu ; in times of danger dans les moments de danger ; in times of crisis/high inflation dans les périodes de crise/forte inflation ; no more than 12 people at any one time pas plus de 12 personnes à la fois ; until such time as he does the work jusqu'à ce qu'il fasse le travail ; at the same time en même temps ; I can't be in two places at the same time je ne peux pas être partout à la fois ; now's our time to act! c'est maintenant qu'il faut agir! ;6 ( occasion) fois f ; nine times out of ten neuf fois sur dix ; three times a month trois fois par mois ; hundreds of times des centaines de fois ; the first/last/next time la première/dernière/prochaine fois ; time after time, time and time again maintes fois ; each ou every time that chaque fois que ; some other time perhaps une autre fois peut-être ; three at a time trois à la fois ; there were times when il y avait des fois où ; many's the time when I refused bien des fois j'ai refusé ; she passed her driving test first time round/third time round elle a eu son permis du premier coup/à la troisième fois ; do you remember the time when…? tu te rappelles quand…?, tu te rappelles la fois où…? ; from time to time de temps en temps ; 10 dollars a time 10 dollars le coup ; for months at a time pendant des mois entiers ; (in) between times entre-temps ;7 ( experience) to have a tough ou hard time doing avoir du mal à faire ; they gave him a rough ou hard ou tough time of it ils lui en ont fait voir (de toutes les couleurs ○) ; he's having a rough ou hard ou tough time il traverse une période difficile ; I'm having a bad time at work en ce moment j'ai des problèmes au travail ; we had a good time on s'est bien amusé ; have a good time! amusez-vous bien! ; to have an easy time (of it) se la couler douce ○ ; the good/bad times les moments heureux/difficiles ; she enjoyed her time in Canada elle a beaucoup aimé son séjour au Canada ; during her time as ambassador pendant qu'elle était ambassadeur ;8 Admin, Ind ( hourly rate) to work/be paid time travailler/être payé à l'heure ; to be paid time and a half être payé une fois et demie le tarif normal ; on Sundays we get paid double time le dimanche on est payé double ;10 Mus mesure f ; to beat ou mark time battre la mesure ; to stay in ou keep time rester en mesure ; to be in/out of time être/ne pas être en mesure ; in waltz/march time sur un rythme de valse/marche ;11 Sport temps m ; a fast time un bon temps ; in record time en (un) temps record ; to keep time chronométrer ;12 Math, fig one times two is two une fois deux, deux ; three times four trois fois quatre ; ten times longer/stronger dix fois plus long/plus fort ; eight times as much huit fois autant.B vtr1 ( schedule) prévoir [attack] (for pour) ; prévoir, fixer [holiday, visit] (for pour) ; fixer [appointment, meeting] ; the demonstration is timed to coincide with the ceremony l'heure de la manifestation est prévue pour coïncider avec la cérémonie ; we time our trips to fit in with school holidays nous faisons coïncider nos voyages avec les vacances scolaires ; the bomb is timed to go off at midday la bombe est réglée pour exploser à midi ; to be well-/badly-timed être opportun/inopportun ; the announcement was perfectly timed la déclaration est tombée à point nommé ;2 ( judge) calculer [blow, stroke, shot] ; to time a remark/joke choisir le moment pour faire une remarque/plaisanterie ;3 (measure speed, duration) chronométrer [athlete, cyclist] ; mesurer la durée de [journey, speech] ; minuter la cuisson de [egg] ; to time sb over 100 metres chronométrer qn sur 100 mètres.from time out of mind depuis la nuit des temps ; there is a time and place for everything il y a un temps pour tout ; there's always a first time il y a un début à tout ; there's a first time for everything il y a une première fois pour tout ; he'll tell you in his own good time il te le dira quand il en aura envie ; all in good time chaque chose en son temps ; only time will tell seul l'avenir nous le dira ; to pass the time of day with sb échanger quelques mots avec qn ; I wouldn't give him the time of day je ne lui dirais même pas bonjour ; to have time on one's hands ( for brief period) avoir du temps devant soi ; ( longer) avoir beaucoup de temps libre ; time hung heavy on his hands il trouvait le temps long ; to have a lot of time for sb apprécier beaucoup qn ; I've got a lot of time for people who work with the sick j'admire beaucoup les personnes qui soignent les malades ; I've got no time for pessimists/that sort of attitude je ne supporte pas les pessimistes/ce genre d'attitude ; to do time ○ ( prison) faire de la taule ○ ; to make time with sb ○ US ( chat up) draguer ○ qn ; ( have sex with) s'envoyer ○ qn ; give me France/Lauren Bacall every time! rien ne vaut la France/Lauren Bacall! ; long time no see ○ ! ça fait un bail ○ (qu'on ne s'est pas vu)! ; time please! GB ( in pub) on ferme! -
13 good
good [gʊd]bon ⇒ 1A (a)-(d), 1B (a), 1C (a), 1C (c), 1C (d), 1D (a)-(e), 1E (a)-(d), 2 (a) beau ⇒ 1A (a), 1D (b) gentil ⇒ 1B (a) sage ⇒ 1B (b) favorable ⇒ 1C (b) bien ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (b), 3 pour ainsi dire ⇒ 5 pour de bon ⇒ 6A.∎ we're good friends nous sommes très amis;∎ we're just good friends on est des amis, c'est tout;∎ she has a good relationship with her staff elle a un bon contact avec ses employés;∎ they have a good sex life sexuellement, tout va bien entre eux;∎ they had a good time ils se sont bien amusés;∎ we had good weather during the holidays il faisait beau pendant nos vacances;∎ good to eat/to hear bon à manger/à entendre;∎ it's good to be home ça fait du bien ou ça fait plaisir de rentrer chez soi;∎ it's good to be alive il fait bon vivre;∎ wait until he's in a good mood attendez qu'il soit de bonne humeur;∎ to feel good être en forme;∎ he doesn't feel good about leaving her alone (worried) ça l'ennuie de la laisser seule; (ashamed) il a honte de la laisser seule;∎ it's too good to be true c'est trop beau pour être vrai ou pour y croire;∎ the good life la belle vie;∎ she's never had it so good! elle n'a jamais eu la vie si belle!;∎ this is as good as you can get or as it gets c'est ce qui se fait de mieux;∎ have a good day! bonne journée!;∎ it's good to see you je suis/nous sommes content(s) de te voir;∎ you can have too much of a good thing on se lasse de tout, même du meilleur∎ it's a good school c'est une bonne école;∎ he speaks good English il parle bien anglais;∎ she put her good shoes on elle a mis ses belles chaussures;∎ I need a good suit j'ai besoin d'un bon costume;∎ this house is good enough for me cette maison me suffit;∎ if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me si ça vous va, alors ça me va aussi;∎ this isn't good enough ça ne va pas;∎ this work isn't good enough ce travail laisse beaucoup à désirer;∎ nothing is too good for her family rien n'est trop beau pour sa famille;∎ it makes good television ça marche bien à la télévision(c) (competent, skilful) bon, compétent;∎ do you know a good lawyer? connaissez-vous un bon avocat?;∎ she's a very good doctor c'est un excellent médecin;∎ he's a good swimmer c'est un bon nageur;∎ she's a good listener c'est quelqu'un qui sait écouter;∎ to be good in bed être bien au lit;∎ he's too good for that job il mérite une meilleure situation;∎ to be good at sth être doué pour ou bon en qch;∎ they're good at everything ils sont bons en tout;∎ he's good with children il sait s'y prendre avec les enfants;∎ to be good with one's hands être habile ou adroit de ses mains;∎ they're not good enough to direct the others ils ne sont pas à la hauteur pour diriger les autres;∎ you're as good as he is tu le vaux bien, tu vaux autant que lui;∎ she's as good an artist as you are elle vous vaut en tant qu'artiste;∎ to be good on French history/contract law (author) être bon en histoire de France/sur le droit des contrats;∎ to be good on sth (book) être complet sur qch;∎ the good gardening guide (title of book) le guide du bon jardinier∎ to be good for nothing être bon à rien;∎ this product is also good for cleaning windows ce produit est bien aussi pour nettoyer les vitres∎ good day! British or & American old-fashioned (hello) bonjour!; British old-fashioned (goodbye) adieu!;∎ good evening! bonsoir!;B.∎ good behaviour or conduct bonne conduite f;∎ she's a good person c'est quelqu'un de bien;∎ he's a good sort c'est un brave type;∎ she proved to be a good friend elle a prouvé qu'elle était une véritable amie;∎ he's been a good husband to her il a été pour elle un bon mari;∎ you're too good for him tu mérites mieux que lui;∎ they took advantage of his good nature ils ont profité de son bon naturel ou caractère;∎ he's a good Christian/communist c'est un bon chrétien/communiste;∎ to lead a good life (comfortable) avoir une belle vie; (moral) mener une vie vertueuse ou exemplaire;∎ they've always been good to me ils ont toujours été gentils avec moi;∎ life has been good to me j'ai eu de la chance dans la vie;∎ that's very good of you c'est très aimable de votre part;∎ he was very good about it il s'est montré très compréhensif;∎ it's good of you to come c'est aimable ou gentil à vous d'être venu;∎ would you be good enough to ask him? auriez-vous la bonté de lui demander?, seriez-vous assez aimable pour lui demander?;∎ would you be good enough to reply by return of post? voudriez-vous avoir l'obligeance de répondre par retour du courrier?;∎ old-fashioned or humorous and how's your good lady? et comment va madame?;∎ old-fashioned or humorous my good man mon brave;∎ literary good men and true des hommes vaillants;∎ literary the good ship Caledonia le Caledonia(b) (well-behaved) sage;∎ be good! sois sage!;∎ be a good boy and fetch Mummy's bag sois mignon, va chercher le sac de maman;C.∎ it's a good thing she's prepared to talk about it c'est une bonne chose qu'elle soit prête à en parler;∎ she had the good fortune to arrive just then elle a eu la chance d'arriver juste à ce moment-là;∎ it's a good job or good thing he decided not to go c'est une chance qu'il ait décidé de ou heureusement qu'il a décidé de ne pas y aller;∎ all good wishes for the New Year tous nos meilleurs vœux pour le nouvel an∎ to buy sth at a good price acheter qch bon marché ou à un prix avantageux;∎ you've got a good chance tu as toutes tes chances;∎ she's in a good position to help us elle est bien placée pour nous aider;∎ there are good times ahead l'avenir est prometteur;∎ he put in a good word for me with the boss il a glissé un mot en ma faveur au patron;∎ it's looking good (is going well) ça a l'air de bien se passer; (is going to succeed) ça se présente bien;∎ he's looking good (of boxer, athlete, election candidate) il a toutes ses chances∎ it's a good holiday spot for people with children c'est un lieu de vacances idéal pour ceux qui ont des enfants;∎ is this a good moment to ask him? est-ce un bon moment pour lui demander?;∎ this is as good a time as any autant le faire maintenant;∎ it's as good a way as any to do it c'est une façon comme une autre de le faire(d) (beneficial) bon, bienfaisant;∎ protein-rich diets are good for pregnant women les régimes riches en protéines sont bons pour les femmes enceintes;∎ eat your spinach, it's good for you mange tes épinards, c'est bon pour toi;∎ hard work is good for the soul! le travail forme le caractère!;∎ whisky is good for a cold le whisky est bon pour les rhumes;∎ to be good for business être bon pour les affaires;∎ he's not good for her il a une mauvaise influence sur elle;∎ this cold weather isn't good for your health ce froid n'est pas bon pour ta santé ou est mauvais pour toi;∎ it's good for him to spend time outdoors ça lui fait du bien ou c'est bon pour lui de passer du temps dehors;∎ he works more than is good for him il travaille plus qu'il ne faudrait ou devrait;∎ figurative he doesn't know what's good for him il ne sait pas ce qui est bon pour lui;∎ figurative if you know what's good for you, you'll listen si tu as le moindre bon sens, tu m'écouterasD.(a) (sound, strong) bon, valide;∎ I can do a lot with my good arm je peux faire beaucoup de choses avec mon bras valide;∎ my eyesight/hearing is good j'ai une bonne vue/l'ouïe fine∎ that colour looks good on him cette couleur lui va bien;∎ she has a good figure elle est bien faite;∎ the vase looks good there le vase rend très bien là(c) (valid, well-founded) bon, valable;∎ she had a good excuse/reason for not going elle avait une bonne excuse pour/une bonne raison de ne pas y aller;∎ I wouldn't have come without good reason je ne serais pas venu sans avoir une bonne raison;∎ they made out a good case against drinking tap water ils ont bien expliqué pourquoi il ne fallait pas boire l'eau du robinet(d) (reliable, trustworthy → brand, car) bon, sûr; Commerce & Finance (→ cheque) bon; (→ investment, securities) sûr; (→ debt) bon, certain;∎ my passport is good for five years mon passeport est bon ou valable pour cinq ans;∎ this coat is good for another year ce manteau fera encore un an;∎ familiar she's good for another ten years elle en a bien encore pour dix ans;∎ familiar he's always good for a laugh il sait toujours faire rire□ ;∎ how much money are you good for? (do you have) de combien d'argent disposez-vous?;∎ he should be good for a couple of hundred pounds on devrait pouvoir en tirer quelques centaines de livres;∎ they are or their credit is good for £500 on peut leur faire crédit jusqu'à 500 livres(e) (honourable, reputable) bon, estimé;∎ they live at a good address ils habitent un quartier chic;∎ to protect their good name pour défendre leur réputation;∎ the firm has a good name la société a (une) bonne réputation;∎ she's from a good family elle est de bonne famille;∎ a family of good standing une famille bienE.(a) (ample, considerable) bon, considérable;∎ a good amount or deal of money beaucoup d'argent;∎ a good (round) sum une somme rondelette;∎ a good few people pas mal de gens;∎ take good care of your mother prends bien soin de ta mère;∎ to make good money bien gagner sa vie;∎ I make good money je gagne bien ma vie;∎ we still have a good way to go nous avons encore un bon bout de chemin à faire;∎ I was a good way into the book when I realized that… j'avais déjà bien avancé dans ma lecture quand je me suis rendu compte que…;∎ a good thirty years ago il y a bien trente ans;∎ the trip will take you a good two hours il vous faudra deux bonnes heures pour faire le voyage;∎ she's been gone a good while ça fait un bon moment qu'elle est partie;∎ they came in a good second ils ont obtenu une bonne deuxième place;∎ there's a good risk of it happening il y a de grands risques que ça arrive(b) (proper, thorough) bon, grand;∎ I gave the house a good cleaning j'ai fait le ménage à fond;∎ have a good cry pleure un bon coup;∎ we had a good laugh on a bien ri;∎ I managed to get a good look at his face j'ai pu bien regarder son visage;∎ take a good look at her regardez-la bien;∎ he got a good spanking il a reçu une bonne fessée;∎ familiar we were good and mad on était carrément furax;∎ she'll call when she's good and ready elle appellera quand elle le voudra bien;∎ I was good and sorry to have invited her j'ai bien regretté de l'avoir invitée(c) (acceptable) bon, convenable;∎ we made the trip in good time le voyage n'a pas été trop long;∎ that's all very good or all well and good but→ c'est bien joli ou bien beau tout ça mais…(d) (indicating approval) bon, très bien;∎ I'd like a new suit - very good, sir! j'ai besoin d'un nouveau costume - (très) bien, monsieur!;∎ she left him - good! elle l'a quitté - tant mieux!;∎ he's feeling better - good, let him go il va mieux - très bien, laissez-le partir;∎ good, that's settled bon ou bien, voilà une affaire réglée;∎ (that) sounds good! (good idea) bonne idée!;∎ that's a good question c'est une bonne question;∎ familiar that's a good one! (joke) elle est (bien) bonne, celle-là!; ironic (far-fetched story) à d'autres!;∎ familiar good on you or for you! bravo!, très bien!;∎ good old Eric, I knew he wouldn't let us down! ce brave Eric, je savais qu'il ne nous laisserait pas tomber!;∎ good old London le bon vieux Londres;∎ the good old days le bon vieux temps2 adverb(a) (as intensifier) bien, bon;∎ a good hard bed un lit bien dur;∎ I'd like a good hot bath j'ai envie de prendre un bon bain chaud;∎ he needs a good sound spanking il a besoin d'une bonne fessée;∎ the two friends had a good long chat les deux amis ont longuement bavardé;∎ we took a good long walk nous avons fait une bonne ou une grande promenade∎ she writes good elle écrit bien;∎ the boss gave it to them good and proper le patron leur a passé un de ces savons;∎ their team beat us good and proper leur équipe nous a battus à plate couture ou à plates coutures;∎ I'll do it when I'm good and ready je le ferai quand ça me chantera;∎ I like my coffee good and strong j'aime le café bien fort;∎ make sure it's stuck on good and hard vérifie que c'est vraiment bien collé;∎ put the paint on good and thick appliquer la peinture en couches bien épaisses∎ a local boy made good un garçon du pays ou du coin qui a fait son chemin;∎ the prisoner made good his escape le prisonnier est parvenu à s'échapper ou a réussi son évasion;∎ they made good their promise ils ont tenu parole ou ont respecté leur promesse;∎ he made good his position as leader il a assuré sa position de leader;∎ to make sth good (mistake) remédier à qch; (damages, injustice) réparer qch; (losses) compenser qch; (deficit) combler qch; (wall, surface) apporter des finitions à qch;∎ we'll make good any expenses you incur nous vous rembourserons toute dépense;∎ American to make good on sth honorer qch3 noun(a) (morality, virtue) bien m;∎ they do good ils font le bien;∎ that will do more harm than good ça fera plus de mal que de bien;∎ to return good for evil rendre le bien pour le mal;∎ that organization is a power for good cet organisme exerce une influence salutaire;∎ she recognized the good in him elle a vu ce qu'il y avait de bon en lui;∎ there is good and bad in everyone il y a du bon et du mauvais en chacun de nous;∎ to be up to no good préparer un mauvais coup;∎ their daughter came to no good leur fille a mal tourné;∎ for good or evil, for good or ill pour le bien et pour le mal∎ this book isn't much good to me ce livre ne me sert pas à grand-chose;∎ if it's any good to him si ça peut lui être utile ou lui rendre service;∎ I was never any good at mathematics je n'ai jamais été doué pour les maths, je n'ai jamais été bon ou fort en maths;∎ he's no good il est nul;∎ he'd be no good as a teacher il ne ferait pas un bon professeur;∎ what's the good? à quoi bon?;∎ what good would it do to leave now? à quoi bon partir maintenant?;∎ what good will it do you to see her? ça te servira à quoi ou t'avancera à quoi de la voir?;∎ familiar a fat lot of good that did you! te voilà bien avancé maintenant!;∎ ironic that will do you a lot of good! tu seras bien avancé!, ça te fera une belle jambe!;∎ it's no good, I give up ça ne sert à rien, j'abandonne;∎ it's no good worrying about it ça ne sert à rien de ou ce n'est pas la peine de ou inutile de vous inquiéter;∎ I might as well talk to the wall for all the good it does je ferais aussi bien de parler au mur, pour tout l'effet que ça fait(c) (benefit, welfare) bien m;∎ I did it for your own good je l'ai fait pour ton (propre) bien;∎ a holiday will do her good des vacances lui feront du bien;∎ she resigned for the good of her health elle a démissionné pour des raisons de santé;∎ it does my heart good to see you so happy ça me réchauffe le cœur de vous voir si heureux;∎ much good may it do you! grand bien vous fasse!;∎ the common good l'intérêt m commun∎ the good and the bad les bons et les méchants;∎ only the good die young ce sont toujours les meilleurs qui partent les premierspour ainsi dire, à peu de choses près;∎ I'm as good as blind without my glasses sans lunettes je suis pour ainsi dire aveugle;∎ he's as good as dead c'est comme s'il était mort;∎ the job is as good as finished la tâche est pour ainsi dire ou est pratiquement finie;∎ it's as good as new c'est comme neuf;∎ he as good as admitted he was wrong il a pour ainsi dire reconnu qu'il avait tort;∎ they as good as called us cowards ils n'ont pas dit qu'on était des lâches mais c'était tout comme;∎ are you married? - as good as tu es marié? - non, mais c'est tout commepour de bon;∎ she left for good elle est partie pour de bon;∎ they finally settled down for good ils se sont enfin fixés définitivement;∎ for good and all une (bonne) fois pour toutes, pour de bon;∎ I'm warning you for good and all! c'est la dernière fois que je te le dis!∎ that's all to the good tant mieux;∎ he finished up the card game £15 to the good il a fait 15 livres de bénéfice ou il a gagné 15 livres aux cartes►► the Good Book la Bible;Good Friday le vendredi saint;good looks (attractive appearance) beauté f;American familiar good old boy or good ole boy or good ol' boy (white male from Southern US) = Blanc originaire du sud des États-Unis, aux valeurs traditionnelles; pejorative (redneck) plouc m;Bible the Good Samaritan le bon Samaritain;figurative good Samaritan bon Samaritain m;∎ she's a real good Samaritan elle a tout du bon Samaritain;American Law the good Samaritan laws = lois qui protègent un sauveteur de toutes poursuites éventuelles engagées par le blessé;the Good Shepherd le Bon Pasteur✾ Film 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' Leone 'Le Bon, la brute et le truand'ⓘ GOOD FRIDAY En Grande-Bretagne, il est traditionnel, le jour du vendredi saint, de manger des "hot cross buns" (petits pains ronds aux fruits secs, marqués d'une croix).ⓘ THE GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT Le processus de paix en Irlande du Nord, qui a été amorcé par les cessez-le-feu des groupes paramilitaires républicains et unionistes en 1994, a abouti au "Good Friday Agreement", l'accord de paix signé à Belfast en avril 1998. Cet accord, parrainé par les Premiers ministres britannique et irlandais, et finalement approuvé par le Sinn Féin et par la plupart des partis unionistes, a mis en place la "Northern Ireland Assembly", un parlement quasi autonome avec un partage démocratique du pouvoir entre les communautés protestante et catholique. Cet accord est une étape vers la fin de trente ans de guerre civile en Ulster.ⓘ You've never had it so good Ce slogan a été utilisé pour la première fois aux États-Unis en 1952 par les Démocrates. Il signifie "vous êtes aujourd'hui plus prospères que jamais". En Grande-Bretagne, ce slogan est associé au Premier ministre conservateur Harold Macmillan qui l'utilisa dans un discours en 1957. Aujourd'hui, on utilise cette formule sur le mode ironique lorsqu'une situation n'encourage pas du tout à l'optimisme. -
14 for
for [fɔ:(r)]pour ⇒ 1A (a)-(d), 1B (a), 1B (b), 1B (d), 1C (b)-(e), 1C (g), 1C (h) à l'intention de ⇒ 1A (c) dans la direction de ⇒ 1A (d) à ⇒ 1A (e) pendant ⇒ 1B (c) en raison de ⇒ 1C (e) de ⇒ 1C (f) car ⇒ 2A.∎ we were in Vienna for a holiday/for work nous étions à Vienne en vacances/pour le travail;∎ what for? pourquoi?;∎ I don't know what she said that for je ne sais pas pourquoi elle a dit ça;∎ what's this knob for? à quoi sert ce bouton?;∎ it's for adjusting the volume ça sert à régler le volume;∎ what's this medicine for? à quoi sert ce médicament?;∎ can you give me something for the pain? est-ce que vous pouvez me donner quelque chose pour ou contre la douleur?;∎ an instrument for measuring temperature un instrument pour mesurer la température;∎ clothes for tall men vêtements mpl pour hommes grands;∎ not suitable for freezing (on packaging) ne pas congeler(b) (in order to obtain) pour;∎ write for a free catalogue demandez votre catalogue gratuit;∎ for further information write to… pour de plus amples renseignements, écrivez à…;∎ they play for money ils jouent pour de l'argent(c) (indicating recipient or beneficiary) pour, à l'intention de;∎ these flowers are for her ces fleurs sont pour elle;∎ there's a phone call for you il y a un appel pour vous;∎ I've got some news for you j'ai une nouvelle à vous annoncer;∎ he left a note for them il leur a laissé un mot, il a laissé un mot à leur intention;∎ opera is not for me l'opéra, ça n'est pas pour moi;∎ you are the man for me/the job vous êtes l'homme qu'il me faut/qui convient pour ce poste;∎ that is just the thing for you c'est juste ce qu'il vous faut;∎ equal pay for women un salaire égal pour les femmes;∎ parking for customers only (sign) parking réservé à la clientèle;∎ what can I do for you? que puis-je faire pour vous?;∎ he's doing everything he can for us il fait tout son possible pour nous;∎ a collection for the poor une quête pour les ou en faveur des pauvres;∎ it's for your own good c'est pour ton bien;∎ he often cooks for himself il se fait souvent la cuisine;∎ see for yourself! voyez par vous-même!;∎ she writes for a sports magazine elle écrit des articles pour un magazine de sport;∎ I work for an advertising agency je travaille pour une agence de publicité(d) (indicating direction, destination) pour, dans la direction de;∎ they left for Spain ils sont partis pour l'Espagne;∎ before leaving for the office avant de partir au bureau;∎ she ran for the door elle s'est précipitée vers la porte en courant;∎ he made for home il a pris la direction de la maison;∎ the ship made for port le navire a mis le cap sur le port;∎ the train for London le train pour ou à destination de ou en direction de Londres;∎ trains for the suburbs les trains pour la banlieue;∎ change trains here for Beaune changez de train ici pour Beaune;∎ flight 402 bound for Chicago is now boarding les passagers du vol 402 à destination de Chicago sont invités à se présenter à l'embarquement∎ these books are for reference only ces livres sont à consulter sur placeB.∎ they're going away for the weekend ils partent pour le week-end;∎ they will be gone for some time ils seront absents (pendant ou pour) quelque temps;∎ they were in Spain for two weeks ils étaient en Espagne pour deux semaines;∎ she won't be back for a month elle ne sera pas de retour avant un mois;∎ I lived there for one month j'y ai vécu pendant un mois;∎ I've lived here for two years j'habite ici depuis deux ans;∎ I'd only lived there for a week when the heating went wrong je n'habitais là que depuis une semaine quand la chaudière est tombée en panne;∎ my mother has been here for two weeks ma mère est ici depuis deux semaines;∎ you haven't been here for a long time il y a ou voilà ou ça fait longtemps que vous n'êtes pas venu;∎ we've known them for years nous les connaissons depuis des années, il y a des années que nous les connaissons;∎ I have not seen him for three years il y a trois ans que je ne l'ai vu;∎ she won't be able to go out for another day or two elle devra rester sans sortir pendant encore un jour ou deux;∎ can you stay for a while? pouvez-vous rester un moment?;∎ it's the worst accident for years c'est le pire accident qui soit arrivé depuis des années;∎ we have food for three days nous avons des vivres pour trois jours∎ I went home for Christmas je suis rentré chez moi pour Noël;∎ he took me out to dinner for my birthday il m'a emmené dîner au restaurant pour mon anniversaire;∎ we made an appointment for the 6th nous avons pris rendez-vous pour le 6;∎ the meeting was set for five o'clock la réunion était fixée pour cinq heures;∎ it's time for bed c'est l'heure de se coucher ou d'aller au lit;∎ there's no time for that il n'y a pas de temps pour ça;∎ for the last/third time pour la dernière/troisième fois(c) (indicating distance) pendant;∎ you could see for miles around on voyait à des kilomètres à la ronde;∎ we walked for several miles nous avons marché pendant plusieurs kilomètres;∎ they drove for miles without seeing another car ils ont roulé (pendant) des kilomètres sans croiser une seule voiture;∎ bends for one mile (sign) virages sur un mil(l)e∎ they paid him £100 for his services ils lui ont donné 100 livres pour ses services;∎ you can hire a car for twenty pounds a day on peut louer une voiture pour vingt livres par jour;∎ it's £2 for a ticket c'est 2 livres le billet;∎ he's selling it for £200 il le vend 200 livres;∎ I wrote a cheque for £15 j'ai fait un chèque de 15 livres;∎ three for £5 trois pour 5 livres;∎ put me down for £5 inscrivez-moi pour 5 livresC.(a) (indicating exchange, equivalence)∎ do you have change for a pound? vous avez la monnaie d'une livre?;∎ he exchanged the bike for another model il a échangé le vélo contre ou pour un autre modèle;∎ what will you give me in exchange for this book? que me donnerez-vous en échange de ce livre?;∎ he gave blow for blow il a rendu coup pour coup;∎ "salvia" is the Latin term for "sage" "salvia" veut dire "sage" en latin;∎ what's the Spanish for "good"? comment dit-on "good" en espagnol?;∎ F for François F comme François;∎ what's the M for? qu'est-ce que le M veut dire?;∎ red for danger rouge veut dire danger;∎ he has cereal for breakfast il prend des céréales au petit déjeuner;∎ to have sb for a teacher avoir qn comme professeur;∎ I know it for a fact je sais que c'est vrai;∎ I for one don't care pour ma part, je m'en fiche;∎ do you take me for a fool? me prenez-vous pour un imbécile?(b) (indicating ratio) pour;∎ there's one woman applicant for every five men sur six postulants il y a une femme et cinq hommes;∎ for every honest politician there are a hundred dishonest ones pour un homme politique honnête, il y en a cent qui sont malhonnêtes(c) (on behalf of) pour;∎ I'm speaking for all parents je parle pour ou au nom de tous les parents;∎ the lawyer was acting for his client l'avocat agissait au nom de ou pour le compte de son client;∎ I'll go to the meeting for you j'irai à la réunion à votre place;∎ the representative for the union le représentant du syndicat(d) (in favour of) pour;∎ I'm all for it je suis tout à fait pour;∎ for or against pour ou contre;∎ vote for Smith! votez (pour) Smith!;∎ they voted for the proposal ils ont voté en faveur de la proposition;∎ he's for the ecologists il est pour les écologistes;∎ I'm for shortening the hunting season je suis pour une saison de chasse plus courte;∎ who's for a drink? qui veut boire un verre?;∎ I'm for bed je vais me coucher;∎ Law judgement for the plaintiff arrêt m en faveur du demandeur(e) (because of) pour, en raison de;∎ candidates were selected for their ability les candidats ont été retenus en raison de leurs compétences;∎ she couldn't sleep for the pain la douleur l'empêchait de dormir;∎ he's known for his wit il est connu pour son esprit;∎ the region is famous for its wine la région est célèbre pour son vin;∎ she's in prison for treason elle est en prison pour trahison;∎ he couldn't speak for laughing il ne pouvait pas parler tellement il riait;∎ you'll feel better for a rest vous vous sentirez mieux quand vous vous serez reposé;∎ if it weren't for you, I'd leave sans vous, je partirais;∎ for this reason pour cette raison;∎ for fear of waking him de crainte de le réveiller;∎ do it for my sake faites-le pour moi;∎ for old time's sake en souvenir du passé(f) (indicating cause, reason) de;∎ the reason for his leaving la raison de son départ;∎ there are no grounds for believing it's true il n'y a pas de raison de croire que c'est vrai;∎ she apologized for being late elle s'est excusée d'être en retard;∎ I thanked him for his kindness je l'ai remercié de ou pour sa gentillesse(g) (concerning, as regards) pour;∎ so much for that voilà qui est classé;∎ for my part, I refuse to go pour ma part ou quant à moi, je refuse d'y aller;∎ I'm very happy for her je suis très heureux pour elle;∎ what are her feelings for him? quels sont ses sentiments pour lui?;∎ for sheer impudence his remarks are hard to beat pour ce qui est de l'effronterie, ses commentaires sont imbattables∎ it's warm for March il fait bon pour un mois de mars;∎ that's a good score for him c'est un bon score pour lui;∎ she looks very young for her age elle fait très jeune pour son âge∎ it's not for him to decide il ne lui appartient pas ou ce n'est pas à lui de décider;∎ it's not for her to tell me what to do ce n'est pas à elle de me dire ce que je dois faire;∎ it was difficult for her to apologize il lui était difficile de s'excuser;∎ I have brought it for you to see je l'ai apporté pour que vous le voyiez;∎ this job is too complicated for us to finish today ce travail est trop compliqué pour que nous le finissions aujourd'hui;∎ there is still time for her to finish elle a encore le temps de finir;∎ it took an hour for the taxi to get to the station le taxi a mis une heure pour aller jusqu'à la gare;∎ for us to arrive on time we'd better leave now si nous voulons être à l'heure, il vaut mieux partir maintenant;∎ the easiest thing would be for you to lead the way le plus facile serait que vous nous montriez le chemin;∎ there's no need for you to worry il n'y a pas de raison de vous inquiéter;∎ it is usual for the mother to accompany her daughter il est d'usage que la mère accompagne sa filleD.∎ oh for a holiday! ah, si je pouvais être en vacances!;∎ oh for some peace and quiet! que ne donnerais-je pour la paix!;∎ familiar you'll be (in) for it if your mother sees you! ça va être ta fête si ta mère te voit!;∎ familiar now we're (in) for it! qu'est-ce qu'on va prendre!∎ there's nothing for it but to pay him il n'y a qu'à ou il ne nous reste qu'à le payer;∎ that's the postal service for you! ça c'est bien la poste!formal car, parce que;∎ I was surprised when he arrived punctually, for he was usually late je fus surpris de le voir arriver à l'heure, car il était souvent en retard3 for all(a) (in spite of) malgré;∎ for all their efforts malgré tous leurs efforts;∎ for all his success, he's very insecure malgré sa réussite, il manque vraiment de confiance en soi∎ for all the use he is he might as well go and play pour ce qu'il fait d'utile il peut aussi bien aller jouer;∎ for all the sense it made pour ce que c'était clair∎ for all she may say quoi qu'elle en dise;∎ for all the good it does pour tout l'effet que ça fait;∎ it may be true for all I know c'est peut-être vrai, je n'en sais rien1 adverbpour autant, malgré tout2 conjunction esp literary for all that he wanted to believe them pour autant qu'il veuille les croire(last, continue) pour toujours; (leave) pour toujours, sans retour;∎ for ever and a day jusqu'à la fin des temps;∎ for ever and ever à tout jamais, éternellement;∎ for ever and ever, amen pour les siècles des siècles, amen;∎ to live for ever vivre éternellement;∎ Scotland for ever! vive l'Écosse! -
15 ♦ time
♦ time /taɪm/A n. [uc]1 tempo; epoca; periodo; durata; (mus.) tempo, misura; circostanza: I've just time to give her a ring, ho appena il tempo di darle un colpo di telefono; It took me a long time to go there on foot, mi ci volle molto tempo per andarci a piedi; DIALOGO → - Ordering food 4- They're taking a long time to bring us our food, stanno impiegando molto tempo per portarci da mangiare; in Cromwell's time, al tempo di Cromwell; in the time of Elizabeth I, all'epoca di Elisabetta I; waltz time, tempo di valzer; We must move with the times, dobbiamo essere sempre al passo con i tempi; modern times, tempi moderni; troubled (o hard) times, tempi difficili; (mus.) to beat time, battere il tempo; a time of sorrow, una circostanza dolorosa; free time, tempo libero; a rough time, un periodo duro; to occupy one's time, impiegare il proprio tempo; to spend one's time doing st., spendere il proprio tempo facendo qc.; to waste one's time, sciupare il tempo; perdere tempo NOTA D'USO: - a lot of years o a long time?-2 ora; momento: DIALOGO → - Going for an interview- What time is it now? (o What's the time?), che ore sono (adesso)?; che ora è?; Do you have the time?, (Lei) ha l'ora?; che ore sono?; It's dinner time, è l'ora di cena; At what time?, a che ora?; DIALOGO → - On the Tube- What time's the last train to Upminster?, a che ora è l'ultimo treno per Upminster?; DIALOGO → - Television- What time does it start?, a che ora comincia?; DIALOGO → - Asking about routine 2- What time do you start work?, a che ora cominci a lavorare?; Time is up!, è ora! (di consegnare il compito, ecc.); tempo scaduto!; It's time to go, è ora d'andare; The time had come to set out, era giunta l'ora della partenza; Now is the time to act, questo è il momento di agire; There's no time like the present, questo è il momento giusto; local time, ora locale; peak time, orario di maggiore ascolto; prima serata; to tell the time, dire l'ora ( guardando l'orologio), leggere le ore; an inconvenient time, un'ora scomoda3 volta: this time, questa volta; next time, la prossima volta; every time, ogni volta; tutte le volte; another time, un'altra volta; the time before last, la penultima volta; three [four] times, tre [quattro] volte; many times, molte volte; spesso; umpteen times, un sacco di volte; DIALOGO → - Discussing books 2- There are times when I don't read a book for months, ci sono volte in cui non leggo un libro per mesi4 (trasp.) orario: the times of the trains to Oxford, gli orari dei treni per Oxford; on time, puntualmente; puntuale; in orario7 (comput.) tempo: real time, tempo reale; (avv.) immediatamente; real time processing, elaborazione in tempo reale9 ( calcio, ecc.) tempo di gioco; tempo che resta da giocare; ( anche) lo scadere del tempo: The third goal was scored (at) five minutes from time, il terzo gol è stato segnato cinque minuti prima dello scadere del tempo; stoppage time, recupero; minuti di recupero10 ( calcio, ecc.) sospensione del gioco; ► timeout, def. 1: ( dell'arbitro) to call time, comandare la sospensione (o la fine) del giocoB a. attr.● ( banca, USA) time account, conto di deposito □ time after time, più volte; tante volte; ripetutamente □ time and again, spessissimo; assai di frequente □ time and a half, paga per lavoro straordinario □ (cronot.) time and motion study, studio dei tempi e dei movimenti □ (leg.) time bar, termine di decadenza (o di prescrizione) □ (fin., Borsa) time bargain, operazione a termine □ (leg.) time-barred, prescritto per decadenza dei termini □ (fin.) time bill, cambiale a tempo; ( USA) orario ( ferroviario, ecc.) □ time bomb, bomba a tempo (o a orologeria); (fig.) situazione esplosiva □ ( ciclismo, equit.) time bonus, abbuono di tempo □ time book, registro delle presenze (o delle ore di lavoro) □ (pubbl.) time buying, acquisto di tempo ( alla radio o alla TV) □ time capsule, contenitore ( pieno di oggetti, ecc. attuali) per le generazioni future ( viene sepolto in terra) □ time card, scheda di presenza □ (naut.) time charter ( party), (contratto di) noleggio a tempo □ (gramm.) time clause, proposizione temporale □ time clerk, controllore delle ore di lavoro □ time clock, orologio marcatempo; ( anche) timer □ time-consuming, che richiede molto tempo □ (tecn.) time control, comando a tempo □ ( banca) time deposit, deposito a termine (o vincolato): time-deposit book, libretto vincolato □ time draft, tratta a tempo □ (fotogr.) time exposure, posa, tempo di posa □ (form.) time frame, arco di tempo; tempi di attuazione □ (naut.) time freight, nolo a tempo □ (mil.) time-fuse, spoletta a tempo □ ( sport) time gap, distacco, ritardo ( nelle corse) □ time-honoured, venerato per la sua antichità; venerando □ ( basket) time-in, inizio (o ripresa) del tempo di gioco □ time lag, intervallo di tempo; (fis.) ritardo; (econ.) scarto (o sfasamento) temporale □ (cinem., fotogr.) time lapse, time lapse (tecnica di montaggio in un filmato di fotogrammi scattati a intervalli di tempo lunghi) □ (cinem., fotogr.) time-lapse (attr.), in time lapse; time lapse □ time limit, (leg.) termine ultimo; ( sport: nelle corse) tempo massimo □ (fin.) time loan, prestito a tempo □ ( fantascienza) time machine, macchina del tempo □ the time of day, l'ora ( segnata dall'orologio); l'ora del giorno □ (fam.) the time of one's life, un periodo molto bello □ time of payment, termine di pagamento; scadenza ( di una cambiale, ecc.) □ ( sport) time of play, tempo di gioco; durata di una partita □ time off, tempo libero (o di vacanza); (giorni, ecc. di) congedo, permesso: I'll take some time off, mi prenderò un po' di congedo □ ( di lavoratore) time off in lieu, riposo compensativo □ time out, tempo libero; pausa; riposo; periodo di vacanza: to take time out, prendersi un po' di vacanza; fare una pausa ( nel lavoro, nello studio, ecc.) □ (fam. USA) Time out!, aspetta, aspettate!; un momento!; un attimo! □ time payment, (econ.) retribuzione a tempo; (market.) pagamento dilazionato (o rateale) □ (ass., naut.) time policy, polizza a tempo □ (cronot.) time recorder, tempista; ( anche) orologio marcatempo □ (farm.) time-release drug (o capsule), medicina (o capsula) a lento rilascio; farmaco (o capsula) retard □ (geol.) time scale, cronologia □ (demogr., stat.) time series, serie temporale (o storica) □ (stat.) time-series chart, istogramma; diagramma a colonne □ time-server, opportunista; conformista □ time-serving, (agg.) opportunistico, conformistico; (sost.) opportunismo, conformismo □ (org. az.) time sheet, foglio di presenza □ (mat.) times sign, segno di moltiplicazione □ ( radio, TV) time signal, segnale orario □ (comput.) time stamp, indicatore data e ora □ time study, cronotecnica □ time-study engineer, cronotecnico □ (tecn.) time switch, interruttore a tempo □ time taker = time recorder ► sopra □ time taking, rilevazione dei tempi □ time-tested, sperimentato; che il tempo ha dimostrato valido □ time ticket, cartellino di presenza □ ( sport: nelle corse) the time to beat, il tempo da battere (o da migliorare) □ (autom., ciclismo) time trial, corsa a cronometro; corsa contro il tempo; cronometro (sost. f.) □ time-trial specialist, cronoman □ time warp, ( fantascienza) curvatura (o distorsione) del tempo; (fig.) confusione tra passato e presente, o tra presente e futuro: to be caught (o stuck) in a time warp, essere rimasto fermo nel tempo □ time waster, q. o qc. che fa perdere tempo; perditempo; perdita di tempo □ time-wasting, che fa perdere tempo □ (econ.) time wages, salario a tempo □ times without number, innumerevoli volte; spessissimo □ (econ.) time-work, lavoro retribuito a ore; lavoro in economia □ (econ.) time-worker, operaio retribuito a ore □ (geogr.) time zone, fuso orario □ time and time again, più e più volte; non so più quante volte □ ahead of time, anzitempo; prima del tempo; di buonora □ to be ahead of (o to be born before) one's time, essere in anticipo sui tempi; essere un precursore □ all the time, per tutto il tempo, sempre, di continuo: I've known it all the time, l'ho sempre saputo □ as times go, dati i tempi; considerando come va il mondo □ at a time, alla volta: One thing at a time, una cosa alla volta □ ( sport) at full time, a tempo scaduto □ at times, a volte; talvolta; talora □ at all times, sempre; immancabilmente □ at the time, quando: At the time they arrived, I was away, quando sono arrivati, io non c'ero □ at my time of life, alla mia età □ at no time, in nessun tempo; in nessuna circostanza; giammai □ at one time, una volta; un tempo: At one time I used to swim a lot, una volta facevo molto nuoto □ at the present time, al presente; ora; adesso □ at the same time, nello stesso tempo; contemporaneamente, insieme; a un tempo, nondimeno, tuttavia: She was smiling and sobbing at the same time, sorrideva e singhiozzava nello stesso tempo □ (fig.) at this time of day, a questo punto ( delle trattative, ecc.); in questo momento ( della storia); troppo tardi □ behind the times, antiquato; vecchio □ behind time, tardi; in ritardo: We are behind time with our deliveries, siamo in ritardo con le consegne □ to die before one's time, morire anzitempo; fare una morte prematura □ (fam.) to do time, scontare una pena detentiva; essere in galera □ ( sport: calcio, ecc.) extra time, tempo supplementare □ for the time being, per il momento □ (lett.) from time immemorial ( from time out of mind), dal tempo dei tempi; da moltissimo tempo; da secoli □ from time to time, di quando in quando; ogni tanto □ from that time on, da allora in poi □ to gain time, guadagnar tempo; ( dell'orologio) andare avanti □ to give sb. a pretty hard time, far passare un brutto quarto d'ora a q. □ to grow old before one's time, invecchiare anzitempo (o troppo presto) □ ( sport) half time, metà tempo ( della partita): at half time, a metà tempo; nell'intervallo □ to have a bad time, passarsela male □ (fam.) to have an easy time, passarsela bene; star bene economicamente □ to have a good time (o the time of one's life), divertirsi un mondo; spassarsela □ to have no time for, non aver tempo per (qc.); non aver tempo da perdere con (q.) □ in time, in tempo, in tempo utile; col tempo, con l'andar del tempo, a poco a poco; DIALOGO → - Discussing football- I didn't get home in time and only caught the second half on TV, non sono tornato a casa in tempo e ho beccato solo il secondo tempo alla TV □ (mus.) to be in time, andare a tempo □ in time to come, per l'avvenire; in futuro □ in the course of time, col tempo; con l'andar del tempo; con il passare degli anni □ in double-quick time, in un baleno; in un batter d'occhio □ in due time, a tempo debito □ in good time, al momento opportuno; in tempo ( per un appuntamento, uno spettacolo e sim.) □ in one's own time, a tempo perso □ (fam.) in one's own good time, con comodo; prendendosela comoda □ in its proper time and place, a tempo e luogo □ in a month's time, fra un mese □ in no time ( at all), in un attimo; in un baleno; in un batter d'occhio □ in one's spare time, nelle ore libere; nei ritagli di tempo □ (mus.) to keep time, andare a tempo; tenere il tempo □ ( d'un orologio) to keep good [bad] time, segnare l'ora esatta [non andare bene] □ to kill time, ammazzare il tempo □ to be a long time, essere molto tempo; ( anche) metterci molto tempo (a fare qc.) □ to lose time, perdere tempo; ( dell'orologio) restare indietro NOTA D'USO: - to lose time o to waste time?- □ to lose ( all) count of time, perdere la nozione del tempo □ to make time, recuperare il tempo; ( di treno) recuperare □ to make good time, tenere una buona andatura; andare di buon passo □ (mil.) to march in time, marciare a tempo □ to march with the times, tenersi al passo con i tempi □ ( di donna) to be near one's time, essere prossima al parto □ once upon a time, una volta; al tempo dei tempi: Once upon a time there was a king, c'era una volta un re □ (mus.) to be out of time, non andare a tempo; essere fuori tempo □ to pass the time of day with sb., scambiare qualche parola di saluto con q.; intrattenersi (a conversare) con q. □ to play for time, cercare di guadagnare tempo; ( sport) fare melina □ ( radio, TV, ecc.) to be running out of time, essere in ritardo sul programma stabilito □ to serve one's time, ( di condannato) scontare la pena; ( di apprendista) prestare servizio □ to be some time, essere un po' di tempo; ( anche) metterci del tempo (a fare qc.) □ to take one's time, prendersela comoda: DIALOGO → - Asking about a journey- You took your time!, te la sei presa comoda! □ to take time off for no reason, fare delle assenze ingiustificate ( dal lavoro, ecc.) □ to tell the time, ( dell'orologio) segnare il tempo; ( di una persona) dire l'ora, leggere l'orologio □ this time last year, l'anno scorso a questa epoca □ this time next week, oggi a otto □ till the end of time, sino alla fine dei tempi; in eterno □ up to the present time, finora □ to work against time, lavorare coi minuti contati, con l'acqua alla gola; combattere contro il tempo □ (fam.) It will take me ( you, etc.) all my ( your, etc.) time to do that, c'è da lavorare ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro per farlo □ It's ( about) time I was going, sarebbe ora che me ne andassi □ My time is drawing near (o I am near my time; my time is almost over), ormai non mi resta molto da vivere □ (prov.) There's a time for everything, ogni cosa a suo tempo □ (prov.) Time is money, il tempo è denaro.NOTA D'USO: - time e tempo- (to) time /taɪm/v. t. e i.1 fare (qc. ) al momento buono (o a proposito); scegliere (o cogliere) il momento opportuno per (qc.); calcolare, disporre, progettare ( con riguardo al tempo): We timed our trip to arrive before noon, abbiamo predisposto (abbiamo organizzato) il nostro viaggio in modo d'arrivare prima di mezzogiorno2 fissare l'orario di: The arrival of the President was timed for 10 o'clock, l'arrivo del Presidente era fissato per le dieci3 regolare il ritmo (o la velocità) di; ritmare; rimettere ( un orologio); sincronizzare: The girl timed her steps to the music, la ragazza regolava il ritmo del passo sulla musica; He timed the speed of the two toy trains, ha sincronizzato la velocità dei due trenini; Time your watch with mine, regola (rimetti) il tuo orologio col mio!4 calcolare, misurare il tempo di; cronometrare: The winner was timed at 4′ 6′′, il primo arrivato è stato cronometrato a quattro minuti e sei secondi7 ( calcio, ecc.) fare ( un'azione, una mossa, ecc.) al momento giusto (o opportuno); calcolare bene il tempo di ( un intervento)● (fotogr.) to time the exposure, regolare l'esposizione □ to time one's remarks, intercalare le proprie osservazioni al momento giusto □ The bus is timed to arrive at 4 o'clock, d'orario, l'autobus arriva alle quattro. -
16 for
A prep1 ( intended to belong to or be used by) pour ; who are the flowers for? pour qui sont les fleurs? ; for her pour elle ; to buy sth for sb acheter qch pour or à qn ; she bought a book for me elle a acheté un livre pour moi, elle m'a acheté un livre ; she bought presents for the family elle a acheté des cadeaux pour la famille ; a club for young people un club pour les jeunes ; a play area for children une aire de jeux pour les enfants ; keep some pancakes for us! garde-nous des crêpes! ; not for me thanks pas pour moi merci ;2 ( intended to help or benefit) pour ; to do sth for sb faire qch pour qn ; you risked your life for us tu as risqué ta vie pour nous ; let me carry it for you laisse-moi le porter pour toi ; could you book a seat for me? est-ce que tu pourrais réserver une place pour moi or me réserver une place? ; he cooked dinner for us il nous a préparé à manger ; play a tune for us joue-nous quelque chose ;3 ( indicating purpose) pour ; what's it for? c'est pour quoi faire?, ça sert à quoi? ; it's for removing stains c'est pour enlever or ça sert à enlever les taches ; what's this spring for? c'est pour quoi faire ce ressort? ; it's not for cleaning windows ce n'est pas fait pour nettoyer les vitres ; an attic for storing furniture un grenier pour entreposer les meubles ; ‘I need it’-‘what for?’ ‘j'en ai besoin’-‘pourquoi?’ ; what did you say that for? pourquoi as-tu dit cela? ; let's stop for a rest arrêtons-nous pour nous reposer ; to do sth for a laugh faire qch pour rigoler ○ ; to go for a swim/ meal aller nager/manger ; I need something for my cough j'ai besoin de quelque chose contre la toux ; she's being treated for depression elle suit un traitement contre la dépression ; a cure for Aids un remède contre le sida ; I sent it away for cleaning je l'ai renvoyé pour qu'il soit nettoyé ; I brought her home for you to meet her je l'ai amenée à la maison pour que tu puisses la rencontrer ; the bell rang for class to begin la cloche a sonné pour indiquer le début du cours ; for this to be feasible pour que ce soit réalisable ; more investment is needed for economic growth to occur il faut qu'il y ait plus d'investissements pour relancer la croissance économique ; the idea was for you to work it out yourself le but était que tu trouves ( subj) la réponse tout seul ;4 (as representative, member, employee of) pour, de ; to work for a company travailler pour une entreprise ; to play for France jouer pour la France ; the MP for Oxford le député d'Oxford ; Minister for Foreign Affairs ministre des Affaires étrangères ;5 ( indicating cause or reason) pour ; the reason for doing la raison pour laquelle on fait ; for this reason, I'd rather… pour cette raison je préfère… ; grounds for divorce/for hope des motifs de divorce/d'espoir ; to jump for joy sauter de joie ; imprisoned for murder emprisonné pour meurtre ; she left him for another man elle l'a quitté pour un autre homme ; famous for its wines réputé pour ses vins ; to praise sb for his actions féliciter qn pour ses actes ; she's been criticized for her views on lui a reproché ses opinions ; I was unable to sleep for the pain/the noise je ne pouvais pas dormir à cause de la douleur/du bruit ; the car is the worse for wear la voiture est abîmée ; if it weren't for her we wouldn't be here sans elle nous ne serions pas là ; if it hadn't been for the traffic jams, we'd have made it sans les embouteillages nous serions arrivés à temps ; the plant died for want of water la plante est morte parce qu'elle manquait d'eau ; she is annoyed with me for contradicting her elle m'en veut parce que je l'ai contredite ;6 ( indicating consequence) pour que (+ subj) ; it's too cold for her to go out il fait trop froid pour qu'elle sorte ; they spoke too quickly for us to understand ils parlaient trop vite pour que nous les comprenions ; she said it loudly enough for all to hear elle l'a dit suffisamment fort pour que tout le monde puisse entendre ; I haven't the patience ou enough patience for sewing je n'ai pas la patience qu'il faut pour coudre ; there's not enough time for us to have a drink nous n'avons pas le temps de prendre un verre ;7 ( indicating person's attitude) pour ; to be easy for sb to do être facile pour qn de faire ; for her it's almost like a betrayal pour elle c'est presque une trahison ; the film was too earnest for me le film était trop sérieux pour moi ; it was a shock for him ça a été un choc pour lui ; what counts for them is… ce qui compte pour eux c'est… ; living in London is not for me je ne suis pas fait pour vivre à Londres, vivre à Londres, très peu pour moi ○ ! ; that's good enough for me! ça me suffit! ;8 ( stressing particular feature) pour ; for further information write to… pour plus de renseignements écrivez à… ; I buy it for flavour/freshness je l'achète pour le goût/la fraîcheur ; for efficiency, there is no better system pour ce qui est de l'efficacité il n'y a pas de meilleur système ;9 ( considering) pour ; to be mature for one's age être mûr pour son âge ; she's very young for a doctor elle est très jeune pour un médecin ; it's warm for the time of year il fait chaud pour la saison ; it's not a bad wine for the price ce vin n'est pas mauvais pour le prix ; suitably dressed for the climate habillé comme il faut pour le climat ;10 ( towards) pour ; to have admiration/respect for sb avoir de l'admiration/du respect pour qn ; to feel sorry for sb avoir de la peine pour qn ; to feel contempt for sb mépriser qn ;11 ( on behalf of) pour ; to be delighted/pleased for sb être ravi/content pour qn ; to be anxious for sb être inquiet pour qn ; say hello to him for me dis-lui bonjour de ma part ; I can't do it for you je ne peux pas le faire à ta place ; let her answer for herself laisse-la répondre elle-même ; I speak for everyone here je parle au nom de toutes les personnes ici présentes ;12 ( as regards) to be a stickler for punctuality être à cheval sur la ponctualité ; she's a great one for jokes on peut toujours compter sur elle pour raconter des blagues ; to be all right for money avoir assez d'argent ; luckily for her heureusement pour elle ;13 ( indicating duration) ( taking account of past events) depuis ; ( stressing expected duration) pour ; ( stressing actual duration) pendant ; this is the best show I've seen for years c'est le meilleur spectacle que j'aie vu depuis des années ; we've been together for 2 years nous sommes ensemble depuis 2 ans, ça fait 2 ans que nous sommes ensemble ; she hasn't slept for a week elle n'a pas dormi depuis une semaine, ça fait une semaine qu'elle n'a pas dormi ; they hadn't seen each other for 10 years ils ne s'étaient pas vus depuis 10 ans, ça faisait 10 ans qu'ils ne s'étaient pas vus ; she's off to Paris for the weekend elle va à Paris pour le week-end ; I'm going to Spain for 6 months je vais en Espagne pour 6 mois ; they are stored in the cellar for the winter ils sont entreposés dans la cave pour l'hiver ; will he be away for long? est-ce qu'il sera absent longtemps? ; you can stay for a year vous pouvez rester un an ; to be away for a year être absent pendant un an ; they were married for 25 years ils ont été mariés pendant 25 ans ; he hasn't been seen for several days on ne l'a pas vu depuis plusieurs jours ; she remained silent for a few moments elle est restée silencieuse pendant quelques instants ; I was in Paris for 2 weeks j'étais à Paris pendant 2 semaines ; to last for hours durer des heures ;14 ( indicating a deadline) pour ; ( in negative constructions) avant ; it will be ready for Saturday ça sera prêt pour samedi ; when is the essay for? la rédaction, c'est pour quand? ; the car won't be ready for another 6 weeks la voiture ne sera pas prête avant 6 semaines ; you don't have to decide for a week yet tu n'as pas à prendre ta décision avant une semaine ;15 ( on the occasion of) pour ; to go to China for Christmas aller en Chine pour Noël ; invited for Easter invité pour Pâques ; he got a bike for his birthday il a eu un vélo pour son anniversaire ;16 ( indicating scheduled time) pour ; the summit scheduled for next month le sommet prévu pour le mois prochain ; that's all for now c'est tout pour le moment ; I'd like an appointment for Monday je voudrais un rendez-vous pour lundi ; I have an appointment for 4 pm j'ai rendez-vous à 16h 00 ; it's time for bed c'est l'heure d'aller au lit ; now for some fun/food! on va s'amuser/manger! ;17 ( indicating distance) pendant ; to drive for miles rouler pendant des kilomètres ; lined with trees for 3 km bordé d'arbres pendant or sur 3 km ; the last shop for 30 miles le dernier magasin avant 50 kilomètres ; there is nothing but desert for miles around on ne voit que le désert à des kilomètres à la ronde ;18 ( indicating destination) pour ; a ticket for Dublin un billet pour Dublin ; the train leaves for London le train part pour Londres ; to leave for work partir travailler ; to head for the beach partir à la plage ; to swim for the shore nager vers la rive ;19 (indicating cost, value) pour ; it was sold for £100 ça s'est vendu (pour) 100 livres sterling ; they bought the car for £6,000 ils ont acheté la voiture pour 6 000 livres sterling ; 10 apples for £1 10 pommes pour une livre sterling ; he'll fix it for £10 il le réparera pour 10 livres sterling ; I wouldn't do it for anything! je ne le ferais pour rien au monde! ; you paid too much for that dress! tu as payé cette robe trop cher! ; I'll let you have it for £20 je vous le laisse à 20 livres sterling ; a cheque for £20 un chèque de 20 livres sterling ; to exchange sth for sth else échanger qch contre qch d'autre ; ⇒ nothing ;20 ( in favour of) to be for être pour [peace, divorce, reunification] ; to be all for it être tout à fait pour ; I'm for going to a nightclub je suis pour qu'on aille en boîte ○ ; who's for a game of football? qui veut jouer au football? ;21 ( stressing appropriateness) she's the person for the job elle est la personne qu'il faut pour le travail ; that's for us to decide c'est à nous de décider ; it's not for him to tell us what to do ce n'est pas à lui de nous dire ce qu'il faut faire ;22 ( in support of) en faveur de ; to vote for change voter en faveur de la réforme ; the argument for recycling l'argument en faveur du recyclage ; there's no evidence for that ce n'est absolument pas prouvé ;24 ( as part of ratio) pour ; one teacher for five pupils un professeur pour cinq élèves ; for every female judge there are ten male judges il y a une femme juge pour dix hommes juges ;25 ( equivalent to) T for Tom T comme Tom ; what's the French for ‘boot’? comment dit-on ‘boot’ en français? ; the technical term for it is ‘chloasma’ ‘chloasme’ c'est le terme technique ; what is CD for? qu'est-ce que CD veut dire? ; green is for go le vert veut dire qu'on a le droit de passer ;26 ( in explanations) for one thing… and for another… premièrement… et deuxièmement… ; for that matter d'ailleurs ; for example par exemple ; I, for one, agree with her en tout cas moi, je suis d'accord avec elle ;27 ( when introducing clauses) it would be unwise for us to generalize il serait imprudent pour nous de généraliser ; it's not convenient for them to come today ce n'est pas pratique pour eux de passer aujourd'hui ; the best thing would be for them to leave le mieux serait qu'ils s'en aillent ; it must have been serious for her to cancel the class cela a dû être grave pour qu'elle annule ( subj) le cours ; there's nothing worse than for someone to spy on you il n'y a rien de pire que quelqu'un qui t'espionne ; there's no need for people to get upset il n'y a pas de quoi s'énerver ;28 ( after) to name a child for sb donner à un enfant le nom de qn.oh for a nice hot bath! je rêve d'un bon bain chaud! ; I'll be (in) for it if… ○ GB ça va être ma fête si… ○ ; right, you're for it ○ ! GB bon, ça va être ta fête ○ ! ; to have it in for sb ○ avoir qn dans le collimateur ○ ; that's adolescents for you! que voulez-vous, c'est ça les adolescents! ; there's gratitude for you! c'est comme ça qu'on me (or vous etc) remercie!, quelle ingratitude! -
17 time
time [taɪm]1. n1) вре́мя;what is the time? кото́рый час?
;the time of day вре́мя дня, час
;from time to time вре́мя от вре́мени
;in time во́время
;to be in time поспе́ть, прийти́ во́время
;in course of time со вре́менем
;out of time несвоевре́менно
;to have a good time, to make a time of it хорошо́ провести́ вре́мя
;а) то́чно, своевре́менно;б) зара́нее, заблаговре́менно;all in good time всё в своё вре́мя
;in bad time не во́время, с опозда́нием, по́здно
;to keep (good) time идти́ хорошо́ ( о часах)
;to keep bad time идти́ пло́хо ( о часах)
;in no time необыкнове́нно бы́стро, момента́льно
;before time сли́шком ра́но
;in a short time в ско́ром вре́мени
;for a short time на коро́ткое вре́мя, ненадо́лго
;to while away the time корота́ть вре́мя
;to have time on one's hands име́ть ма́ссу свобо́дного вре́мени
;there is no time to lose нельзя́ теря́ть ни мину́ты
;in ( или on) one's own time в свобо́дное вре́мя
;to make time амер.
а) спеши́ть, пыта́ясь наверста́ть упу́щенное;б) е́хать на определённой ско́рости;on time амер.
а) то́чно, во́время;б) в рассро́чку;at one time не́когда
;at times времена́ми
;some time or other когда́-нибудь
;at no time никогда́
;а) в то же са́мое вре́мя;б) вме́сте с тем; тем не ме́нее;for the time being пока́, до поры́ до вре́мени
2) срок;it is time we were going нам пора́ идти́
;time is up срок истёк
;to do time разг. отбыва́ть тюре́мное заключе́ние
;а) отбы́ть срок слу́жбы; пройти́ срок учени́чества;б) отбы́ть срок наказа́ния;she is near her time она́ ско́ро роди́т, она́ на сно́сях
;to work against time стара́ться уложи́ться в срок
3) ( часто pl) эпо́ха, времена́; пери́од; пора́;hard times тяжёлые времена́
;time out of mind с незапа́мятных времён
;Shakespeare's times эпо́ха Шекспи́ра
;before one's time до кого́-л.; до чьего́-л. рожде́ния
;times to come бу́дущее
;as times go по ны́нешним времена́м
;to go with the times не отстава́ть от жи́зни; идти́ в но́гу со вре́менем
;before (behind) the times ( или one's time) передово́й (отста́лый) по взгля́дам
4) раз;six times five is thirty ше́стью пять — три́дцать
;ten times as large в де́сять раз бо́льше
;time after time раз за ра́зом; повто́рно
;one (two) at a time по одному́ (по́ двое)
;times out of ( или without) number бесчи́сленное коли́чество раз
;many a time ча́сто, мно́го раз
5) жизнь, век;it will last my time э́того на мой век хва́тит
6) во́зраст;at my time of life в мои́ го́ды, в моём во́зрасте
7) рабо́чее вре́мя;to work full (part) time рабо́тать по́лный (непо́лный) рабо́чий день или по́лную (непо́лную) рабо́чую неде́лю
8) муз. темп; такт;to beat time отбива́ть такт
;б) выде́рживать ритм;в) идти́ ве́рно ( о часах)9) вре́мя закры́тия па́баtime! вре́мя!
11) attr. относя́щийся к определённому вре́мени12) attr. повреме́нный◊it beats my time э́то вы́ше моего́ понима́ния
;to sell time амер. предоставля́ть вре́мя для выступле́ния по ра́дио или телеви́дению ( за плату)
;lost time is never found again посл. поте́рянного вре́мени не воро́тишь
;to give smb. the time of day, to pass the time of day with smb. здоро́ваться; обме́ниваться приве́тствиями
;so that's the time of day! таки́е-то дела́!
;take your time! не спеши́те!
;to kill time уби́ть вре́мя
2. v1) уда́чно выбира́ть вре́мя; рассчи́тывать (по вре́мени); приуро́чивать;to time to the minute рассчи́тывать до мину́ты
2) назнача́ть вре́мя;the train timed to leave at 6. 30 по́езд, отходя́щий по расписа́нию в 6 ч. 30 м.
3) спорт. пока́зывать вре́мя (в забеге, заезде и т.п.)4) танцева́ть и т.п. в такт -
18 ♦ for
♦ for (1) /fɔ:(r), fə(r)/prep.1 (direzione, destinazione) per: the train for London, il treno per Londra; This is for you, questo è per te; a vote for peace, un voto per la pace2 (scopo) per; a; di; a scopo di: to dress for dinner, vestirsi per la cena; a time for rest, tempo per riposare; Sea air is good for children [for your health], l'aria di mare fa bene ai bambini [alla salute]; a tool for cutting metal, un utensile per tagliare il metallo; the right man for the job, l'uomo adatto al lavoro (o al posto); to go for a doctor, andare a cercare un dottore; to have an ear for music, avere orecchio per la musica; He isn't fit for anything, non è buono a nulla; eager for news, ansioso di notizie; a desire for fame, un desiderio di fama; for hire, a noleggio; a nolo; for sale, in vendita NOTA D'USO: - per-3 (causa) per; a causa di; per via di: He was punished for stealing, fu punito per aver rubato; He left for fear of meeting them, se ne è andato per paura di incontrarli; I couldn't see anything for the fog, non vedevo niente a causa della nebbia; reward for bravery, ricompensa al valore4 (tempo) per; (nella «duration form») da (o idiom.): to drive for hours, guidare per ore; The appointment is for nine c'clock, l'appuntamento è per le nove; for the time being, per il momento; per ora; I have been waiting for an hour, aspetto da un'ora; è un'ora che aspetto; It hadn't rained for two weeks, non pioveva da due settimane; erano due settimane che non pioveva6 (valore) per; di: I bought it for fifty dollars, l'ho comprato per cinquanta dollari; a cheque for a hundred pounds, un assegno di cento sterline7 (limitazione) per; quanto a: for my part, per me; per parte mia; quanto a me; for all I know, per quel che ne so; for all I care, per quel che m'importa; It's good enough for me, per me va bene; It's very cool for summer, è molto fresco per essere estate8 a dispetto di; nonostante; malgrado; pur con: for all our efforts, nonostante tutti i nostri sforzi; for all that, nonostante tutto; con tutto ciò; for all you say, nonostante ciò che dici10 simbolo di; che sta per: Lilies are for purity, il giglio è simbolo di purezza; A for Andrew, «a» come Ancona; F is for First, «f» sta per «first»11 (seguito da compl. ogg. e inf.; è idiom.:) It's impossible for him to leave now, gli è impossibile partire ora; I stood aside for him to pass, mi feci da parte perché potesse passare; She is too young for me to leave her alone at home, è troppo piccola perché io possa lasciarla a casa da sola; For you to get there in time, you'll have to leave at six, per arrivare in tempo, dovrai partire alle sei● for all the world, proprio; veramente: It looked for all the world like a whale, sembrava proprio una balena □ ( Borsa) for cash, per contanti; a pronti □ for ever ( and ever), per sempre; per l'eternità □ for good ( and all), per sempre; una volta per tutte: I'll leave for good, me ne andrò per sempre; I want the matter settled for good, voglio che la faccenda sia sistemata una volta per tutte □ for instance, per esempio □ for life, per tutta la vita; a vita □ for the most part, per la maggior parte □ I for one don't believe it, quanto a me, io non ci credo □ for one thing, tanto per cominciare; per dirne una □ for oneself, da solo; da sé; per conto proprio □ for or against st., per (o pro, a favore) o contro qc. o contro qc. □ for the present, per il momento; per ora □ for sb. 's sake, per amore di q.: For God's sake!, per amor di Dio!; Do it for my sake!, fallo per amor mio (o per me)! □ (market.) for sale, in vendita □ (antiq.) For shame!, vergogna! □ for that matter, quanto a questo □ for want (o lack) of, per mancanza di □ to be all for, essere favorevole a; essere del parere di; essere per: We're all for taking a day off, noi siamo per prenderci un giorno libero □ You'll be all the better for some rest, un po' di riposo ti fara bene □ as for me [him, ecc.], quanto a me [a lui, ecc.] □ but for, se non fosse (stato) per: But for your help, I would have failed, se non fosse stato per il tuo aiuto, avrei fatto fiasco □ a change for the better [for the worse], un cambiamento in meglio [in peggio] □ (scherz. GB) to do st. for England [France, Italy, etc.], fare qc. con entusiasmo; essere imbattibile in qc.; essere instancabile in qc. □ ( slang) to go for sb., attaccare q.; dare addosso a q. □ not to be for, non essere favorevole a; non essere dell'avviso di: I'm not for going abroad this year, non sono dell'avviso (o dell'idea) di andare all'estero quest'anno; DIALOGO → - Discussing university- Economics is not for me, economia non fa per me □ (fam.) Now we're (in) for it!, l'abbiamo fatta bella!; adesso saranno dolori! □ Now for it!, e adesso sotto!; e ora a noi! □ oh, for…!, come vorrei…!; cosa non darei per…! □ to be out for, andare in cerca di: You are out for trouble, tu vai in cerca di guai □ There's… for you!, bel [bella]…!; alla faccia di…!♦ for (2) /fɔ:(r), fə(r)/cong.(form.; non si usa all'inizio di un periodo) perché; poiché: He said nothing, for he was in a state of shock, non disse nulla, poiché era in stato di choc. -
19 time
I. 1. време, час, удобен момент
the TIME of day времето, часът, положението на нещата
to give/pass the TIME of day поздравявам, казвам добър ден и пр., разменям поздрав (with с)
there is no TIME like the present cera e моментът, не отлагай за утре
at this TIME of day сега, по това време
all the TIME през всичкото време, винаги
TIME to come бъдеще (то)
it will be TIME enough ще има достатъчно време, няма да бъде късно
what is the TIME? колко e часът? at one TIME по едно време (в миналото)
at any TIME, at all TIMEs във/по всяко време
at no TIME никога
at no sort of TIME по никое време
at the TIME навремето, по онова време, тогава
at the same TIME в/по едно и също време, в същото време, едновременно, същевременно, въпреки това, все пак
at TIMEs понякога, навремени
at different TIMEs различно, в различни случаи
ahead of/before TIME по-рано, преждевременно, предсрочно
against TIME с пълна скорост/пара, за печелене на време
behind TIME не навреме, със закъснение
between TIMEs в промеждутъците, от време на време
for a TIME за известно време
for a short TIME за кратко, за малко
for some TIME за известно време
for some TIME (past) now от известно време насам
for the TIME being временно, сега-засега
from that TIME (on) оттогава нататък
from this TIME on отсега нататък
in (good) TIME навреме, овреме, своевременно, с време, след известно време
all in good TIME на времето си, когато трябва, отрано, когато му дойде времето
in a short TIME в кратко време, скоро
in (less than) no TIME много бързо, в миг, за нула време
2. период, време
she ran the distance in record TIME тя пробяга разстоянието за рекордно време
at my TIME of life на моите години/възраст
3. време, срок, сп. време (на състезание), период, срок (на служба, присъда, затвор, бременност и пр.)
he is serving his TIME той излежава присъдата си, той кара войниклъка си
she is far on in her TIME тя e в напреднала бременност
she is near her TIME тя скоро ще ражда
(it's) about TIME време e вече
it is TIME for me to go време e да вървя
it is high TIME крайно време e (for за, to с inf да)
in a week's TIME за/в (срок от) една седмица
TIME is short няма много време
TIME is up времето мина/изтече
to sell TIME рад., телев. отстъпвам срещу заплащане време за предаване на реклами и пр.
it will last our TIME ще изтрае, докато сме живи
4. често рl епоха, период, време, времена
hard TIMEs трудно време, усилни години
modern TIMEs съвременната епоха
in ancient TIMEs в древни времена
from/since TIME (s) immemorial/TIME out of mind открай време, от памтивека
before/ahead of one's TIME s преди/напред от своето време, твърде рано, изпреварил времето си
behind one's TIME/the TIMEs изостанал от времето си
to have the TIME of one's life разг. прекарвам чудесно, забавлявам се много
those were TIMEs това беше живот! какво време беше тогава
5. път, случай
another TIME друг път
at one TIME or another все някога, при един или друг случай
two/three at a TIME по двама/трима наведнъж/на един път
many a TIME много пъти
three TIMEs running три пъти наред
TIMEs out of number безброй пъти
TIME and (TIME) again неведнъж, много пъти, отново и отново
TIME after TIME пак и пак, хиляди пъти
not till next TIME няма вече (да правя така) (да не вярваш)
6. мат. път
six TIMEs five is/are thirty шест по пет e тридесет
the TIMEs sign знакът за умножение х
7. муз. темпo, такт
to beat/keep TIME тактувам, давам такт
to keep TIME вървя, танцувам/пея и пр. в такт, спазвам такт
in TIME ритмично, в такт
out of TIME неритмично, не в такт, воен. ход, стъпка
in/out of TIME в/не в крак
за часовник to keep good/bad TIME вървя точно/неточно
to lose/gain TIME оставам назад/избързвам
8. работно време, заплащане за изработено време
to work/to be on full TIME имам пълно работно време
to be on short/part TIME работя при непълна заетост, частично безработен съм
to pick up one's TIME получавам възнаграждение за изработено време
TIME and a half надница и половина
double TIME двойно възнаграждение
to play for TIME мъча се да печеля време
to talk against TIME говоря, за да печеля време
II. 1. избирам подходящ момент за, върша нещо, когато трябва, съобразявам с времето
you must TIME your blows трябва да знаеш кога да нанасяш ударите си
your remark was not well TIMEd лош момент избра да се изкажеш, бележката ти беше ненавременна
2. определямвреме/срок за
the train TIMEd to leave at 6.30 влакът, заминаващ по разписание в 6.30
3. отбелязвам, записвам, засичам (постигнато) време (при надбягване и пр.)
4. регулирам, отмервам
5. ряд. тактувам
6. to TIME with съвпадам по време, отговарям на, хармонирам с* * *{taim} n 1. време; час, удобен момент; the time of day времето, час(2) {taim} v 1. избирам подходящ момент за, върша нещо, когато т* * *час; срок; такт; темпо; темп; отмервам; период; време; път; засичам;* * *1. (it's) about time време e вече 2. against time с пълна скорост/пара, за печелене на време 3. ahead of/before time по-рано, преждевременно, предсрочно 4. all in good time на времето си, когато трябва, отрано, когато му дойде времето 5. all the time през всичкото време, винаги 6. another time друг път 7. at any time, at all times във/по всяко време 8. at different times различно, в различни случаи 9. at my time of life на моите години/възраст 10. at no sort of time по никое време 11. at no time никога 12. at one time or another все някога, при един или друг случай 13. at the same time в/по едно и също време, в същото време, едновременно, същевременно, въпреки това, все пак 14. at the time навремето, по онова време, тогава 15. at this time of day сега, по това време 16. at times понякога, навремени 17. before/ahead of one's time s преди/напред от своето време, твърде рано, изпреварил времето си 18. behind one's time/the times изостанал от времето си 19. behind time не навреме, със закъснение 20. between times в промеждутъците, от време на време 21. double time двойно възнаграждение 22. for a short time за кратко, за малко 23. for a time за известно време 24. for some time (past) now от известно време насам 25. for some time за известно време 26. for the time being временно, сега-засега 27. from that time (on) оттогава нататък 28. from this time on отсега нататък 29. from/since time (s) immemorial/time out of mind открай време, от памтивека 30. hard times трудно време, усилни години 31. he is serving his time той излежава присъдата си, той кара войниклъка си 32. i. време, час, удобен момент 33. ii. избирам подходящ момент за, върша нещо, когато трябва, съобразявам с времето 34. in (good) time навреме, овреме, своевременно, с време, след известно време 35. in (less than) no time много бързо, в миг, за нула време 36. in a short time в кратко време, скоро 37. in a week's time за/в (срок от) една седмица 38. in ancient times в древни времена 39. in time ритмично, в такт 40. in/out of time в/не в крак 41. it is high time крайно време e (for за, to с inf да) 42. it is time for me to go време e да вървя 43. it will be time enough ще има достатъчно време, няма да бъде късно 44. it will last our time ще изтрае, докато сме живи 45. many a time много пъти 46. modern times съвременната епоха 47. not till next time няма вече (да правя така) (да не вярваш) 48. out of time неритмично, не в такт, воен. ход, стъпка 49. she is far on in her time тя e в напреднала бременност 50. she is near her time тя скоро ще ражда 51. she ran the distance in record time тя пробяга разстоянието за рекордно време 52. six times five is/are thirty шест по пет e тридесет 53. the time of day времето, часът, положението на нещата 54. the times sign знакът за умножение х 55. the train timed to leave at 30 влакът, заминаващ по разписание в 30 56. there is no time like the present cera e моментът, не отлагай за утре 57. those were times това беше живот! какво време беше тогава 58. three times running три пъти наред 59. time after time пак и пак, хиляди пъти 60. time and (time) again неведнъж, много пъти, отново и отново 61. time and a half надница и половина 62. time is short няма много време 63. time is up времето мина/изтече 64. time to come бъдеще (то) 65. times out of number безброй пъти 66. to be on short/part time работя при непълна заетост, частично безработен съм 67. to beat/keep time тактувам, давам такт 68. to give/pass the time of day поздравявам, казвам добър ден и пр., разменям поздрав (with с) 69. to have the time of one's life разг. прекарвам чудесно, забавлявам се много 70. to keep time вървя, танцувам/пея и пр. в такт, спазвам такт 71. to lose/gain time оставам назад/избързвам 72. to pick up one's time получавам възнаграждение за изработено време 73. to play for time мъча се да печеля време 74. to sell time рад., телев. отстъпвам срещу заплащане време за предаване на реклами и пр 75. to talk against time говоря, за да печеля време 76. to time with съвпадам по време, отговарям на, хармонирам с 77. to work/to be on full time имам пълно работно време 78. two/three at a time по двама/трима наведнъж/на един път 79. what is the time? колко e часът? at one time по едно време (в миналото) 80. you must time your blows трябва да знаеш кога да нанасяш ударите си 81. your remark was not well timed лош момент избра да се изкажеш, бележката ти беше ненавременна 82. време, срок, сп. време (на състезание), период, срок (на служба, присъда, затвор, бременност и пр.) 83. за часовник to keep good/bad time вървя точно/неточно 84. мат. път 85. муз. темпo, такт 86. определямвреме/срок за 87. отбелязвам, записвам, засичам (постигнато) време (при надбягване и пр.) 88. период, време 89. път, случай 90. работно време, заплащане за изработено време 91. регулирам, отмервам 92. ряд. тактувам 93. често рl епоха, период, време, времена* * *time [taim] I. n 1. време; час, (удобен) момент; mean \time средно време; Greenwich mean \time часът по Гринуич; summer \time (light-saving \time) лятно часово време (с изместване на часовника 1 час напред); International Atomic T. международно атомно време; Eastern European T. ( abbr EET) източноевропейско време, часови пояс; Central European T. (abbr CET) централноевропейско време; Western European T. (abbr WET) западноевропейско време; Eastern Standard T. (abbr EST) Нюйоркско време (часови пояс, обхващащ източното крайбрежие на САЩ); \time budget survey наблюдение върху разпределение на времето; \time provisions in contracts договорни положения относно срокове; correct \time точно време; dinner \time време за обед, вечеря; the \timeof the day времето, часът; положението (на нещата); to pass the \time of the day здрависвам се, разменям поздрав ( with), поздравявам (to); (so) that's the \time of the \time! разг. такива (ми ти) работи; така значи! това ли било! ясно! \time of the year годишно време; сезон; a long \time дълго време; all the \time през всичкото време; винаги; half the \time половината време; много често, почти винаги; \time to come бъдеще(то); it will be \time enough ще бъде достатъчно рано, ще има време; what \time? поет. кога? to ask the \time питам колко е часът; what is the \time? колко е часът? at a ( one) \time по едно време; at any \time, at all \times във (по) всяко време; at no \time никога; at no sort of \time по никое време; at the \time навремето, по онова време, тогава; at the same \time в едно и също (същото) време, едновременно; въпреки това; все пак; at \times понякога; at different \times различно; ahead of ( before) \time по-рано; behind \time със закъснение, ненавреме; between \times в промеждутъците, от време на време; for a \time за известно време; for a short \time за малко (кратко) време; for some \time за известно (някое) време; for some \time ( past) now от известно време насам; for the \time being (сега) засега; from that \time оттогава (нататък); from this \time отсега (нататък); in \time 1) навреме; 2) с течение на времето; 3) след известно време; in good \time точно навреме, своевременно; all in good \time всяко нещо с времето си; когато трябва, отрано; когато му дойде времето; in a short \time за малко време, скоро; in no \time без време; за много малко време, много бързо, в миг, докато се усети човек; in the course of \time с течение на времето; on \time ам. навреме; once upon a \time едно време; out of \time ам. твърде късно; some \time or other някога; to be in \time for идвам навреме за; to buy \time купувам ефирно време (в телевизията, радиото); to bide ( watch) o.'s \time изчаквам удобен момент, чакам да ми дойде времето; to have \time on o.'s hands разполагам с достатъчно (имам много свободно) време; to kill \time убивам времето си; to make \time наваксвам загубено време; to take o.'s \time не бързам, не си давам зор; пипкам се; мая се; a \time will come when ще дойде време, когато; his \time has come времето му дойде, часът му удари; the \time is ripe дошло е време ( for); \time presses няма време за губене, работата не търпи отлагане; that will take \time за това трябва (това ще отнеме) време; 2. период; summer-\time лято; at my \time of life на моите години; in my \time по мое време, когато бях млад; 3. време, срок; it is \time време е; ( it's) about \time време е вече; it is high \time крайно време е (for; to c inf); in a week's ( month's etc) \time за една седмица (месец и пр.); \time is short няма много време; \time is up времето мина (изтече); сп. време; to serve o.'s \time карам си стажа (войниклъка); излежавам си присъдата (sl u he is doing \time); she is far on in her \time тя е в напреднала бременност; she is near her \time времето ѝ е наближило, ще ражда скоро; to fix a \time определям срок; it will last our \time ще умрем, без да видим нещо друго; 4. (често pl) епоха, период; време, времена; the good old \times доброто старо време; hard \times усилни години; тежки времена; modern \times съвременна епоха; in ancient \times в древни времена; in those \times в ония времена; from ( since) \time(s) immemorial, \time out of mind открай време, от памтивека, от много отдавна, от незапомнени времена; before ( ahead of) o.'s \time(s) преди своето време; твърде рано; изпреварил времето си, напредничав (и before the \times); behind o.'s \time (the \times) останал назад от времето си, изостанал, закъснял, откъснат от живота; to have the \time of o.'s life разг. прекарвам чудесно; those were \times! какъв живот се живееше тогава! 5. път, случай; another \time друг път; at one \time or another при един или друг случай; last ( next, this) \time миналият (другият, тоя) път; the \time before last предпоследният път; every ( each) \time всеки път (когато); at a \time по един; many a \time много пъти, често; at different \times на няколко пъти; seven \times running седем пъти под ред; \times out of number безброй пъти; six \times five is thirty шест по пет прави тридесет; ten \times easier ( as easy) десет пъти по-лесно; \time after \time пак и пак, повторно, колко пъти, безброй пъти; \time and again наведнъж, отново и отново; I won't do that again... not till next \time няма вече (да правя така)... да не вярваш; 6. муз. темп; такт; to beat ( keep) \time тактувам, давам такт; to keep \time спазвам такт; to keep good ( bad) \time точен (неточен) съм (за часовник); to lose \time оставам назад (за часовник); in \time ритмичен, в такт ( with); out of \time неритмичен, не в такт ( with); to mark \time тъпча на място; изчаквам, ослушвам се преди да предприема нещо; 7. работно време; to work ( to be on) full \time работя на пълен работен ден; to be on part ( short) \time работя при непълна заетост; • in jig \time разг. много бързо, мигновено; in o.'s own \time 1) в извънработно време; 2) със своя си темп; against \time с цел да се свърши навреме; за печелене време; за подобряване на установен рекорд, с най-голяма възможна бързина, лудешки; to make a \time over s.th. разг. безпокоя се, суетя се, реагирам шумно; to talk against \time говоря в границите на определеното време; говоря, за да печеля време; to play ( stall) for \time мъча се да печеля време, протакам, бавя; to work against \time работя с ускорени темпове, мъча се да свърша навреме; to have a \time (a hard \time, разг. no end of a \time) с мъка успявам да, едва смогвам да (с ger или inf); to have a rough \time живея зле, търпя лишения, тегля; what a \time you will have какви неприятности ще си имаш! there is no \time like the present не изпускай момента; днеска има, утре няма; big \time ам. страшно много, с пълна пара, в голяма степен; to hit the big \time постигам голям успех; to live (be) on borrowed \time живея живот назаем, не ми остава много; (so) that's the \time of it! разг. така значи! (значи) такива ми ти работи! II. v 1. избирам подходящ момент за, върша (нещо), когато трябва; съобразявам с времето; a well \timed remark ( blow) забележка (удар) точно в подходящ момент; 2. определям време (срок) за; the train is \timed to leave at 8 влакът тръгва по разписание в 8 часа; to \time the minute пресмятам (разчитам) до минута; 3. отбелязвам (записвам, установявам) времето на (надбягване и пр.); 4. рядко тактувам; 5. регулирам; 6.: to \time with съвпадам, отговарям на (по време); хармонирам с; 7. синхронизирам. -
20 time
1. сущ.
1) а) время in/on one's own time ≈ в свободное время on time амер. ≈ точно, вовремя make time б) обыкн. мн. времена, эпоха before (behind) the times (или one's time) ≈ передовой (отсталый) по взглядам
2) а) срок to do time разг. ≈ отбывать тюремное заключение serve one's time б) век, жизнь;
возраст в) рабочее время
3) а) раз times out of( или without) number ≈ бесчисленное количество раз б) муз. темп, такт keep time в) спорт интервал между раундами (в боксе) г) тайм, период и другие соответствующие название частей цельного матча в различных играх ∙ to sell time амер. ≈ предоставлять время для выступления по радио или телевидению (за плату), предоставлять эфирное время (за плату на радио или телевидении) lost time is never found again посл. ≈ потерянного времени не воротишь
2. гл.
1) а) удачно выбирать время, приурочивать б) назначать время, рассчитывать( по времени)
2) спорт показывать такое-то время (на круге, в гонке, заезде и т. п.)
3) танцевать в такт, играть в такт и т.п. время - absolute * абсолютное время - space and * пространство и время - with *, in (the) course of *, in (the) process of *, as * goes с течением времени;
по мере того, как идет время;
в конце концов - from the beginning of * с сотворения мира - to the end of * до скончания века, до конца мира - in the retrospect of * сквозь призму времени /прошлого/ - in the mists of * во мраке времени;
канувший в Лету - the accumulation of prejudices over * рост предрассудков на протяжении( многих) веков - as old as * старый как мир - to bear the test of * выдерживать испытание временем - * will show время покажет;
поживем - увидим - * alone could answer the question только время могло дать ответ на этот вопрос - * flies время бежит - * presses /is short/ время не терпит - * hangs heavy on one's hands время медленно тянется - * is precious время дорого - the unity of * (театроведение) единство времени время (мера длительности, система отсчета) - Moscow * московское время - Greenwich * время по Гринвичу, среднеевропейское время - mean * среднее (солнечное) время - astronomical * астрономическое время - ship's * время на борту( корабля) - sidereal * звездное время - daylight-saving /summer/ * летнее время время выполнения( чего-л.) - average * среднее время( выполнения операции) - estimated * расчетное время - real * реальный масштаб времени - countdown * время обратного счета (при запуске ракеты и т. п.) - machine * (компьютерное) машинное время - to sell (machine) * продавать машинное время период времени - a long * длительное время - he was there a long * он пробыл там долго - a long * ago много лет тому назад - after a long * много времени спустя - it took him a long * to do it /in doing it/, he took a long * doing it /over it/ ему потребовалось /у него ушло/ немало времени, чтобы сделать это;
он немало с этим провозился - what a long * he's taking! как долго он копается!;
сколько же можно копаться? - some * некоторое время - I didn't see him at the club for some * некоторое время я не встречал его в клубе - all the *, the whole * все( это) время, всегда - they were with us all the * /the whole */ они все время были с нами - all the * we were working в течение всего времени, что мы работали - he does it all the * он всегда /постоянно/ это делает - he's been watching us all the * /the whole */ он не переставая /неотрывно/ следил за нами, он ни на секунду не упускал нас из виду - one * and another одно время;
время от времени - running * (of a film) (кинематографический) время демонстрации (фильма) - lead * время с начала разработки( оружия) до ввода в боевой состав - reaction * время (остающееся) для пуска ракет (при ядерном ударе) - idle * простой, перерыв в работе;
свободное время - * of orbiting (астрономия) время обращения искусственного спутника - after a * через некоторое время - at the /that/ * в это /в то/ время - I was ill at the * я тогда болел - I didn't know it at the * тогда я (еще) не знал об этом - at the present * в настоящее время - at this * of (the) day в это время дня - at one * одно время, когда-то - at one * this book was very popular некогда /было время, когда/ эта книга была очень популярна - at no * никогда - for a * на некоторое время, временно;
некоторое время - for vacation * на время каникул - for the * на это время - for the * being пока, до поры до времени - in * со временем - I think that we may win in * думаю, что со временем нам удастся победить - in a short * в скором времени - in no *, in less than /next to/ no * очень быстро, мигом, в два счета - I'll come back in no * я моментально вернусь;
я обернусь в два счета - in the same flash of * в то же мгновение, в тот же миг - in two weeks' * через две недели - written in three hours' * написанный за три часа - within the required * в течение требуемого времени - to give smb. * to do smth. /for smth./ дать кому-л. время /срок/ сделать что-л. /для чего-л./ - to give smb. * to turn round дать кому-л. возможность перевести дух, дать кому-л. передышку - the patient has her good * more often now теперь больная чаще чувствует себя хорошо - it is his daily * for rest в это время он ежедневно отдыхает - it takes * это требует времени, это скоро не сделаешь сезон, пора, время - sowing * время /пора/ сева, посевной период, посевная - holiday * время каникул - at this * of the year в это время года - for this * of year на это время года - autumn is a good * of year to be in the country в осеннюю пору хорошо пожить за городом долгое время - he was gone * before you got there он ушел задолго до того, как вы туда явились - what a * it took you! долго же вы возились!;
неужто нельзя было побыстрее? час, точное время - what *, at what * в какое время, в котором часу;
когда - to fix /to appoint/ a * назначить время - to show * показывать время (о часах) - to tell * (американизм) определять время по часам - teach the child to tell * научите ребенка определять время по часам - to look at the * посмотреть на часы - to forget the * of the appointment забыть время свидания /встречи/ - to keep (good) * хорошо идти( о часах) - to lose * отставать( о часах) - what is the *?, what * is it? сколько времени?, который час? - what * do you make it? сколько (времени) на ваших часах?, сколько сейчас, по-вашему /по-твоему/, времени? момент, мгновение;
определенный момент, определенное время - some * в какой-то момент, в какое-то время - I'll drop in some * next month я (к тебе) загляну как-нибудь в следующем месяце - some * (or other) когда-нибудь рано или поздно - this * last year в это (самое) время в прошлом году - this * tomorrow завтра в это же время - at *s по временам, время от времени - at the /that/ * в тот момент, в то время - at the * of delivery в момент родов - at the * I didn't notice it в тот момент я этого не заметил - at a given * в определенный момент - at the fixed * в назначенное время - at one * одновременно - at the same * в то же самое время, одновременно;
в тот же момент - you can't be in two places at the same * нельзя быть в двух местах одновременно - at any * you like в любой момент /в любое время/, когда вам будет удобно - he may turn up (at) any * он может появиться в любой момент - at any other * в любое другое время - at the proper *, when the * comes в свое время, когда придет время - we shall do everything at the proper * мы все сделаем, когда нужно;
всему свое время - between *s иногда, временами - by the * к этому времени - by this * к этому времени - by that * we shall be old в это время мы уже будем стариками - you ought to be ready by this * к этому времени вы должны быть готовы - it will be nearly two by the * you get down вы приедете не раньше двух часов - from that * (onwards) с этого времени - the * has come when... пришло время /наступил момент/, когда... время прибытия или отправления (поезда и т. п.) - to find out the *s of the London trains узнать расписание лондонских поездов срок, время - in * в срок, вовремя - on * в срок, вовремя - to arrive exactly on * приехать /прибыть/ минута в минуту /точно в назначенный час/ - in due * в свое время, своевременно - to be in * for smth. поспеть точно к чему-л. - to arrive in * for dinner поспеть как раз к обеду - I was just in * to see it я успел как раз вовремя, чтобы увидеть это - ahead of *, before one's * раньше срока - behind *, out of * поздно, с опозданием - to be ten minutes behind * опоздать на десять минут - the train was running (half an hour) behind * поезд опаздывал (на полчаса) - to ask for an extension of * просить отсрочки( платежей) - to make * (американизм) прийти вовремя /по расписанию/ - (it is) high * давно пора, самое время - it's about * пора - it is * to go to bed /you went to bed/ пора ложиться спать - *! время вышло!, ваше время истекло /вышло/ - the * is up срок истек - * is drawing on времени остается мало, срок приближается - she is near her * она скоро родит - my * has come мой час пробил;
пришло время умирать - see that you are up to * смотри не опоздай - the * for feeding is nearing, it's nearing the * for feeding приближается /подходит/ время /срок/ кормления подходящий момент, подходящее время - now is the * to go on strike /for going on strike/ теперь самое время начать забастовку - this is no * /not the */ to reproach /for reproaching/ me сейчас не время упрекать меня времена, пора;
эпоха, эра - the good old *s добрые старые времена - our *(s) наше время, наши дни - the product of our *s продукт нашей эпохи - hard *(s) тяжелые времена - peace * мирное время - the * of Shakespeare эпоха Шекспира - the * of universal peace эра всеобщего мира - the *s we live in наши дни;
время, в котором мы живем - a sign of the *(s) знамение времени - at all *s, (американизм) all the * всегда, во все времена - at all *s and in all places всегда и везде - for its * для своего времени - a book unusual for its * книга, необычная для своего /того/ времени - from the earliest *s с давних времен - from * immemorial /out of mind/ с незапамятных времен, испокон веку /веков/;
искони, исстари - (in) past *(s) (в) прежнее время - (in) old /ancient, (устаревшее) olden/ *(s) (в) старое время;
в древности, в стародавние времена, во время оно - in prehistoric *s в доисторическую эпоху - in happier *s в более счастливые времена, в более счастливую пору - in *s to come в будущем, в грядущие времена - abreast of the *s вровень с веком;
не отставая от жизни - to be abreast of the *s, to move /to go/ with the *s стоять вровень с веком, не отставать от жизни, шагать в ногу со временем - ahead of the /one's/ *(s) опередивший свою эпоху, передовой - behind one's /the/ *(s) (разговорное) отстающий от жизни, отсталый - to serve the * приспосабливаться - other *s, other manners иные времена - иные нравы - born before one's *(s) опередивший свою эпоху - to change with the *s изменяться вместе с временем - these achievements will outlast our * эти достижения переживут нас /наше время/ - * was /there was a */ when... было время, когда... - as *s go (разговорное) по нынешним временам - the * is out of joint( Shakespeare) распалась связь времен возраст - at his * of life в его возрасте, в его годы - I have now reached a * of life when... я достиг того возраста, когда... период жизни, век - it will last my * этого на мой век хватит - all these things happened in my * все это произошло на моей памяти - it was before her * это было до ее рождения;
она этого уже не застала - he died before his * он безвременно умер;
он умер в расцвете сил - if I had my * over again если бы можно было прожить жизнь сначала /заново/ - in my * such things were not done в мое время так не поступали - this hat has done /served/ its * эта шляпка отслужила свое /отжила свой век/ свободное время;
досуг - to have * иметь время - to have much /plenty of, (разговорное) loads of, (разговорное) heaps of, (разговорное) oceans of/ *, to have * on one's hands иметь много /уйму/ (свободного) времени - to have no *, to be hard pressed for * совершенно не иметь времени, торопиться - I have no * to spare у меня нет лишнего времени - I have no * for such nonsense мне недосуг заниматься такой ерундой /чепухой/ - to find * to read books находить время для чтения книг - to pass the * away in knitting проводить время за вязаньем - to beguile /to while away/ the * коротать время - to waste /to squander, to idle away, to trifle away/ one's * даром /попусту/ терять время - to lose * терять время - to make up for lost * наверстать упущенное;
компенсировать потери времени - there's no * to lose /to be lost/ нельзя терять ни минуты - to play for * пытаться выиграть время;
тянуть /оттягивать/ время - to save * экономить время, не терять попусту времени - to take one's * не торопиться, выжидать;
(ироничное) мешкать, копаться - I need * to rest мне нужно время, чтобы отдохнуть - my * was my own я был хозяином своего времени - my * wasn't my own у меня не было свободного времени - he did it in his own * он сделал это в нерабочее время - * enough to attend to that tomorrow у нас будет время заняться этим завтра - a lot of *, effort and money has been spent было потрачено много времени, усилий и денег время (с точки зрения того, как оно проводится) ;
времяпровождение - to have a good /a fine/ * (of it) хорошо провести время, повеселиться - not to have much of a * неважно провести время - to have the * of one's life переживать лучшую пору своей жизни;
повеселиться на славу;
отлично провести время - to have a high old * переживать лучшую пору своей жизни - to have a bad /rough/ * (of it) терпеть нужду /лишения/, хлебнуть горя;
повидать всякое;
пережить несколько неприятных минут - he had a rough * (of it) ему пришлось туго /нелегко/ - she had a bad /rough/ * (of it) with her baby у нее были трудные роды - to give smb. a rough * заставить кого-л. мучиться;
заставить кого-л. потерпеть, доставить кому-л. несколько неприятных минут - what a * I had with him! с ним пришлось немало помучиться;
уж как он изводил меня! - the patient had a bad * for three hours before the medicine worked больной три часа мучился, прежде чем подействовало лекарство рабочее время - task * время для выполнения какой-л. работы - full * полный рабочий день - to work full * работать полный рабочий день - to turn to writing full * (образное) полностью посвятить себя писательству - by * на условиях почасовой оплаты - to be paid by * получать сдельно - to work /to be/ on short * работать сокращенную рабочую неделю, быть частично безработным - my normal * is 8 hours a day обычно я работаю 8 часов в день плата за работу - double * двойная плата за сверхурочную работу - to collect one's * получить зарплату - we offer straight * for work up to 40 hours and * and a half for Saturdays мы платим полную ставку за 40-часовую рабочую неделю и полторы ставки за работу по субботам (удобный) случай, (благоприятная) возможность - to watch /to bide/ one's * ждать благоприятного момента - now's your * (разговорное) теперь самое время вам действовать и т. п. (спортивное) время - the winner's * время победителя - to keep * with one's stop watch засекать время с помощью секундомера - some wonderful *s were put up многие показали отличное время - he is making excellent * он идет с отличным временем интервал между раундами (бокс) - to call * давать сигнал начать или кончить схватку тайм;
период, половина игры (футбол) скорость, темп;
ритм - simple * (музыкальное) простой размер - compound * (музыкальное) сложный размер - waltz * ритм вальса - in * ритмичный;
ритмично - out of * неритмичный;
неритмично - to get out of * сбиться с ритма - to march in quick * идти быстро - to keep /to beat/ * отбивать такт;
выдерживать такт /ритм/ - to break into quick * ускорить шаг, перейти на ускоренный шаг - to quicken the * убыстрять /ускорять/ темп (стихосложение) мора (библеизм) год раз, случай - six *s шесть раз - a dozen *s много раз - every * каждый раз - last * в прошлый раз - this * (на) этот раз - next * (в) следующий раз - four *s running четыре раза подряд /кряду/ - he lost five *s running он проиграл пять раз подряд - the first * (в) первый раз - this is the third * he has come вот уже третий раз, как он приходит - another * (в) другой раз - the one * I got good cards единственный раз, когда у меня были хорошие карты - at a * разом, сразу одновременно - to do one thing at a * делать по очереди, не браться за все сразу - to do two things at a * делать две вещи одновременно /зараз/ - * after * повторно;
тысячу раз - *s out of /without/ number бесчисленное количество раз - * and again, * and * again снова и снова - he said it * and again он не раз говорил это;
он не уставал повторять это - I had to prove it * and again мне приходилось доказывать это вновь и вновь /снова и снова, бессчетное количество раз/ - from * to * время от времени, от случая к случаю - nine *s out of ten в девяти случаях из десяти;
в большинстве случаев - I've told you so a hundred *s я тебе это говорил сто раз раз - three *s six is /are/ eighteen трижды шесть - восемнадцать каждый раз;
каждый случай;
каждая штука - it costs me 3 pounds a * to have my hair done каждый раз я плачу три фунта за укладку волос - pick any you like at 5 dollars a * (разговорное) выбирайте любую по 5 долларов штука - at a * за (один) раз, за (один) прием - to run upstairs two at a * бежать вверх по лестнице через две ступеньки - to read a few pages at a * читать не больше нескольких страниц за раз /за один присест/ раз, крат - a hundred *s greater во сто крат больше - twenty *s less в двадцать раз меньше - many *s as large во много раз больше - three *s as wide в три раза /втрое/ шире - three *s as much /as many/ втрое больше - they were five *s fewer их было в пять раз меньше - you'll get two *s your clock я заплачу вам вдвое больше, чем по счетчику (предложение таксисту) > (old) Father T. дедушка-время > the big * верхушка лестницы, верхушка пирамиды;
сливки общества > to be in the big *, to have made the big * принадлежать к сливкам общества, входить в элиту > the * of day положение вещей /дел/;
последние сведения /данные/ > at this * of day так поздно;
на данном этапе;
после того, что произошло > to know the * of day быть настороже;
быть искушенным (в чем-л.) > to give smb. the * of day обращать внимание на кого-л. (особ. с отрицанием) ;
здороваться с кем-л. > to pass the * of day with smb. здороваться с кем-л. > that's the * of day! такие-то дела!;
значит, дело обстоит так! > against * в пределах установленного времени;
с целью побить рекорд;
с целью выиграть время;
в большой спешке > to talk against * стараться соблюсти регламент > to work against * стараться уложить /кончить работу/ в срок > to run against * стараться побить ранее установленный рекорд > to talk against * говорить с целью затянуть время (при обструкции в парламенте) > at the same * тем не менее, однако > your statement is not groundless;
at the same * it is not wholly true ваше замечание не лишено основания, однако оно не совсем правильно > in good * со временем, с течением времени;
заранее, заблаговременно > you'll hear from me in good * со временем я дам о себе знать > to start in good * отправиться заблаговременно > come in good *! не опаздывай! > all in good * все в свое время > in bad * не вовремя;
поздно, с опозданием > on * (американизм) в рассрочку > to buy a Tv set on * купить в кредит телевизор > once upon a * давным-давно;
во время оно;
когда-то > once upon a * there lived a king давным-давно жил-был король > to buy * выигрывать время;
оттягивать /тянуть/ время, канителить > to have a thin * переживать неприятные минуты;
переживать трудности > to have a * переживать бурное время;
испытывать большие трудности > to have no * for smb. плохо выносить кого-л. > I have no * for him он меня раздражает > to kill * убивать время > to make * поспешить, поторопиться > we'll have to make * to catch the train нам нужно поспешить, чтобы не /если мы не хотим/ опоздать на поезд > to make good * быстро преодолеть какое-л. расстояние > to make a * about /over/ smth. (американизм) волноваться, суетиться по поводу чего-л.;
шумно реагировать на что-л. > to mark * шагать на месте;
оттягивать /тянуть/ время;
выполнять что-л. чисто формально, работать без души > to do * отбывать тюремное заключение, отсиживать свой срок > to serve /to complete/ one's * отслужить свой срок (в период ученичества) ;
отбыть срок (в тюрьме) > to near the end of one's * заканчивать службу (о солдате) ;
заканчивать срок (о заключенном) > to sell * (американизм) предоставлять за плату возможность выступить по радио или телевидению > to take /to catch/ * by the forelock действовать немедленно;
воспользоваться случаем, использовать благоприятный момент > to go with the *s плыть по течению > there's no * like the present теперь самое подходящее время (для какого-л. дела) ;
лучше не откладывай;
лови момент > * works wonders время делает /творит/ чудеса > * cures all things время - лучший лекарь > * and tide wait for no man время не ждет > it beats my * (американизм) это выше моего понимания > lost * is never found again (пословица) потерянного времени не воротишь > a stitch in * saves nine (пословица) один стежок сделанный вовремя, сберегает десять > * is money (пословица) время - деньги связанный с временем - * advantage( спортивное) преимущество во времени снабженный часовым механизмом - * lock замок с часовым механизмом связанный с покупками в кредит или с платежами в рассрочку подлежащий оплате в определенный срок выбирать время;
рассчитывать (по времени) - to * oneself well удачно выбрать время прихода /приезда/ - to * one's blows skilfully искусно выбирать момент для (нанесения) удара - to * one's march through the city выбрать время для марша по улицам города - the publication of the book was well *d книга была опубликована в самый подходящий момент - the remark was well *d замечание было сделано очень кстати назначать или устанавливать время;
приурочивать - he *d his arrival for six o'clock он намечал свой приезд на шесть часов - the train was *d to reach London at 8 a.m. поезд должен был прибыть в Лондон в 8 часов утра ставить (часы) - to * all the clocks in the office according to the radio поставить все часы в конторе /в бюро/ по радио - to * one's watch by the time signal ставить часы по сигналу точного времени - * your watch with mine поставьте свои часы по моим - the alarm-clock was *d to go off at nine o'clock будильник был поставлен на девять часов задавать темп;
регулировать( механизм и т. п.) отмечать по часам;
определять время;
хронометрировать - to * the speed of work хронометрировать трудовой процесс - to * a worker on a new job хронометрировать работу новичка - to * the horse for each half mile засекать время лошади на каждой полумиле - to * how long it takes to do it засечь, сколько времени требуется, чтобы сделать это - I *d his reading я следил за его чтением /за скоростью его чтения/ по часам рассчитывать, устанавливать продолжительность - clockwork apparatus *d to run for forty-eight hours часовой механизм, рассчитанный на двое суток работы выделять время для определенного процесса - to * one's exposure correctly( фотографическое) сделать /поставить/ нужную выдержку (to, with) делать в такт - to * one's steps to the music танцевать в такт музыке - to * one's footsteps to a march шагать в ритме марша (редкое) совпадать, биться в унисон( техническое) синхронизировать access ~ вчт. время доступа access ~ момент допуска across-the-board ~ фиксированный момент движения цен на фондовой бирже, затрагивающего все акции action ~ рабочее время active ~ активное время active ~ продолжительность обслуживания actual ~ фактическое время add ~ вчт. время сложения air ~ время выхода в эфир in good ~ заранее, заблаговременно;
all in good time все в свое время;
in bad time не вовремя, с опозданием, поздно all-in ~ произ. стандартный срок allowed ~ допустимое время arrival ~ вчт. время входа times to come будущее;
as times go по нынешним временам at a ~ одновременно at my ~ of life в мои годы, в моем возрасте at ~s временами;
some time or other когда-нибудь;
at no time никогда at one ~ одновременно to make ~ амер. ехать на определенной скорости;
on time амер. точно, вовремя;
at one time некогда at the same ~ в то же самое время at the same ~ вместе с тем;
тем не менее;
for the time being пока, до поры до времени at the ~ в то время at the ~ of во время at ~s временами;
some time or other когда-нибудь;
at no time никогда attended ~ вчт. время обслуживания available ~ полезное время in ~ вовремя;
to be in time поспеть, прийти вовремя;
in course of time со временем;
out of time несвоевременно ~ муз. темп;
to beat time отбивать такт to keep ~ = to beat time before one's ~ до (кого-л.) ;
до (чьего-л.) рождения before (behind) the times (или one's ~) передовой (отсталый) по взглядам in no ~ необыкновенно быстро, моментально;
before time слишком рано big ~ разг. успех bit ~ вчт. такт передачи broadcasting ~ время трансляции build-up ~ вчт. время нарастания очереди calculating ~ вчт. время счета changeover ~ время перехода к выпуску новой продукции closing ~ время закрытия closing ~ время окончания работы compensation ~ время компенсации compile ~ вчт. время трансляции computation ~ вчт. время вычислений computer ~ машинное время computer ~ вчт. машинное время computing ~ вчт. время вычмсления connect ~ вчт. продолжительность сеанса связи cooling ~ время охлаждения critical ~ предельное время cutoff ~ время прекращения data ~ вчт. время обмена данными daylight saving ~ летнее время debug ~ вчт. время отладки debugging ~ вчт. время отладки deceleration ~ вчт. время останова delay ~ время задержки delay ~ вчт. время задержки delay ~ время запаздывания delay ~ выдержка времени delivery ~ срок поставки ~ срок;
it is time we were going нам пора идти;
time is up срок истек;
to do time разг. отбывать тюремное заключение double ~ ускоренный марш down ~ вчт. время неисправного состояния down ~ вчт. простой dwell ~ вчт. время пребывания в системе effective ~ полезное время effective waiting ~ вчт. эффективное время ожидания elapsed ~ астрономическое время работы elapsed ~ истекшее время elapsed ~ общее затраченное время elapsed ~ фактическая продолжительность entry ~ вчт. момент входа event ~ вчт. момент появления события fetch ~ вчт. время выборки flexible working ~ гибкий рабочий график in a short ~ в скором времени;
for a short time на короткое время, ненадолго ~ время;
what is the time? который час?;
the time of day время дня, час;
from time to time время от времени to give (smb.) the ~ of day, to pass the ~ of day (with smb.) здороваться;
обмениваться приветствиями giving ~ предоставленное время to go with the ~s не отставать от жизни;
идти в ногу со временем handling ~ время перемещения handling ~ время переработки handling ~ время транспортировки ~ (часто pl) эпоха, времена;
hard times тяжелые времена;
time out of mind с незапамятных времен;
Shakespeare's times эпоха Шекспира to have a good ~, to make a ~ of it хорошо провести время to while away the ~ коротать время;
to have time on one's hands иметь массу свободного времени idle ~ вчт. время простоя idle ~ нерабочий период idle ~ перерыв в работе idle ~ период бездействия idle ~ простой idle ~ вчт. простой in a short ~ в скором времени;
for a short time на короткое время, ненадолго in good ~ заранее, заблаговременно;
all in good time все в свое время;
in bad time не вовремя, с опозданием, поздно in ~ вовремя;
to be in time поспеть, прийти вовремя;
in course of time со временем;
out of time несвоевременно in good ~ заранее, заблаговременно;
all in good time все в свое время;
in bad time не вовремя, с опозданием, поздно in good ~ точно, своевременно there is no ~ to lose нельзя терять ни минуты;
in (или on) one's own time в свободное время in ~ вовремя;
to be in time поспеть, прийти вовремя;
in course of time со временем;
out of time несвоевременно ineffective ~ вчт. время простоя inoperable ~ нерабочее время instruction ~ вчт. время выполнения команды interaction ~ вчт. время взаимодействия ~ attr. повременный;
it beats my time это выше моего понимания;
to sell time амер. предоставлять время для выступления по радио или телевидению (за плату) ~ срок;
it is time we were going нам пора идти;
time is up срок истек;
to do time разг. отбывать тюремное заключение ~ жизнь, век;
it will last my time этого на мой век хватит to keep (good) ~ идти хорошо( о часах) ;
to keep bad time идти плохо (о часах) to keep ~ = to beat time to keep ~ выдерживать ритм to keep ~ идти верно( о часах) to keep (good) ~ идти хорошо (о часах) ;
to keep bad time идти плохо (о часах) knocking-off ~ рын.тр. время окончания работы lag ~ продолжительность запаздывания latency ~ вчт. время ожидания lead ~ время между принятием решения и началом действия lead ~ время на освоение новой продукции, на выполнение нового заказа lead ~ время подготовки к выпуску продукции lead ~ время протекания процесса lead ~ время реализации заказа lead ~ задержка, затягивание lead ~ срок разработки новой продукции load ~ время загрузки load ~ вчт. время загрузки loading ~ время погрузки local ~ местное время lost ~ потерянное время lost ~ is never found again посл. потерянного времени не воротишь;
one (two) at a time по одному (по двое) maintenance ~ продолжительность технического обслуживания to have a good ~, to make a ~ of it хорошо провести время to make ~ амер. ехать на определенной скорости;
on time амер. точно, вовремя;
at one time некогда to make ~ амер. спешить, пытаясь наверстать упущенное make-ready ~ подготовительное время times outof (или without) number бесчисленное количество раз;
many a time часто, много раз mean ~ between failures среднее время безотказной работы mean ~ to repair среднее время восстановления minimum ~ минимальное время multiplication ~ вчт. время умножения negotiated working ~ нормированное рабочее время negotiated working ~ согласованное рабочее время off ~ вчт. время простоя lost ~ is never found again посл. потерянного времени не воротишь;
one (two) at a time по одному( по двое) opening ~ время открытия operable ~ вчт. время готовности operable ~ рабочее время operating ~ время эксплуатации operating ~ наработка operating ~ вчт. рабочее время operating ~ срок службы operating ~ эксплуатационное время operation ~ вчт. время выполнения операции over ~ вчт. с течением времени part ~ неполный рабочий день to give (smb.) the ~ of day, to pass the ~ of day (with smb.) здороваться;
обмениваться приветствиями payout ~ срок выплаты preempted ~ вчт. продолжительность прерывания обслуживания prime ~ наиболее удобное время processing ~ вчт. время обработки данных processing ~ вчт. время обслуживания processing ~ продолжительность обработки processor ~ вчт. время счета production ~ вчт. производительное время productive ~ полезное время productive ~ вчт. полезное время productive ~ продуктивное время productive ~ производительно используемое время proving ~ вчт. время проверки question ~ время, отведенное в парламенте для вопросов правительству read ~ вчт. время считывания reading ~ время, уделяемое чтению real ~ истинное время real ~ истинный масштаб времени real ~ реальное время real ~ вчт. реальное время real ~ реальный масштаб времени recovery ~ вчт. время востановления redemption ~ время выкупа reference ~ вчт. начало отсчета времени remaining service ~ вчт. остаточное время обслуживания repair ~ вчт. время ремонта repair ~ продолжительность ремонта representative computing ~ вчт. эталонное время request-response ~ вчт. время между запросом и ответом resetting ~ вчт. время возврата residual waiting ~ остаточное время ожидания response ~ вчт. время ответа response ~ вчт. время отклика resting ~ время отдыха round-trip propagation ~ вчт. задержка кругового обхода running ~ вчт. время прогона sampling ~ вчт. время получения выборки scheduled ~ директивный срок scheduled ~ запланированное время scramble ~ вчт. конкурентное время search ~ comp. время поиска seek ~ вчт. время установки ~ attr. повременный;
it beats my time это выше моего понимания;
to sell time амер. предоставлять время для выступления по радио или телевидению (за плату) to serve one's ~ отбыть срок наказания;
she is near her time она скоро родит, она на сносях;
to work against time стараться уложиться в срок to serve one's ~ отбыть срок службы service ~ вчт. время обслуживания setting ~ вчт. время установки setup ~ время перестройки производства setup ~ вчт. время установки setup ~ продолжительность подготовительно-заключительных операций ~ (часто pl) эпоха, времена;
hard times тяжелые времена;
time out of mind с незапамятных времен;
Shakespeare's times эпоха Шекспира to serve one's ~ отбыть срок наказания;
she is near her time она скоро родит, она на сносях;
to work against time стараться уложиться в срок simulation ~ вчт. модельное время ~ раз;
six times five is thirty шестью пять - тридцать;
ten times as large в десять раз больше;
time after time раз за разом;
повторно slot ~ вчт. интервал ответа so that's the ~ of day! такие-то дела!;
take your time! не спешите!;
to kill time убить время sojourn ~ вчт. длительность пребывания at ~s временами;
some time or other когда-нибудь;
at no time никогда speaking ~ время выступления spent waiting ~ вчт. время ожиданий standard operation ~ нормативная наработка standard operation ~ нормативная продолжительность эксплуатации standard operation ~ нормативный срок службы standard ~ норматив времени standard ~ нормативное время standard ~ стандартное, декретное время start ~ вчт. время разгона starting ~ время начала startup ~ вчт. время запуска stop ~ вчт. время останова storage ~ вчт. время хранения данных storing ~ время хранения swap ~ вчт. время перекачки system ~ вчт. время системы system with limited holding ~ система с ограниченным временем пребывания so that's the ~ of day! такие-то дела!;
take your time! не спешите!;
to kill time убить время takedown ~ вчт. время освобождения ~ раз;
six times five is thirty шестью пять - тридцать;
ten times as large в десять раз больше;
time after time раз за разом;
повторно testing ~ вчт. время проверки there is no ~ to lose нельзя терять ни минуты;
in (или on) one's own time в свободное время throughput ~ производительное время ~ раз;
six times five is thirty шестью пять - тридцать;
ten times as large в десять раз больше;
time after time раз за разом;
повторно ~ attr. относящийся к определенному времени ~ attr. повременный;
it beats my time это выше моего понимания;
to sell time амер. предоставлять время для выступления по радио или телевидению (за плату) ~ between arrivals вчт. интервал между требованиями ~ for payment срок платежа ~ for performance срок исполнения ~ for presentment срок предъявления ~ for submission срок представления ~ срок;
it is time we were going нам пора идти;
time is up срок истек;
to do time разг. отбывать тюремное заключение ~ of acquisition время приобретения ~ of balance sheet дата представления балансового отчета ~ of billing срок фактурирования ~ of closing of accounts дата закрытия счетов ~ of conception время зачатия ~ of crisis кризисный период ~ время;
what is the time? который час?;
the time of day время дня, час;
from time to time время от времени ~ of death время смерти ~ of delivery срок поставки ~ of deposit период, на который сделан срочный вклад ~ of dispatch( TOD) время отправки ~ of distribution время размещения ~ of falling due срок платежа ~ of implementation период внедрения ~ of incurring a debt время образования долга ~ of invoicing время выписки фактуры ~ of issue время эмиссии ~ of loading время погрузки ~ of maturity срок платежа по векселю ~ of maturity срок ценной бумаги ~ of operation время выполнения операции ~ of operation наработка ~ of operation продолжительность эксплуатации ~ of operation срок службы ~ of payment срок платежа ~ of performance срок исполнения ~ of performance of contract срок исполнения договора ~ of purchase время покупки ~ of receipt( TOR) дата получения ~ of recording дата регистрации ~ of redemption срок выкупа ~ of redemption срок погашения ~ of sale время продажи ~ of sale дата продажи ~ of signature дата подписи ~ of surrender время вручения ~ of taking office дата вступления в должность ~ of taking up duties дата вступления в должность ~ of termination время прекращения действия ~ of termination дата истечения срока ~ of transmission( TOT) время передачи ~ of transportation время перевозки ~ of year время года ~ off нерабочее время ~ out вчт. тайм-аут ~ (часто pl) эпоха, времена;
hard times тяжелые времена;
time out of mind с незапамятных времен;
Shakespeare's times эпоха Шекспира ~ удачно выбирать время;
рассчитывать (по времени) ;
to time to the minute рассчитывать до минуты times outof (или without) number бесчисленное количество раз;
many a time часто, много раз times to come будущее;
as times go по нынешним временам total ~ вчт. суммарное время ~ назначать время;
the train timed to leave at
6. 30 поезд, отходящий по расписанию в 6 ч. 30 м. transfer ~ вчт. время передачи transfer ~ срок передачи translating ~ вчт. время трансляции turnaround ~ вчт. длительность цикла обработки turnaround ~ межремонтный срок службы unexpended service ~ вчт. оставшееся время обслуживания unit ~ вчт. единичное время time: unused ~ вчт. неиспользуемое время up ~ вчт. рабочее время useful ~ вчт. полезное время user ~ вчт. время пользователя wait ~ вчт. время ожидания waiting ~ время ожидания waiting ~ вчт. время ожидания waiting ~ простой по организационным причинам waiting ~ простой по техническим причинам wasted service ~ вчт. затраченное время обслуживания ~ время;
what is the time? который час?;
the time of day время дня, час;
from time to time время от времени to while away the ~ коротать время;
to have time on one's hands иметь массу свободного времени while: ~ away бездельничать;
to while away the time (или a few hours) проводить, коротать время word ~ вчт. время выборки слова ~ рабочее время;
to work full (part) time работать полный (неполный) рабочий день или полную (неполную) рабочую неделю working ~ рабочее время write ~ вчт. время записи zone ~ поясное время zone: ~ attr. зональный;
zone time поясное время
См. также в других словарях:
Out of one's time — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
She's out of My Life — Infobox Single Name = She s out of My Life Artist = Michael Jackson from Album = Off the Wall B side = You Push Me Away (with The Jacksons, UK) Get on the Floor (U.S.) Released = April 1980 Format = 7 Single Recorded = 1979 Genre = R B/Ballad… … Wikipedia
out — out1 W1S1 [aut] adv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(from inside )¦ 2¦(outside)¦ 3¦(not at home)¦ 4¦(distant place)¦ 5¦(given to many people)¦ 6¦(get rid of something)¦ 7¦(not burning/shining)¦ 8¦(sun/moon etc)¦ 9¦(flowers)¦ 10¦(complet … Dictionary of contemporary English
out — out1 W1S1 [aut] adv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(from inside )¦ 2¦(outside)¦ 3¦(not at home)¦ 4¦(distant place)¦ 5¦(given to many people)¦ 6¦(get rid of something)¦ 7¦(not burning/shining)¦ 8¦(sun/moon etc)¦ 9¦(flowers)¦ 10¦(complet … Dictionary of contemporary English
out — /owt/, adv. 1. away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner. 2. away from one s home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town. 3. in or into the outdoors: to… … Universalium
Now Is the Time for All Good Men — Music Nancy Ford Lyrics Gretchen Cryer Book … Wikipedia
Sympathy for the Devil — This article is about the song. For other uses, see Sympathy for the Devil (disambiguation). Sympathy for the Devil Song by The Rolling Stones from the album Beggars Banquet Released 6 December 1968 Recorded June 1968 … Wikipedia
For One More Day — is a 2006 novel taken place during the mid 1900 s by the acclaimed sportswriter and author Mitch Albom. It opens with the novel s protagonist planning to commit suicide. His adulthood is shown to have been rife with sadness. His own daughter didn … Wikipedia
Out of Africa — For the 1985 film based in part on this novel, see Out of Africa (film). For other uses, see Out of Africa (disambiguation). Out of Africa … Wikipedia
Out of the Unknown — For the collection of short stories by A. E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull, see Out of the Unknown (collection). Out of the Unknown Format Anthology Science fiction Drama … Wikipedia
good — /good/, adj., better, best, n., interj., adv. adj. 1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. 2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health. 3. of high quality; excellent. 4. right; proper; fit:… … Universalium